ed note–yes it is more than a week old, but is still very important for those who want to understand better the who, what, where, when, why & how of the entire ‘GET TRUMP’ agenda.

The writer of this piece, David Frum–

Is part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘hired help’, or better put, one of his ‘hired guns’. His job as a highly-placed, highly-resourced member of the NeoConservative wing of Israel’s Mossad is–just as it has been for the last 20+ years–to seduce the collective American mind in such a way as to benefit Israel and her foreign policy objectives, most notably WAR in the Middle East against the Islamic world.

For the last 5 years, he, along with NeoConservative confreres such as Max Boot, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen, the portly Kagan brothers et al, have waged a ceaseless and unrelenting war against the person and presidency of Donald J. Trump, whose ‘peace deal’ plans in the Middle East Israel views as threatening to her long-planned for agenda of creating ‘Greater Israel’, the true ‘promised land’ stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Now, as the reader will note in reading what it is that Frum has to say, organized Jewish interests know full well that POTUS DJT has not just a single ace up his sleeve, but indeed an entire stack of them and are thus terrified that he plans to throw them down, one by one, in the succeeding days leading up to the Inauguration and even afterwards.

As a final note to the readers, it needs to be remembered that this very revealing piece by Frum, for all intents and purposes a spy for Israel, is but one of hundreds–possibly even thousands–that have been written and published in the last 5 years by this gang, and all part of an intelligence operation run out of Israel aimed at ‘regime change’ in America to prevent DJT from doing what he plans to do in the Middle East, and yet, despite the fact that it has operated as an out-in-the-open, in-our-faces conspiracy on the part of organized Zionist interests aimed at preventing DJT from accomplishing what he plans to do, this fact has received SCANT mention/discussion within those groups/media circles claiming to be ‘anti-Zionist’ and ‘woke to the JQ’ when in fact, it has been like a blaring siren to those who bothered to just listen.  


David Frum

This is a moment of shame and grief.

If we are not very careful, it will also be a terrible moment of opportunity for President Donald Trump. The violence Trump incited could be his pretext for further abuses of presidential power.

As so often with Trump, he has indicated the plan in advance: Use the Insurrection Act to somehow interfere with the transition of power. He could try it this very day.

In institutional self-defense, Trump must be impeached again and this time removed. That needs to happen immediately, before he can declare martial law, so that Vice President Mike Pence can oversee the constitutional transition of power, the first time since the Civil War that such a transition can no longer be described as “peaceful.”

What’s needed, this time, is for a saving remnant of Republican senators to emulate the integrity that was embodied last time around only by Senator Mitt Romney. The leaders of Trump’s own party have to do the job of protecting the country from Trump’s violent lawlessness. Last time, the other senators refused. Now they need to feel real pressure.

All through this day, Republican pundits have expressed shock and puzzlement that it could come to this. “We don’t know who these people are,” the radio host Mark Levin tweeted. That’s the same Mark Levin who wrote an article urging Congress to challenge the results of the 2020 election, an article approvingly tweeted by Trump on December 30. In fact, we know “who these people are.” They are the monsters incubated, birthed, nurtured, fed, trained, and now loosed by Trump and by his enablers in politics and the media.

“This is not who we are,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted this afternoon, although earlier today he had been doing plenty of incitement of his own. As the whole world now sees, this is exactly who the Trumps are and who his most loyal supporters are. But it does not have to be the enduring legacy of all Republicans and all conservatives.

Everybody connected in any way to Trumpism must instantly put as many miles of distance as possible between themselves and this president and the mob that he raised and unleashed. There is still hope that the word Republican can be wrenched back from the thugs and insurrectionists. And the new majority in the House and Senate should act fast to offer Republicans the chance to return to faith in the Constitution they have attacked.

Schedule an impeachment vote for this very night. Stay ’til dawn. Do whatever is necessary. Avert any potential for martial law. Deny Trump command of the military; withdraw the nuclear codes. Don’t wait until the next crossed red line, until the next smashed barrier, until the next putsch attempt. Install Mike Pence right away as the 46th president and work with him to manage the transition on January 20 to Joe Biden as the 47th. Bar Trump from ever again holding office—and get ready to prosecute him for his crimes on January 21.

Act now. And everyone who acts now—even those who were most in the wrong until now—can share the credit and recognition as a protector of the Constitution. There is no time for delay.

Remove this treasonous president. Invite his own party to join the effort to remove him now, or to share now and forever Trump’s guilt.

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