ed note–as a public service to our fellow man, and in particular to those Gentiles making up the ‘99%’ living on God’s green earth, one of the main ‘dishes’ we serve up here on this humble little informational endeavor is to highlight and explore the deleterious role that disinfo/misinfo plays in our world today, who the main propagators of mis/dis are and why they and the ‘product’ that they peddle should be ignored/avoided.

To that end therefore, we highlight the toxic effect played by characters such as this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

–And many, many others we could list but won’t at this time for the sake of brevity, who feature regularly in our ‘mis/dis’ discussions for the various boondoggles they have put into motion, the most infamous of course being the business involving the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school that they claim ‘never happened’.

But there are other less well-known boondogglers as well who don’t get the spotlight they deserve for the damage that they do to the ‘discussion’ taking place these days and the mis/dis they inject into it all that in the end leaves the otherwise curious student of current events confused, misdirected, and befuddled, not the least of whom are these guys–

and these guys-

–And many, many others we could list but won’t at this time for the sake of brevity…

And by the way, just to show the ‘reach’ that ‘these guys’ get with their message, the above pic featuring Neturei Karta, the ‘Torah-True Jews’ who claim that ‘authentic’ Judah-ism FORBIDS the creation of a Jewish state was taken in Gaza with one of the most senior members of Hamas, Ismael Haniyeh, someone who BETTER THAN ANYONE knows (or should know) the nature of the alligator in the fancy suit and particularly the manner in which this monster cloaks itself and shape-shifts as part of its regular routine.

Now, as far as the above-pic’d groups and the particular poison they propagate, what makes them and their potion so dangerous is the fact that it all wears the skin of being harmless, civilized, humane, humanitarian, etc, no different than an alligator dressed in a fancy suit and sporting a corsage in his breast pocket…

The argument they make in the court of public opinion SOUNDS so good–‘Judah-ism is not Zionism…Zionism is a political ideology that was born a century ago with a man named Herzl, whereas Judah-ism began with a guy named Abraham and is something pure, holy, and devoted to fostering peace amongst the various peoples making up mankind…’

So they say…

The ugly truth of the matter however is that there is no truth whatsoever to be found in that ‘love potion’ that groups such as these peddle, a fact that is Kristol clear to anyone who bothers to sit down for as much as 5 minutes and read for him/herself the ‘founding documents’ of the Jewish state, meaning the Torah/Old Testament, to wit–

On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates’…–Genesis, 15:18

As well as–

…And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…’ Deuteronomy 1:6–8

As well as–

…Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…’ Deuteronomy 11:24


…From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border…’ Joshua 1:4

And the METHOD by which this ‘inheritance’ was to be acquired was/is Kristol Clear as well–

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy… You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire, for you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book of Deuteronomy


As well as hundreds of other ‘citations’ found within the Torah/Old Testament we could list but won’t at this time for the sake of brevity…

Now, as far as the above pic’d individuals and groups are concerned–is it possible that they don’t know that these citations found within the Torah/Old Testament are there that speak VERY PLAINLY about conquering that ‘promised land’ in exactly the fashion as the ‘Zionists’ have done for the last century?

Well, we suppose it is every bit as possible as the notion that the aforementioned alligator in the fancy suit sporting a corsage in his breast pocket has morphed into a refined, civilized creature who has abandoned his ‘alligatorism’ in favor of living in peace with all creatures great and small on God’s green earth…

The essay by our deranged rebbe below makes the case Kristol Clear–

Zionism is the inevitable outgrowth of Judah-ism and its various decrees found within the Torah/Old Testament and those who argue otherwise are either misinformed about their own religion or are genuinely disingenuous, the latter being the most likely explanation.

And what makes the entire apocalyptic affair even worse is that the conquest of the ‘promised land’ is just the FIRST STAGE of much bigger plans that are–according to the ‘protocols’ listed in very plain language within the Torah/Old Testament–much, much larger, including the subjugation of the entire world and the eradication of all cultures/ideologies that reject the unbending protocols of Torah Judah-ism.


By Rabbi Uri Pilichowski

When Theodore Herzl began his Zionism movement over 125 years ago, Jews didn’t know what to make of it. The movement was clearly intended to attract Jews and change the course of Jewish history, but it didn’t fit into the neatly drawn boxes of establishment Judaism.

The question of whether Zionism was a part of traditional and established Judaism or just another modern political movement is still being debated today. There isn’t a week that goes by where the question of whether Zionism is an aspect of Judaism isn’t taught, discussed, or written about in columns the world over.

Whether or not a modern movement can find a place in traditional Judaism is an engaging question. The debate of Zionism’s role in Judaism is made even more fascinating by the players in the debate. The question doesn’t fit classical religious vs. secular or left vs. right quadrants of the Jewish issues box. The debate puts the usual opponents together on the same side of the debate, and pits usual allies on the opposite side of each other.

Normally secular anti-religious Jews would never be found aligned with ultra-orthodox religious Jews. It’s hard to find many areas where the ultra-progressive and the ultra-conservative communities meet.

Zionism is the issue that unites them however. Both camps find Zionism abhorrent. Progressives can’t imagine a movement they see as displacing native Palestinians (sic) from their lands as part of a tikkun olam and the ultra-orthodox refuse to admit a secular movement into the traditional Judaism they hold dear.

In today’s partisan world, left-wing Democrats see right-wing Republicans as their natural political enemies, the Israeli analogous parties are the same; Meretz finds Likud repulsive and led by a corrupt leader and Likud views Meretz as a weak party set out to destroy the very structures causing Israel’s success – yet all four of these groups are staunch Zionists and gladly join forces to protect the Zionism they adore.

Many of the above parties would argue that Zionism is a secular movement, and while it is aimed at Jews, it doesn’t have anything to do with Judaism. They explain Judaism as a religion, and traditionally religions focus on a belief system, and in most cases the relationship between the person and G-d. That is a partial description of Judaism. As a religion, Judaism does have a philosophy with a set of axioms. It does instruct Jews on their relationship with G-d, and it informs them of how to act in interpersonal relationships from the boardroom to the bedroom. In the above description of Judaism, Zionism wouldn’t seem to have a place.

However, Judaism isn’t a religion like other religions the world has become familiar with over the past two thousand years. Judaism isn’t just about G-d, beliefs, and action, it is about a specific peoplehood. Judaism began with a mass revelation to a people recently emancipated from the slavery of Egypt. These people were chosen by G-d to convey ethical monotheism to the world. It wasn’t each individual standing at Mount Sinai that was chosen, it was the new nation – the Israelites – that were chosen and formed as a nation that was chosen by G-d, and it is a central tenet of Judaism is that it isn’t just a religion, it is the system of the Jewish nation.

And a nation isn’t complete without its own homeland.

This might seem like a foreign idea to many, but it is an axiom of Judaism. Throughout the Torah G-d charges the people to enter the land of Israel, conquer it and settle it. ‘You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have assigned the land to you to possess,’ is just one of the many commands G-d tells Moses and the Jewish people.

The land of Israel isn’t just ancillary to Judaism. The land of Israel is a central aspect of Judaism.

The land of Israel isn’t just the homeland of the Jewish people. The land of Israel plays many roles within Judaism. The land of Israel is a focal point of Divine reward and punishment. Throughout the Torah we read G-d promising that the land will prosper with Divine blessings of peace and produce if the Jews observe G-d’s commands and will be plagued with war, famine, and pestilence if the people defy G-d’s commands. An entire category of the 613 commandments is only applicable in the land of Israel. These mitzvot can not be observed outside the land – and to do so would be sinful. The land itself was divided among the Israelite tribes and then individual families, with many laws designed to ensure families and tribes didn’t give up their portion of the land.

Theodore Herzl was not a Torah observant Jew. He began Zionism as a modern political movement primarily focused on saving Jews from concerning rising levels of antisemitism in Europe. Herzl’s motivations were consequential in how the Zionist movement was shaped at its inception, but as the movement took on a life of its own many recognized the practical objectives of the movement – to inspire Jews from around the entire world to gather and return to the Jewish homeland – was perfectly consistent with the tenet of Judaism that charged the Jews to live together in the land of Israel.

Judaism has seen many different communities and leaders create campaigns that focus on one aspect of Judaism and encourage the Jewish people to renew its commitment to that part of Judaism. The Chafetz Chaim, a Torah scholar in the early 1900’s, created a movement to inspire Jews to be careful with their speech and watch themselves from engaging in gossip. The Lubavitch chassidim encourage Jewish men to wrap tefillin every day.

Of the same importance as gossip and tefillin is having a united Jewish nation living in Eretz Yisrael and Zionism is the movement to return the people to Judaism’s tenet of living in Israel, and it is undeniable that gathering the Jews to live as one nation in the land of Israel is just as much a part of Judaism as any other aspect of the religion.

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