2022 by TUT

Almost half a century ago, back when Hollywood was a mere baby lizard compared to the monster-sized, all-consuming alligator it has become today, a new film was released predicting the future that awaited–and continues to await–mankind as a result of the resurrection of Israel from the divinely-adjudicated grave to which she had been confined for 2,000 years.

This film however did not mention Israel by name. Nor did the storyline contain within it all the parameters and background scenery that students of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict have come to know all too well.

No sands of the Middle East, no characters named Herzl, Balfour, or Ben Gurion, no languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, or Farsi, or concepts involving Judaism, Zionism, or Imperialism.

Rather, the location of the storyline was a small island off the east coast of the United States called ‘Amity’. All the characters spoke English and the central theme of the film involved a giant, man-eating shark that was doing what any giant, man-eating shark is constitutionally and biologically designed to do–devouring the inhabitants of this small island as if they were mere jelly bean candies being eaten, one by one, by an eager child.

In the storyline, after about half a dozen victims are killed, the town decides–6 victims too late–that something ‘has to be done’. The town hires 3 men–’Brody’, the chief of police, ‘Hooper’, a marine biologist who specializes in sharks, and ‘Quint’, a fisherman who has spent his entire life hunting, catching, and killing sharks.

The three men climb onboard Quint’s rickety boat and head out to sea in search of this ‘bad fish’–the description used by the character ‘Quint’ in an earlier scene–with the intention of killing it, once and for all.

Up to this point in the film, the viewer has not yet seen the shark itself, only the attacks taking place from the ‘shark’s eyes’ meaning its own point of view.

Only later, after the three men are at sea and the shark rears itself up from out of the water next to their rickety boat does the viewer get a glimpse at just how immense, how APOCALYPTICALLY LARGE this creature really is and how inadequate the estimation and understanding of it has been up to this point, as well as the true scope of the danger which it poses to all the people living on the island.

As stated earlier, a storyline featuring a man-eating shark that is for all intents and purposes, a metaphorical depiction of the Apocalyptic danger which Israel–the ‘Jewish State’, as her supporters like to refer to her–poses to all mankind.

Whether they are Palestinians, Persians, Parisians, Polynesians or Peruvians, all people–ALL PEOPLE–living on planet earth are its intended victims, a situation made even more dire and dangerous by the fact that–just like the shark in the storyline–the future victims do not possess any reality-based understanding of the nature of this monster, in terms of what it is, and, just as importantly, what it intends to do to them.

All can imagine what a different story it would have been in the movie production if instead of being merely a shark with limited intelligence it was clever, cunning, resourceful, and possessed an innate, razor-sharp understanding of human psychology…Imagine it possessing a mastery of both the English language and political intrigue and, with its enormous wealth, secured the compassion, ‘friendship’ and cooperation of the people living on the island.

Moving forward, imagine an upside-down world where–within Amity’s shark-owned media–the victims of this dangerous predator are painted as ‘terrorists’ and ‘aggressors’ for fending off his attacks, and moreso, how those who see through the shark’s propaganda campaign and who devote themselves to ‘waking up’ the citizens of Amity island under his hypnotic sway are libeled as ‘shark-haters’ and ‘anti-Shark-ites’.

And moving forward even more with this little metaphor, imagine that the shark had a ‘diary’ where he kept all his thoughts and plans, which included his crystal clear intentions of taking over the entire coastline of the island, devouring everyone on it, and then moving on to other coastlines only to begin the process all over again.

Now, anyone living in this 21st century breathing an unwarranted sigh of relief that such a metaphorical depiction involving a large and dangerous man-eating predator lurking below the water’s edge and possessing superior cunning and resources is only the stuff of fiction and fantasy obviously suffers from serious gaps in his or her understanding of the modern world as it exists ever since the unholy resurrection of the Jewish state took place in the last century.

The shark is very real and what’s worse, is infinitely more dangerous than the fictional creature described up to this point. Besides its voracious appetite for human flesh, human blood, and human suffering, it also has much larger plans than simply some tiny ‘island’ that has been historical Palestine.

And all anyone need do for him or herself in validating this fact is to read the ‘diary’ kept by this large and dangerous predator known as the Jewish state, and not just ‘recent’ entries written within the last few weeks or months, but those written THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.

In this ‘diary’, the boundaries of the ‘Jewish state’ ‘promised’ to one individual and his offspring stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers, presently home to the entire beating heart of the Islamic world and to hundreds of millions of Arabs.

Now, the West, principally Great Britain and her younger and more powerful nephew, the United States–obviously cares little for what the ‘Jewish State’ is intended to be viz all of this ‘Nile to Euphrates’ business. Typical to any imperialist-minded power who sets fire to distant lands without the slightest twinge of conscience concerning the suffering that such fires produce, in the political and economic calculus of the ‘Anglos’–i.e. Great Britain and America–the suffering endured by dark-skinned ‘Mohammedans’ pales in importance to the amount of wealth in the form of oil, commercial ‘interests’ and commodities stolen from the lands of these victims.

What these short-sighted and blinded-by-the-own-arrogance characters in this dark drama fail to realize however is that the ‘Nile to the Euphrates’ paradigm driving the entire ‘Jewish State’ nightmare includes them as well.

The leaders of the West, operating under the ‘Roman’ tradition of writing/reading from left to right assume that ‘Nile to the Euphrates’ means that the followers of Judah-ism are only intent upon stealing the Middle East, when in fact, the Zionist mind reads from right (starting at the Nile) to the left (crossing Africa/Europe, the Atlantic, the Americas, the Pacific, Asia and then ending at the Euphrates) which means that ‘Nile to the Euphrates’ spans virtually the ENTIRE PLANET.

Furthermore, as the ‘blueprints’ for this long-planned-for ‘Jewish State’ make very clear, the architects and builders tasked with creating this piece of Apocalyptic real estate have even deeper and darker plans with regards to that entire ‘Nile to Euphrates’ project, those dark plans including revenge against the descendants of the biblical persons of Ishmael and Esau, today represented by the followers of Mohammed and the followers of Jesus Christ.

According to just a few of those ‘blueprints’–

On Mount Zion there will be deliverance and the house of Jacob will reclaim its possession…Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire, and the house of Joseph a burning flame and the house of Esau (Christianity) will be reduced to mere stubble, for Jacob will set it ablaze and consume it and no survivor will remain from the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken…The Book of Obadiah

As well as–

On that day the LORD will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among the sheaves; they will consume all the peoples around them on the right and on the left, while the people of Jerusalem will remain secure…’–Book of Zechariah

The verbal imagery which the builders of the Jewish State utilize in painting this frightful and Apocalyptic future is unmistakable in its clarity–Nuclear holocaust whereby the ‘house of Esau’, whom the Jewish state believes to be the followers of Jesus Christ, will be ‘reduced to mere stubble’, for Jacob (Israel) will ‘set it ablaze and consume it and no survivor will remain from the house of Esau…’, while at the same time, ‘the clans of Judah’ will be ‘like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among the sheaves’ and will thus ‘consume all the peoples around them (Arabs, Persians, Turks) on the right and on the left’.

And all that remains for the ‘clans of Judah’, the followers of ‘Judah-ism’ and its political offshoot–Zionism–to do in lighting that ‘torch’ on this all-consuming fire is to capture in toto Jerusalem, Al Quds, and to remove from it all vestiges of the persons and teachings of both Jesus Christ and Mohammed, at which point they will–per the diabolical dictates from Shaytan’s mouth to their ears–set fire to over ½ of the world’s population–the Islamic East and the Christian West–as a ‘burnt offering’ to the ‘god’ of the entire Zionist project who seeks to install himself in Jerusalem/Al Quds.

To her credit, it is none other (literally) than today’s manifestation of ancient Persia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and made official by the person of the late Ruholla Khomeini, may he rest in peace, who understands the deeper, darker and more foreboding/ominous danger that the world, the ENTIRE WORLD, faces if the ‘clans of Judah’ succeed in stealing unto themselves Jerusalem/Al Quds.

To this end, the IRI–alone amongst all the nations of the world–has installed on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan a day of remembrance and consecration aimed at the deliverance of Jerusalem/Al Quds and the salvation of humanity in the defeat of the dark designs of the terrorist Zionist enclave located in Tel Aviv.

Let all the world understand that ‘the shark’ of Judah-ism/Zionism, as the late Khomeini clearly stated in his various warnings and pronouncements, cannot be ‘tamed’. It cannot be ‘civilized’ nor ‘made safe’ for co-habitation with that larger island of ‘Amity’ known as planet earth. It is an all-consuming and pitiless predator with a voracious and insatiable appetite for human flesh, human blood, and human suffering, and therefore only one solution exists for those who understand the Apocalyptic danger that all face as a result of this dangerous predator’s arrival on the ‘shoreline’ of human affairs–

Like the shark in that aforementioned film, it must be hunted down and it must be destroyed, ‘not one stone being left upon another,’ just as Jesus Christ predicted would happen and which was fulfilled in what became the divinely-ordained destruction of the ‘Jewish State’ in 70 AD in accordance with Rome’s policy of ‘Judea delenda est’–

‘…Judea must be destroyed’

Before the children of Shaytan succeed in lighting that torch and fulfilling their dreams of incinerating the entire earth, let all voices, both the followers of Jesus, Son of Mary, and the followers of Mohammed, PBUH, who together make up over ½ the world’s population, pray that the same heaven-sent punishment/deliverance which saved 1st century humanity be repeated, and SOON, lest, as both Jesus Christ and Mohammed warned, ‘no flesh survive’.

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