ed note–again, one of the most important OpEds flitting about on the net today that should feature as the topic of discussion on every political talk show and from every Christian and Islamic pulpit worldwide but which–sad to say–will get scant attention, save for the nutter site where it originated and right here on this humble little informational endeavor.

First and foremost, what the Gentile reader, and ESPECIALLY those of the Christian pedigree, need to glean from this is the organic and INCURABLE hatred that the followers of Judah-ism maintain for all species of Christianity. The fact that someone might have a Jewish neighbor who waves hello from time to time and has not yet burned down his/her house in the same manner as happens to Palestinians on a daily basis means nothing–the Judaic hatred for Jesus Christ and His followers is something as ingrained and as irreversible in the Jewish spirit as ‘sour’ is ingrained and irreversible in a kosher pickle.

Next, we would be remiss if we did not point out the ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ ingredients peppering the rabbi’s dark essay, and particularly the section dealing with the manner in which he claims the following–

From the beginning of their history, the Christians endeavored to annihilate us…


As if this–

and this–

–And many, many other historical happenings did not ‘set the tone’ for Christian/Jewish relations that have made them what they have been for the last 20 centuries.

Prima facie of ‘how they do it’ and why it was that Jesus referred to them as–

Children of your father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies…

Nevertheless, the one item that all followers of Jesus Christ, and ESPECIALLY those deluded and deranged individuals who have fulfilled those various end-time prophecies concerning the ‘worshipers of the beast’ and who love the Jews and their condemned Jewish state more than they love Jesus Christ and their own nation should take from this is that the followers of Judah-ism despise them to the point where strictly speaking the ‘children of Israel’ are forbidden from even taking Christian MONEY, something which the followers of Judah-ism worship religiously, no pun intended.

Rest assured however that once the followers of Judah-ism have completed their plans of destroying Christian civilization and along with it, the value of Christian money, they will indeed follow through with those requirements, and will do so religiously, no pun intended.


By Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

We Jews should understand that there is no reason to accept donations from Christians and other non-Jews. Why should non-Jews sustain us financially? Can’t we get along by ourselves? If we were to make an accounting, it would turn out that all the money Israel has received from all Gentile organizations doesn’t come to half a day’s expenses of the State of Israel’s budget.

Even when the State of Israel was first established and we were in dire straits, it was a disgrace to rely on the financial support of Gentiles, but today the State is wealthy. Imagine a rich man who stands near the Kotel and begs for money.

Obviously this is improper. But when the wealthy Jewish State accepts money from non-Jews this is a far greater desecration of G-d’s Name, a Chillul Hashem.

When it comes to accepting money from Christian organizations hoever the problem is far greater. From the beginning of their history the Christians endeavored to annihilate us. They tried to slaughter us but failed. Afterwards they attempted to scatter us around the globe, to exile us from our Land, and yet we still exist. They tried to destroy us economically, to ridicule, degrade and slander us, and still we remain strong.

What is transpiring today is called in Christian terminology ‘the Crusade of money.’ They hope to destroy us with the use of money and they call this ‘to hug and to strangle.’ They will give us money and become our friends, and in this manner they can increase the success of their missionizing. In Eretz Yisrael there are multitudes of missionaries who expend millions and millions of dollars on missionary activity. Of course not every person who receives money from a Christian organization will convert to Christianity, but the acceptance of Christian money opens the gates to missionaries.

Rabbi Kook in his letters writes that it is forbidden to accept money from Christians because the person who will pay for this is some other Jew who will become a Christian. This is immoral. Also, following Rabbi Kook, leading Rabbis prohibited the taking of money from Christians – including the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, the Beit HaDin of Chabad, Rabbi Avraham Shapira, Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliyeshiv, Rabbi Simcha HaKohen Kook, Rabbi Moshe Tendler, Rabbi Dov Lior, the Beit HaDin of the Haredi Community and many others.


Do not accept cursed money!

Don’t take money from Christian organizations, from missionaries or from anyone connected to missionaries in any way, directly or roundabout. Certainly we are not maintaining that if someone takes the money he or she will convert to Christianity, Heaven forbid. However, other Jews will convert.

Behold, this is their entry card to infiltrate Am Yisrael in order to uproot our beliefs. Back in the time of HaRav Kook, he wrote that it is not proper to accept medicines from Christians even in situations of medical danger, for in the wake of this the gate to convert other Jews is opened.

It is forbidden to accept money from Christian groups, even from those who insist that they do not engage in missionary work. Amongst the Jewish People there is a natural aversion to Christianity stemming from 2000 years of persecution at their hands. Therefore their goal is to win our trust and they do this through money. They have long-term plans. And all of these Christians groups are connected to missionizing in one form or the next.

Through the donations of large sums of money, Christian organizations have bought paths leading to influence throughout Israeli society – in the Jewish Agency, in the Ministry of Aliyah and Klita, in the Ministry of Welfare, in the Ministry of Education, and in work with Lone Soldiers. All in broad daylight.

Needless to say, in the beginning stages everything is done in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, but in actuality the interaction with them dulls our natural antipathy for Christianity, for they present themselves as virtuous souls. This is their initial goal, to erase our opposition to Christianity and to people who believe in alien worship. In this manner, over a course of time, they hope to bring about a great change in the State of Israel which will lead to our acceptance of their doctrines.

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