ed note–several ‘protocols’ to consider here.

First and foremost is the fact that in COMPLETE AND UTTER CONTRAVENTION/CONTRADICTION to the senseless, mindless, incoherent and logically-insupportable ramblings emanating from an entire gaggle of geniuses and experts proudly hailing from the ‘911 kook movement’, the Jews DO NOT ‘LOVE’ DJT. Within micro-milliseconds of Trump announcing his candidacy for POTUS, organized Jewry–both in the US and throughout the rest of ‘Greater Israel’ (meaning the rest of the world) have moved heaven, hell, and everything in between first in trying to deny him the Repub nomination, then in trying to scuttle his election, and then, having failed in those endeavors, worked like a coordinated/concerted army of termites in attempting to chew away at the load-bearing beams holding up his administration with–

1. The ‘Russia’ investigation…

2. The ‘Ukraine’ investigation…

3. His Impeachment led by the 2 Mossad assets Nadler and Schiff…

4. The Corona virus and collapsed economy…


To say nothing of the tidal wave of daily screeching that has taken place on the JMSM for 4 years now.

We are forced to go to such lengths in pointing out the painfully obvious due to what is now the incontestable degree of insipid and marinated-to-the-bone-marrow stupidity on the part of so many out there claiming all kinds of degrees of ‘expertsy’ in matters related to geo-politics (and especially those geo-politics where organized Jewish interests play a predominant role) and who to this very day paint a picture of the war going on between DJT and Judea, Inc in brushstrokes that contain not an ounce of reality or truth in them whatsoever.

Having said that then, let’s consider a few of the ‘goodies’ contained in the piece written by this insane Hebrew and plug it all into the picture of Jewry in America and how much they just LOVE DJT, POTUS to wit–

‘Many of the Jews who have endorsed Trump have done so because they see him as a friend to Israel. But this is shortsighted. Moving the embassy, recognizing sovereignty of the Golan Heights, and authoring a one-sided ‘peace plan’ hasn’t brought the elusive two-state solution any closer, which is the only way to establish self-determination for both people and to ensure Israel’s Jewish majority. Nor have these moves made Israel more secure. These are symbolic — and at what cost?’

In other words, all the gestures he made towards Israel which all the aforementioned geniuses and experts within the 911 kook movement attributed to his being the ‘favored son of Judea’ were just done as part of his ‘art of the deal’ in trying to push through a peace deal whose aim is preventing Armageddon from taking place and NOT due to his being ‘owned by d’Jooz’.


‘Our Jewish faith commands us to ‘be a people whose values are rooted in justice and righteousness’ (Genesis18:19) and instructed to ‘give justice to the weak; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute’ (Psalms 82:3). The Torah repeatedly tells us to ‘love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt’ (Deuteronomy 10:19), which is mentioned more than the requirements to keep kosher or observe Shabbat.’

For those just waking up to this thing known as the ‘JQ’, keep in mind an extremely important protocol that must be considered 1st, 2nd and 3rd when decoding any species or substance of discussion wherein the slightest speck of Jew-speak is involved, which is the fact that to some degree, to some percentage, the ‘leaven’ of deception and duplicity is kneaded deeply into the conversational dough, in this case, mis-characterizing Judah-ism as a universalist religion that views ‘the other, the stranger, and the neighbor’ as being of equal value with the Jew.

At the risk of bastardizing the otherwise beautiful language of the formidable Roman empire–

As explained clearly here, ‘neighbor,’ ‘stranger’, and ‘other’ refer only to fellow Jews/Hebrews/She-brews/Israelites–whatever combination of vowels and consonants we want to use in describing followers of Torah–and NEVER to Gentiles.

And be not influenced/seduced by our unesteemed Hebraic author’s concern and worry over those of Negro-African descent, as Judah-ism is very clear on the issue of their status–again, based upon the religious protocols found within the Torah–that they are descendants of Ham and therefore carry upon themselves the curse of Canaan ‘for all generations’.

Or in other words, don’t believe a word coming out of the mouth of any synagogue spokesperson such as ‘Benny Gold’ for it is a rule rarely capable of variance or waiver that–

Fish swim, birds fly and Jews lie.



Ben Gould for The Jewish Daily Forward

In a recent interview covered by several Jewish outlets, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Great Britain’s former Chief Rabbi, condemned American rabbis who’ve made untraditional endorsements in the 2020 election. “I’m afraid American Jewry is making a big, big, big mistake,” Sacks said. “You mix religion and politics, you get terrible politics and even worse religion.”

While it’s certainly understandable why religious leaders wouldn’t want to venture into the world of hyper-partisan politics and I appreciate the sentiment, this isn’t an ordinary time and most certainly isn’t an ordinary president. When you compound this election’s coincidence with the Black Lives Matter movement for racial justice, it makes for a profound moment where neutrality isn’t an option.

People of faith are being marginalized more and more, and their values are now being rebranded as hateful to drive them from the public square.

Many of the Jews who have endorsed Trump have done so because they see him as a friend to Israel. But this is shortsighted. Moving the embassy, recognizing sovereignty of the Golan Heights, and authoring a one-sided “peace plan” hasn’t brought the elusive two-state solution any closer, which is the only way to establish self-determination for both people and to ensure Israel’s Jewish majority. Nor have these moves made Israel more secure. These are purely symbolic — and at what cost?

It isn’t just Trump’s propagation of long-standing anti-Semitic tropes or that he described white supremacists as “very fine people.” Trump will never win over most Jewish voters because he doesn’t share our values, and we connect what he says and does to our own history.

When Trump tried to ban people from Muslim countries, we remembered our expulsions and exile.

When Trump denied refugees fleeing violence and persecution, we remembered our refugees facing imminent death turned away.

When Trump blamed immigrants for crime and economic hardship, we remembered Jews being singled out and scapegoated.

When Trump refers to COVID-19 as the “Chinese Virus,” we remember Jews being attributed to diseases for centuries.

This shows up in the data. The Democratic Party’s allotment of Jewish votes went from 66% in pre-Trump 2014 to 72% in 2016, to 79% in 2018. Trump’s 2016 rise correlated with an exponential increase in hate crimes against Jews and other minority groups. Since 2016, anti-Semitic incidents have increased over 66%, leading to the most annual anti-Semitic incidents in nearly 50 years, including the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history, the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue.

In Trump’s America, division, denigration, alienation, prejudice, and hate are standard.

Our Jewish faith is founded upon the antithesis of that. We’re commanded to “be a people whose values are rooted in justice and righteousness” (Genesis18:19) and instructed to “give justice to the weak; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute” (Psalms 82:3). The Torah repeatedly tells us to “love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19), which is mentioned more than the requirements to keep kosher or observe Shabbat.

The rabbis believed that Jews are distinguished by three characteristics: compassion, modesty, and benevolence. These beliefs and traits are the opposite of Donald Trump. Trump’s fought harder to keep Confederate monuments than to defeat the Coronavirus.

Our Jewish values give us no choice but to condemn Trump. And they demand that we join the struggle for racial justice. As a diverse community that includes Black people, it’s our basic responsibility to stand up explicitly for members of our faith under attack, but also for the oppressed, whoever or wherever they may be. We should stand in solidarity with the Black community without preconditions like requiring ideological symmetry or expecting a personal invitation.

Recently, our communities have been pinned against each other, entangled in disagreements over inflammatory statements widely condemned and old platforms that have been removed, rather than uniting to defeat our common enemies of white supremacy and hatred of all forms. While those subjects do warrant further conversations, it’s not the time for grudges or the celebration of efforts long ago; it’s time to display those values, not just with pleasant statements of support, but also with actions as key allies of the racial justice movement. It’s time to create a new shared history.

That starts with beating the symptom of Donald Trump — which is not just political for us Jews. It’s religious.

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