[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riQh4Qpvxm4&w=560&h=315]

ed note, Ariadnatheo–The first time around, despite bombing it to death and Jew Morgenthau’s post-war efforts, the plan failed. Now is the time to finish the job.

Watch this Jew exult at the idea of finally seeing Germans (all “Nazis” to him) disappear through “diversity.” His hatred of Goyim, starting with Germans, is mixed with contempt: they don’t even know how to multiply (unlike Orthodox Jews, I assume).

Poland, which he sneeringly says is a Catholic nation, must accept more refugees (the Jewish wars in the ME and Africa provide them aplenty). So he challenges Poland on its Christian spirit, no less.

He invites those who share his feelings to participate in a demonstration themed “We can live without Nazis (i.e. Germans) in Germany. We need diversity.”

0 thoughts on “Germany Must Perish! Again?”
  1. Well…. Why is he still above ground? If it looks like fertilizer, and it smells like fertilizer……

  2. Yes, we can live and need diversity… and we might be tired of these ‘nazis’ stories… isn’t it? Same story, same lies, same poor little me… Mature a bit and open your eyes and see that the world doesn’t orbit around you. We need something else than complaining … you-know-who… with their never ending schizophrenia. We need Germans and French and Belgians and Austrians and… and… and… and we need to not be narrow-minded with and by you-know-who!!!!

  3. Take note of his words. He is a Jew first,and German second.
    Be aware all who think being “Anti-Nazi”, is enough ….the Jews where ,and at war WITH ALL GERMANS, and indeed see them as the leaders of the Continent, and thus at WAR with ALL Europeans !
    During WW 2, a war Germany DID NOT WANT, the Jews running the Allies wanted total destruction of the Axis-Germany. Its people,culture, society,destroyed in unprecedented fire bombings.
    The code words fif these mission Old Testament, and Kabbalist.
    They where killing everyone…not just ‘Nazi’s’, but if course the Reich was united with the regime, as they knew the stakes at that time.
    The Jews are st eternal war, with the world, and Germany in particular.
    They see its people, technology, art, ideals a blend of the Greco Roman/Nordic, Celtic.
    The Holy Roman Empire, and Martin Luther.
    The land of the Christmas tree, and lush forests, and high mountains.
    Germany to them is Amalek. “The best of the Goyim, must be killed “. The Talmud.
    See Hitler’s War, David Irving.Com. Hellstorm Over Germany, MT Goodrich, The Greatest Story Never Told.Com.

  4. Agh,
    Jewish exploitation of nationalism and our money supply
    and their control of public information has given
    us all the condition we find ourselves in then, and now.

  5. First, this is what I got when I tried to access TUT this morning:
    ” Forbidden
    This link is not authorized by Yahoo.
    If you would like to continue to this link’s intended destination at your own risk, click here.”
    Maybe soon we wont even have the opportunity to “click here” at our wwn “risk.”
    Second, Dante, yes, you are 100% right: they are at war with the world — the entire humanity, but more hatred is reserved for Christians and visceral hatred for Germans who “got their number.” As for “He is a Jew first,and German second,” to me it seems he is not even German second but that he uses that mimetism to burrow in and destroy Germany from within.

  6. A very good example of the schizophrenic / bi-polarity ‘jew’. One foot in mammon / materialism of this World, and the other in the eternal bliss of ‘heaven’.

  7. The indulgence of a reply.
    I see the wink and nod in the Jew’s comments. This is how they talk to each other.
    Stupid Gentiles, brainwashed by ministers, priests, media, don’t get this.
    Gysi hates everything he sees and wants it gone.
    The slimy Jew lives off of German taxpayers.
    He even brings up Poland, and throws their ,Catholicism, in their faces.
    Can Germans wake up, and boldly overthrow their ZOG occupation-manufactured guilt?
    Will the eternally obtuse Poles ever stop dreaming of a glorious Polonia, and end their jealousy of Germany and resentment of Russia, to fight the Jews — their real enemy instead ?
    The Jews deity is Yahweh. He instructs them to destroy everything they see.
    Their entire mindset sees the whole world as a threat.
    Thus the Jew is at constant variance and war.
    The satisfied, blind, content, and stupid refuse to see this.
    The Jews are at pains to keep the world asleep, distracted, narrow.
    Grandeur, sovereignty, beauty, intelligence, wisdom, is their enemy.
    Jews live in shadows, hiding in plain sight.

  8. “the wink and nod”— well observed!
    It is precisely this sense that he is signaling to his pack mates that makes his repugnant delivery even more disgusting.

  9. The ‘jew’ ( can not include all that claim to be ‘jews; in the category I speak of ,since they are brainwashed by religious fables as well, and are as dumb as dumb can nearly achieve), but the ‘jew; in high seats of everything attached to materialism ( resources, resource processing, laws, policies, taxations, trade / commerce, money, etc). seeks global ownership.
    The ‘jew’ in high places of the religious thought, has always sought to control their fairy tales as well, in a literary sense AND the literal sense. Their writings of the OT are both literary and literal. This trips up a lot of Christians as they flip flop between taking passages literally in one instance, and the flipping back to the literal the next. Which way is it?
    The NT testament too is taken literally many times. If one does not know astrology, then one is missing the foundations of what is going on. ALL religions are rooted in astrology.
    But the ‘jew’ the ‘chosen ones’, the ‘Israelites’, did not invent the knowledge of astro theology. They lifted it from other cultures and then claimed a higher knowledge of the workings. No other cultures / religion has ever sought to absolutely dominate the planet by which the ‘jew’ has. They are embedded in every facet of life, and in these areas, they have been eagerly killing us both physically and spiritually.
    We did not ask for poisonous foods and poisonous ‘medicines’, but they develop them and distribute them. If one does not think that they are behind this with malicious intent, then get with the program. You ARE what you eat. It IS effecting one at the genetic levels and they are creating many, many diseased people. They seek to open new markets to distribute these poisons even more, AND they will get wealthy in this process.
    It’s murder. They’ve done their studies, They know the results. They bury the results. The FDA are in their back pockets. The AMA is in their back pocket. Everything is in their back pocket.

  10. Mr Raine ,the Jews ,exploit all ideologies.
    “Make no graven image of me”,says their exclusive diety Yahweh.
    ‘Nationalism’, is something they fear the most.
    As Jews are “International”. …however ,when they have absolute control of a nation(s); they use ,’
    Patriotism,’ within context of the Left/Right Matrix for their purposes.
    ‘British Umpire “, “USA 1″. ‘God bless America”, “Viva Ia France”.
    It is NEVER Deutschland Uber Alles, because an awakened German who’s bloodlines intercect ,the
    Dynamic Center Of Europe, and holds every part of European elements ,are the Jews, greatest nemesis.

  11. You people in America are the sickest on the planet. Why? Because you consume the ‘jew’ shit. Stay away from it. Take a stroll down the aisles of a grocery store or even a market. It’s row after row after row of shit..garbage, trash…food Stuff.
    You got heart problems, allergies, sugar regulation problems, cancers and tumors, hardening of the arteries, memory problems, deficiencies of minerals, vitamin deficiencies…..nearly all related to the shit you put in you. Where does the shit come from? The ‘jew’ corporate. Go organic? Who’s there waiting for you? The phucking ‘jew’. Going to drop the MSM and go alternative? Who’s there waiting for you? The ‘jew’ mostly.
    You are seeped and drenched in ‘jewry’.

  12. Horrible egghead jew, the real God will save Deutschland forever. Damn and satanic yids the wildes heer is alive, and will return to save their Germany and the world, the last führer division will get back and will finish the job. Nasty and execrable yids

  13. @ Dante Ardenz 5:18 am
    Can you get off the polish back, please?!
    Poles have been under another occupation since 1939 (!), first by the Germans, then by the Bolsheviks and then by the zionist jews.
    They never regained true freedom, therefore they will always dream, not as you falsely claim of ‘glorious Polonia’, but of INDEPENDENCE!
    Simple as that! Period!
    If even Germany or America cannot get off the zionists claws how do you suggest Poles can achieve this?
    What else do you think they wish for if not a peaceful lives in independent country?
    I know exactly what their most recent fears are; the ukrainian right Sector, the Bandera thugs, who are already near the Polish eastern borders, knowing full well that the secrecy of Wolyn massacre is OUT!!!
    Stop blaming the ordinary people!
    Apart from critical comments what else are you doing?
    Those hooked-nosed vampires always hated White Christian Europeans, therefore they pick on Germany again and Poland is next on their menu.
    They did it in the past and they attempt to do it again!
    I suggest for you to get out of the hole that you’re stuck in, rub your eyes and start looking around with a clearer vision.

  14. @Imperium,
    Jews do not fear “nationalism”.
    That thought is nonsense. They have been selling
    nationalism to their own and to the populations of
    of the gentile governments they control for ages now.
    If they, the jews, control the marketing, and the
    governments, and the money supply, and the
    education and information of all of these peoples, they
    will certainly promote “nationalism” to make war for
    their international schemes.
    Even Hitler in my understanding, which I agree with, wanted
    British , Japan, and Germany to retain all their current and
    former influence while all retained their cultural heritage.
    He wanted to destroy Jewish international manipulation of
    That is my only problem with nationalism.
    No country can save itself by itself without destroying the
    Jewish international scheme to destroy and enslave all nations.
    Greece still has a shot to be a game saver.
    Jew banks covet those assets at pennies on the dollar(euro)
    just like they covet the assets of every other nation
    Jews do not fear nationalism as long as they get to sell it.
    The jews fear only critical thought and their prisoners breaking
    free from the chains they have bound us with.
    Critical thought was not Hitler’s undoing.
    The mental chains that were bound onto the West by jews was Europe’s murder.
    Destroy the fractional reserve and propaganda chains wrapped around
    the necks of the West today.
    Jews do not fear “nationalism”.
    Jews have the copyrights for all the T-shirts and campaign buttons for
    every election.
    Take that away from them.
    That’s all I am saying.

  15. That mentally disabled ‘jew’ says that “We need diversity”, but does not explain the details precisely of his definition of his ‘diversity’.
    How about ‘diversity’ inside Israel? How about some ‘diversity’ concerning the fraud of ‘jewish’ extermination in Germany; let’s here all the diverse explanations that can support the true facts instead of your one-sided cooked books.
    Or how about the fact that your so called holy book (torah)_ comes RIGHT out of Egypt and that it is pure plagiarism, with a load of editing.
    The only originality these backwards people have, is fine tuning the darker side.

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