ed note–again, one of the most important Judaic screeds that should–were the Gentile world ‘right in the head’ these days–feature as the topic of discussion on every political program and at every church/mosque pulpit worldwide, but which, sad to say, will feature on only 2 websites, i.e. the nutter in Israel where it originally appeared, and right here.

First our apologies to the reader that the piece being examined here is actually a few years old. How we could have missed something as important as this escapes our comprehension, but then, everybody has their ‘off day’ once in a while.

Now, if the name ‘Ariel Natan Pasko’ rings a bell, it should. This deranged and detached-from-reality follower of Judah-ism (FoJ) has featured as the topic of discussion many times on this website for past crazies he has composed, the most infamous being ‘This war is for us’, wherein he states flat out that indeed the annihilation of Iraq–whether through the auspices of the murderous NeoCons operating within the administration of the little monkey occupying the White House at the time ‘GWB’ or through the auspices of ‘Yah-way’, the violent deity which the followers of Judah-ism (FoJ) worship was all part of ‘God’s plan’ of elevating and nurturing his ‘chosen people’, to wit–

Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein is for us…we already knew that this war is for us, the Jews and Israel…Our sages throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People.

Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews, and especially those in the Land of Israel, are the lead actors on the stage of history, and the goyim–the gentile nations–have supporting roles, while the evil-doers are props and background scenery. As our tradition states, G-D, the great playwright, created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah–absolute morality–and the blueprint of creation in it.

Stop and think for a moment: the last Gulf War in 1991 ended ‘erev’, just before Purim. This Gulf War began ‘motzei’, just after Purim. Read the Purim story in Megilat Esther again, it is a rags-to-riches story on a national scale. Haman, the proto-typical anti-Semite, plans mass murder of the Jews and in the end pays with his life, the life of his ten sons, all hanged and the Jews kill 75,800 members of the anti-Semitic Nazi party of the time.

As I said earlier, of course this war is for the Jews and for Israel, and instead of hiding from the accusation, or crying, ‘anti-Semitic slur’, we should gratefully acknowledge what the Master of the Universe is doing to our enemies for us. Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Bashar Assad, Osama Bin-Laden are the modern-day Hamans and Hitlers.

Great things are yet to come. Purim is a time for celebrating our salvation from enemies who plot our destruction.

Now, the first thing to keep in mind about Pasko and the various things he writes and says is that he is the ‘real deal’ and a ‘good Jew’ in practicing his Judah-ism. His fellow Hebraics–particularly those on ‘the left’, those ‘nice Jews’ and ‘Progressive Jews’ and ‘Jews of conscience’ who are ‘secular’, or those operating in the field of public relations for Israel who understand that the only way to implement the Judaic plan for the world is to move in quiet steps, to tip-toe and not bare too much fang may make the pretenses of disagreeing with his various out-in-the-open crazy statements, but rest assured that in their heart of hearts, they agree with every word of what he says.

Now, on to the piece itself, what it is and what it implies, past, present and future.

First and foremost, what the curious Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand is that the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, have MUCH bigger plans than simply securing a ‘homeland’ for the poor, beleaguered victims of ‘anti-Shemitism’. Whereas other peoples of the non-Hebraic persuasion generally aspire to nothing more than to live in peace with others as much as possible, to live by the golden rule and earn for themselves an afterlife in paradise in communion with their creator, the FoJ on the other hand have other plans entirely, just a small portion of which is as follows–

The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…
You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…
Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,
And the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…
As you devour the riches of the Gentiles they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, and the children of those who persecuted you shall come bowing down to you, while all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…
The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that the wealth of the Gentiles may be placed at your feet while their kings are led in humble procession before you…
For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…
–Book of Isaiah

In other words, a ‘situation’ with them as a nation of King Davids and Queen Esthers and with the rest of us smellies making up the 7 billion souls known as Gentiledom ‘plowmen and vinedressers,’ ‘hewers of wood’ and ‘carriers of water,’ and all of this per the ‘protocols’ of the Torah Judah-ism which the ‘children of Israel’ follow.

Now, as to the piece itself, what Pasko betrays is the following–

The followers of Judah-ism have NO INTENTION WHATSOFREAKINGEVER of any ‘peace deal’ with the Palestinians or anyone else for that matter. What they ‘intend’ upon is the theft of the land residing between the Nile and Euphrates rivers which the FoJ believe was bequeathed to them and TO THEM ALONE as an ‘inheritance’ by the violent, rapacious deity that they worship, that ‘Genie in a bottle’ known as ‘Yah-way’.

Furthermore, whether intending to or not, Pasko lets the tiger out of the bag concerning what happens to those who propose ‘peace deals’ that run counter to the ‘protocols’ of Torah Judaism in referencing those past politicos who tried such shenanigans and the unfortunate ends at which they arrived, to wit–

Anyone going against the will of G-d will ultimately have to account for their actions. Reward and punishment is a basic concept in Judaism and Heaven help those who try to take away the Divinely Promised Land from the Jewish People. Look what happened to Rabin, Sharon, Olmert, and countless others…

Including a certain DJT, POTUS who stood the best chance out of all his predecessors of caging in the wild animal known as the Jewish state and preventing the same WWIII/Armageddon which the followers of Judah-ism believe must take place just prior to their receiving their entire ‘inheritance’, to wit–

Even if there were to be a thousand years of ‘Peace’, how can Israel spurn G-d’s promise?

In other words, the FoJ don’t want ‘peace’, not even a thousand years of it. What they want (DEMAND) is their self-composed winning lottery ticket redeemed and along with it, the same world domination that Judah-ism promises to its followers.

And finally, a very important ‘protocol’ that the Gentile concerned with his/her own future survival needs to understand about the Judaic mindset and the psychosis that courses through it like the dark, dangerous spiritual electrical current that it is–

Pasko’s entire ‘thesis’ is that when the Jews win in any ‘contest’, including those genocidal wars that they initiate against innocent civilians such as the Palestinians, that their victory is ‘proof’ that this is what their deity Yah-way wanted all along.

Truth be told there is nothing new about this approach, and sad to say, the black magic that permeates ALL Judaic lore–from the plagues of Egypt to the parting of the Red Sea, etc, etc, etc–began in a similar manner.

The Hebrews, Israelites, Judeans, Jews, whatever combination of vowels and consonants we want to use in describing them, go out and steal, murder, dispossess, displace, etc, and based upon the fact that they succeeded in doing it, interpret this as the will of their violent deity, Yahwey, and then, in order to seduce those future generations into whatever new plans they conjure up that are rooted in Gentile destruction, assign ‘divine’ and ‘miraculous’ aspects to it, when in fact, all it was from the very beginning of the affair was just another act of greed followed up by theft and murder.


Ariel Natan Pasko

Israel National News

This past Shabbat, all across the Jewish world, the yearly Sabbath Torah reading was begun anew with Bereshit, the beginning of Genesis. With the recent reconciliation agreement signed between Hamas and Fatah looming in the background, Trump’s push to renew ‘peace’ negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians is seemingly on track again.

Traditionally, every Jewish child who learned Torah was taught the text and the commentary of Rashi – Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki – the famous 11th century French Torah and Talmudic commentator. In the beginning, literally, of Genesis, Rashi asks a question, ‘Why does the Torah start with the story of creation? Since the Torah is essentially a book of laws for the Jewish People, why doesn’t it begin with the first law given by G-d to the Jews, the law for establishing a calendar?’

He answers that it starts with the creation narrative to establish that G-d is the Master of the Universe. Then, Rashi says the most amazing thing that still resonates almost a thousand years later. Based on earlier sources and a thorough knowledge of the meaning of Judaism, Rashi says, ‘So that if the nations come to Israel and say, ‘You are thieves, you conquered and occupied the land from the nations already living there,’ you can then tell them that all the universe is G-d’s, that He created it and gave it to the nations, and then when He decided, He took it from them and gave it to us.’

Three things have become starkly clear.

First, Rashi’s explanation of the Torah has in fact come true. The nations today claim, as Rashi explained they would, that we stole the land from others, namely the so-called Palestinians.

Second, the Israeli Left has for many years used the same word, ‘occupation’, to denigrate the miraculous victory of the 1967 Six-Day War. It is the same term, ‘occupation’, used by most of the world in their criticism of Israeli policies in the ‘territories’. Even Ariel Sharon used it at one point. It is the language of self-hating Jews – those disconnected from Jewish history and tradition – and the Judeo-paths among the nations.

The definition of ‘occupation’ is legally inapplicable in this case because ‘occupation’ occurs when you steal someone else’s land. The Jewish People liberated parts of their Promised Homeland in stages, first in 1948 and then in 1967 with G-d’s help.

The Jewish People didn’t ‘steal’ anything, because the only basis for the Jewish People’s national life in their homeland is G-d’s promise as set down in the Bible. Not history, not security, but G-d’s promise to their forefathers.

Rashi told the Jewish People to tell the world, ‘He took it from them and gave it to us.’

A true Israeli leader needs to stand up, not frightened of anyone or anything, and declare, ‘The Master of the Universe took it from them and gave it to us.’ The Promised Land belongs to the Jews exclusively, and not to any other nation.

Any Israeli prime minister who can’t get on TV or go to the UN General Assembly, or any other meeting with world leaders and say these words should resign before rejecting the promises of G-d and participating in a process to help another group take over part of the Land of Israel. As King David said, ‘If I forget you Jerusalem’ – a term for the entire Land of Israel – ‘let my right hand wither’ – rather than sign any false peace agreement – ‘let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth….’ (Psalms 137: 5-6) rather than agree to foreigners taking over part of the Jewish People’s homeland.

Netanyahu, tell the world the truth, ‘He, G-D, took it from them and gave it to us.’

Every Jew, in fact, every Christian and Muslim, knows that the Land of Israel was promised to the Children of Israel, the Jewish People, by G-d, forever, the same G-d they claim to worship. The British pro-Zionists who worked to convince her majesty’s government to issue the Balfour Declaration in 1917, believed in the Divine Promise to the Jews.

So, why continue to perpetuate this lie called the ‘Peace Process’? The Palestinians might gain some temporary control over the land – like in Gaza – for G-d’s own reasons, but in the end, it will be taken from them anyway and returned to its rightful tenants, the Jewish People.

It is true that a democratically elected government in Israel might choose, for political expediency, to transfer control over parts of the Jewish People’s homeland to others, like what happened in Gush Katif – Jewish Gaza; and that, in political terms, it might be seen as legitimate.

However, above, in the Court of Final Justice, there never will be any Spiritual Legitimacy to the act. Anyone going against the will of G-d will ultimately have to account for their actions. Reward and punishment is a basic concept in Judaism and Heaven help those who try to take away the Divinely Promised Land from the Jewish People. Look what happened to Rabin, Sharon, Olmert, and countless others involved in the ‘Disengagement’…

Why lie to the Palestinians? Why make them believe they are right, that Israel ‘stole’ their land? Why participate in a peace process? Why fool them into believing that Israel will give them land and a state?

Netanyahu, tell the world the truth, ‘He took it from them and gave it to us.’

What’s most important for Israeli leaders and the world to understand is, that no matter what the Israeli government decides to do, no Israeli leader or government has the moral, historical, or spiritual right to take away parts of the Promised Land from the Jewish People and give it to gentiles.

It’s not theirs to do with as they please. The Land of Israel is an inheritance from G-d and it is not for one generation to decide what to do with it. It is also for all future generations of Jews. It will never be accepted by Jews steeped in their heritage and tradition, or by G-d.

‘Ani Ma’amin…’ I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even if he takes a long time to come, I believe every day, he’s coming! It is one of the thirteen principles of faith as codified by Maimonides. The Jews will get back their homeland; the Palestinians will not have a state. So why start now, so close to his coming?

The Land of Israel was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Master of the Universe told them that even though their children will suffer terrible exiles – an educational and cleansing process – in the end, He would bring them home. In the 1948 War of Independence, G-d gave political sovereignty to the Jews for the first time in almost 2,000 years. In the 1967 Six-Day War, G-d returned the Holy City of Jerusalem in its entirety – including eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount – to the Jewish People. Hebron – Judaism’s second holiest city – with the Cave of the Patriarchs, the burial place of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and King David’s first capital city, before Jerusalem – was returned as well. Truthfully, Judea and Samaria – the so-called ‘West Bank’ – is drenched in Jewish history and Jewish holy sites. That’s why it’s commonly referred to as the ‘Biblical Heartland’.

The Jewish People have been brought home.

Those who have built their world-view on security needs and have claimed that we cannot allow a Palestinian Arab state to come into existence because of that, have missed the point. The Palestinian Arabs, and the world, are playing the ‘Peace Card’. Even if there were to be a thousand years of ‘Peace’, how can Israel spurn G-d’s promise?

Once there was a nice family who lived in a rough neighborhood. They wanted to get along with their neighbors, but the neighbors hated them, and used to throw rocks and break their windows all the time. One day, the leader and toughest of the neighbors came over and said, this is my house, and demanded it. The owner, father of the nice family replied, no it’s not, its mine. The neighbor insisted. Not wanting any more trouble, the owner invited him in to talk. The neighbor demanded the house and refused to leave; he threatened the owner. The owner decided to be nice and offered him a room to stay in.

Later, the neighbor claimed that the owner’s wife was in fact his wife. He implied he would kill the owner. The owner of the house, thought for a moment, my wife, my life, and then decided to share his wife. Why cause problems, he thought to himself. The neighbor, emboldened with his successful intimidation, next claimed the owner’s arm. Give me your arm, or else, he demanded. Well, the owner had a tough time at first, then he thought, my arm or my life, hmm, a small price to pay, and he meekly cut off his arm. Finally, the neighbor demanded, in the most insolent way imaginable, give me your heart…

The Land of Israel is the Jewish People’s heart.

Members of the ruling Likud Party and the National Camp have for years based their claim to the ‘occupied territories’ on historical claims, and, more importantly, have said that for security reasons, they couldn’t give them away. The Israeli Left, in contrast, has argued for quite some time that control over Judea and Samaria is a security liability and not an asset. They have argued that the only true security is in ‘Peace’ with the Arabs and not the status quo. American presidents, from Clinton to Obama, have basically said the same thing and Trump seems to be following their examples.

And what about ‘settlement’ leaders, those so-called ‘right-wing extremists’, who spurn all talk of ‘Peace’?

When the Israeli cabinet decided to accept the ‘Roadmap,’ with objections in 2003, the spokesman for the Yesha Council – of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza – Yehoshua Mor-Yosef, said, ‘What is done is done. What we can do is try to amend the Roadmap and shift it to the right.’ Shift it to the right? It wasn’t a matter of a little shift here and a little shift there.

Their unsuccessful resistance to the expulsion of Jews from Jewish Gaza in 2005 confirmed the failure of their ‘moderate’ policies.

The Likud, the National Camp, and the Yesha Council at the time, all missed the point. The Israeli Left never had it. To the world, well what can we say? Except, ‘He took it from them and gave it to us.’ There is no spiritual legitimacy to retreat from the Land of Israel. There is no spiritual legitimacy in refusing to graciously receive G-d’s Promised Land and to fight for it. There is no spiritual legitimacy to any of these so-called ‘Peace’ agreements, Oslo, the Roadmap, or any other future agreement.

Netanyahu, tell the world the truth, ‘He took it from them and gave it to us!’

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