
The sexualization of children from a shockingly early age has been going on for quite a while in the Western world, along with pedophilia.

This can be seen everywhere from “beauty contests” for little girls to videos made by sick parents proudly showing off their very young children behaving inappropriately for their tender ages.

Remember JonBenét Ramsey?

What normal parents would want to see their little girl smeared with make-up and dressed like a dwarf prostitute imitating a Follie Bergere dancer?

Yet this is promoted by the media and these abused children, robbed of their childhood, are called “cute.”

Where are the parents in all this? Long brain washed themselves by cultural marxism, they are the ones proudly making the videos showing the perverted precocity of their offspring and posting them on youtube, where “going viral” is a a confirmation of their success. And “viral” it is because it spurs a competition. Three-year-old girls crying for a “boyfriend” are considered adorable.

And what about the teachers? The teachers’ ranks seem to be peopled by more pedophiles every year. In the video telling the story of the female teacher assiduously pursuing an 11-year old student she is “in love” with, Uigur wonders if the increased incidence of pedophilia among teachers is a case of copy cat epidemic or their number was always the same but the advent of social media made them more visible. It does not occur to him — or he would not say it — that the real increase may be a symptom of the fast advancing rot destroying the moral fiber of the sick Western world. Much less would it occur to him — or would he say it — that of the three major religions only one condones sexual intercourse with children: Judaism, which happens to be the mainspring of Jewish identity, which happens to be the identity of the current rulers of the Western world.




Here is a 5-year girl from another world. She recites a short poem, she speaks about justice. Her love is of another kind and so is her pain (not for Justin Bieber).


But the text at the end of the video is wrong in one respect: no, we don’t have “the same parents.” That is why the children are different: they each reflect their respective upbringing and culture.

0 thoughts on “Parenting and Teaching in a Sick World”
  1. Yes you,ve got it all right ,the US-UK have fallen into a deep hole of very low moral values where ,in the UK at least the whole media is run by homosexuals/lesbians /feminists backed by the BBC etc . Our advertising is anti-white heterosexual male made to look fools or of a low intellect assaulted by women etc . The only time they are “nicer ” to us is when they want money for things like =leave all your money to a female (not the other way around you notice ) by death insurance-have you read the small print ? its the only time you will see a white heterosexual male being allowed to cuddle his children -only allowed by homosexuals or females -Feminist=every man is a rapist . Men are now scared to even smile at a child in case a feminist shouts =child rapist . This is where the EVIL Jews have got us down to ,the revelations in the UK media of well known personalities assaulting young boys and girls over the past 50 years in private houses or halls guess who paid for these places to hold children to be attacked sexually thats right your “nice ” Jews . Westminster is full of homosexuals looking for young boys its all covered up. But your ordinary 99 % brakes a small law -jail em ! hang em high ! one law for millionaires another for the ordinary citizen. Its a “JEWS WORLD ” isnt it ??

  2. I take it this so-called music video on here is from a French musician ? How sad all this prevails in society… and what’s worse, is knowing this demented mind-set carries on from generation to generation. A friend of mine who’s a shrink, tells me the majority of those who commit such acts on minors, have had the same thing done to them, at a young age.
    Whether this is exclusively a Talmudic Jewish trend, is difficult to conclude, because I’ve heard of this happening in other various cultures, over the centuries.
    What most Americans aren’t aware of either, is how our military has been indoctrinated to sexual deviance. Then to know how so many in Wash. DC in positions of power, are closet perverts. Yet, will vote against same sex marriage. The numbers of those like this, is Staggering !
    Every time I hear Lindsay Graham and observe his manner of speaking, I can’t help think this dude is a “chicken-hawk”, who is this warmongering neocon because he’s trying to hide what’s so damn obvious about himself.
    Then to have those like this woman who won’t sign-off on Gay marriage’s, has to make you wonder what her private life is really like ? Chances are, she’s been resisting all her life, those “evil thoughts”, on how much she’s aroused by other women…
    Being that I read she’s never been married to No Man, before ! (eh ?)

  3. Rick, correct me if I a wrong, please, but I got the impression you think that perversions that involve same sex are due to the repression caused by not allowing same-sex marriage. If only gay marriage were allowed everywhere they would “settle down” nicely in monogamous matrimonial bliss? It is “resisting those ‘evil thoughts’ that make them go bonkers?

  4. R (also known as Rosso, or is it Roth?), thank you for your imaginative defense of Judaism, so unfairly maligned for stuff that’s not different with other cultures/religions at all, is it now? Why, in the disgusting video you provided the Jewish therapist and the “field researcher” even say that bestiality may be explained by… Catholicism and it is encouraged in some Islamic cultures, so there you have it… I guess you helped me understand that the moral rot of the Western world came from Catholics and Muslims who dominate it.

    “In Talmud it is said that a girl can have sex from the age of 3, and be married, but this ruling is not actual. There is a notable problem, though, of that sort of relationships in the Jewish communities, but it is hard to estimate if it is a bigger problem than the same problem among some other nations.

    In Colombia, for example, it is considered normal to engage in sex from the age of 10, but not in a normal sort of sex. It doesn’t require some special book to make people do it.”–says Ross.

    PS. “This ruling is not actual” — what does “actual” mean here, Rosso?

  5. Just out of morbid curiosity, I punched in Justin Bieber on Spotify. What trash. Any parent that would let a four year old girl listen to that shit deserves all the problems coming their way in the near future.

  6. Ariadnatheo -This is what I have come up against in the past ,instead of going “full tilt ” against the Jews excuses are brought up saying that A-B-C do these things . That does not make it right nor does it excuse the vast evil that the Jewish Nation/Race of 16 Million Worldwide has taken over and controlled the societies of the US/UK/EU all done by money control -graft-corruption-greed – sex exploitation -mass media control and government control of the US and UK . I look forward to “R”,s reply to your point .

  7. Rosso, you say, “The moral rot is not in religion at all.” and then contradict yourself: “It is clear to me that not a religion but a lack of it is responsible for existence of this phenomenon.” Which is it? If religion –presumably any–does not promote moral rot, why the insistence on deflecting blame from Judaism onto other religions?

    Also, you say, “speaking of Muslim countries she meant not the influence of Islam, but ethnic traditions of the peoples, that live in these countries.” Islam is not an ethnicity, it is a religion. I trust that if she said “Muslim” she meant just that. Surely it does not come as news to you that Arabs do not share the same ethnicity with Afghans or Iranians, let alone Pakistanis, so let’s not befuddle what she meant.
    Yes, there is a mention of Catholicism as being oppressive in imposing chastity before marriage. Oy, vey, what a downer, what would a boy do without donkeys?!
    While promiscuity and perversion, including pedophilia are specifically allowed by Judaic precepts, it is not necessary for a Jew to be conversant with the dogma because the spirit of it permeates Jewish culture and “Jewish life,” which promotes any choice, no matter how aberrant as simply a … “lifestyle,” as the Jewish therapist explains.

  8. Rosso, I do thank you for bringing up Ginsburg/Gainsbourg whose career illustrates the mechanism for promoting moral rot in the West.
    A man without a singing voice who composed songs of no musical merit but with lyrics that GLAMORIZE incest and obsessed over the sexual act (Je’t’aime, mois non plus) is made into a cultural icon of France. How?
    Ok, the French media (like in the US) is Jewish owned and promotes its cultural sayanim but why does the general public accept their word for it that one like Gainsbourg is just short of a genius?
    My thesis is that in order to make the Goyim — especially the young generation– embrace ordure, the cultural marxists must appeal to the youth’s phase-specific impulse of generational revolt and make the ordure seem “revolutionary,” “daring,” and “iconoclastic.” In a word, ‘glamorous.” It would not attract them if it were seen as being as banal as just dog feces on the pavement that people side-step to avoid touching it. Call it the work of the Devil, “Satan’s handy work and you also glamorize it in another way.
    Moral relativism that condones pathological behaviors and rewards formless mental and moral chaos is presented as “liberating.”
    It takes maturity of intellect and a formed moral fiber–absent in the very young — to realize that the dirt is not Revolutionary but INvolutionary, and there is nothing ‘daring’ in an ‘artist’ being supported and well remunerated for producing it.
    As for “iconoclastic,” if you are a Jew who does not subscribe to the Goyim’s moral taboos anchored in Christianity or Islam, their “icons” should mean nothing to you. Why smash OTHER people’s icons? Why smear them with your foulness? Therein lies the essence of Jewish intolerance masquerading as superior “tolerance.”
    The video of this repulsive incestuous pedophile in bed with his child was presented to French audiences and they still continued to view him as… glamorous. Life style choice….. Those who did not retch loudly enough, who did not kick him out of French cultural life got punished: they got the France they have today….

  9. the so -called Christian civilisation is GONE. It is GONE, gone. It is beyond repair.
    “There are NO accidents ,there are only signs”, said someone wise and this is true.
    The way children, youth , young adults are sexualized , perverted and demoralised in the so -called West is beyond the wildest imagination. And the age only goes lower and lower.
    Yeap, we can always blame Jews for everything. This is the easiest way, but God will judge us accordingly to OUR deeds and throwing the blame at somebody else it ain’t gonna help it.
    The problem is the once the so -called Christendom became NOT only completely pagan,
    but is getting even lower, towards Satanism.
    People willingly participate in everything what offends God and they are proud of it.
    As I said it is BEYOND repair ,and God will soon close out this big business called Humanity.

  10. Marta -the Ugly Truth is that it is the jews -first-second and third , if you have spent years like me checking into every claim every lie every truth it still comes up JEWS !! .Trying to proselytise people by saying -its in God,s Hands ,an Act of God and making excuses for the vilest race of people on this planet puts you in the category of the “religious Fundamentalists ” the bosom buddies and defenders of Judaism -Quote -they are the “chosen People” -AYE ! the chosen of Beelzebub or as they say in Scotland Old Nick . Have you seen the color photos of babies blown apart by the IDF ?? or the burned to death babies or the farmers cut in two by IDF heavy gun fire ?? I have and it engenders hate for those that do that or the father holding his baby in his hands CRYING as he looks are the rear of the babies skull -BLOWN RIGHT OFF by IDF sharpshooters . No “god ” that sanctions that -and the jews say he is their god – is no god to me but a devil from HELL . Wake up to reality from your Jewish dream and smell the blood-guts-etc on the streets of Palestine and every country the US/UK KNesset send in planes to destroy just because they don’t agree with their politics . You are stopping REALITY and engendering a LYING Jewish ILLUSION .

  11. Rosso, so there is a “good Judaism,” is there? Known only to a very small number of initiates like you, I presume. And then there are “heretical forms,” known and practiced by Jewry and felt by Goyim. Oy, the diversity! I’ll be dreideled if that isn’t epochal news.

    “Trust me, there is no precept for perversion in the classical, canonical forms of it.”
    No sale, Rosso. Can’t trust someone who either doesn’t know his Torah from a hole in the bed sheet or claims not to. Which part of “Yahwe”‘s promises to “Moses” didn’t you get? Which part of prostituting one’s wife to the potentate for favors, passing her off as one’s sister, didn’t you get? It’s all Torah, the “good book,” and it is not encountered in either Christianity or Islam.
    You also need to understand that “sin” in Judaism is not the same concept as in either Christianity or Islam — it is only disrespecting the rabbis’ legalistic system of meaningless prohibitions that contribute NOTHING to the believer’s morality but enhance their hold over the Tribe. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nichevo.
    Hope that you go and bone up on the Torah and come back much improved. That is assuming that you already got Christian dogma down pat like a good Russian of Eastern Orthodox backgraound and will be able to compare.

  12. Oy, Marta, not the Cossacks, please, it evokes such Jewish suffering…. oy, the raids on the shtetls, the pogroms, the shtupping of the Jewish women by the Cossacks that were followed by the birth of little Jews (still Jews since only the mother counts) with broad, high cheek-boned Slavic faces and unJewishly blond hair. (Some good looking, like Scarlett Johansson, not that I know her family tree: she could hail from Latvian Jews for all I know …).
    Gilad Atzmon is fond of telling a Jewish joke about a pogrom on a shtetl during which a group of Cossacks, having raped all the women in a house, were about to leave when they heard a noise in the attic. Grandma appears at the head of the stairs and the Jews wail to the Cossacks: “No, please, don’t touch Grandma! Spare her!” But Grandma protests: “Quiet! A pogrom is a pogrom!”
    So, no Cossack, please, Marta.
    PS You did lift up my mood.

  13. Revalations -2015 =the Book of TRUTH – And they have been found out those evil people of a small nation called the JEWS who have tricked the World into believing they are “holy ” unto god . Acts of the BoT -And they shall -kill-torture and destroy those that oppose them in their desire to rule the World ,they shall buy countries with corruption and oppress the poor-sick-old with death and starvation -they shall invade countries killing millions of innocent people -the worlds blood shall flow as a sacrifice to them but it will not be enough -even babies by the 1000 shall not please them which are torn apart by their actions but they shall dance with pleasure as they kill pregnant women with one blow shouting== TWO for ONE !! how mighty are we that the World says nothing as we rape and torture bringing large countries into shame as we pay and control their governments to do our bidding . ACTS 2 = WE shall LIE and force the World it is the truth ,we shall act shamelessly and stop every free person from telling the truth by shouting -ANTI_SEMITISM . Havent our christian brothers said =we are the “chosen people ” ? WE get countries to pay us for killing and slaughter more than any slaughter house in the World to fill our golden basins and sprinkle babies blood over our congregation for all people are Cattle to us because “our ” god told us so. — YE workers of iniquity you shall ALL be brought down to HELL . And for those like me who believe in re-incarnation every one of you DEVILS shall return to pay in full for your evil ways – that is the message of an -eye for an eye -a tooth for a tooth . WAken up to the Jewish Fairy tale and live in a real reality not a Jewish -bought and paid for drugged dream of a book that at best is one quarter true. I proselytize with the TRUTH of REALITY not a Jewish Propaganda Manual.

  14. One could follow Ed.’s line of argument and distrust NK — the good Jews who reject Israel’s right to exist until the red heifer moos and the Moshiak lands at Tel Aviv airport — on the grounds that they are supremacists, and as such prone to the same behaviors that have made Jews the least popular tribe ever. Everywhere.
    One could. But that would ignore the fact that, as Rosso’s rabbi points out, it is the Jews who will lead mankind to the New Jewish God’s World Order, and how can they do that without being superior, now tell me that. Rosso’s rabbi doesn’t want the Palestinians to be ethnic cleansed by the “G-d”-less zionists. He is willing to let them tarry until the red heifer bit happens. If that isn’t generous and humane what the herzl is?

  15. Amazing that the pretty woman doesn’t cut her hair while in the throes of her sword dance. You seem to have a large collection of Cossack videos on tap, Marta. Tî ne bezpakoisya (I don’t have the Russian alphabet), Marta, people are rooting for Putin.

  16. Oy, Rosso, all religions are bad but Judaism is unfairly maligned through ignorance because people don’t know –as you do– that “real” judaism is good, it is only its ‘heretical’ branches that are bad, and another thing: the Jews are scapegoated for all the ills of the world.
    I think I got your comments compacted for maximum concision here. You are welcome to use it from now on to save comment space.

  17. Rosso, I only speak for myself when I say this:
    Your JudeoProp has become boringly repetitive, not only in message but also in shticks: playing quotesies (citing scripture bits out of context to have them interpreted against the rub), affecting a superior see-it-all-from-above attitude of one who allegedly knows the essence of all major religions (although he can’t tell comparative religion studies from a hole in a bagel) and peddling the “Judaism is a good religion” spiel.
    To paraphrase you (but using correct spelling), hasbara comes in many forms but many people miss it because it does not come in homogeneous forms. Yours is no longer good for a laugh. Just a yawn.

  18. Bad me, I hit you in your boo-boo, didn’t I, Rossy?
    It’s hard to be condescending when you don’t have the vocabulary down pat (“dear” is pathetic), let alone the foundation. I don’t post “as a…” That’s a Jewish reflex.
    You’re still boring, Rosso.

  19. “More complicated than these people here can comprehend ???- Arrogant- patronizing -condescending . Totally wrong for a sprecher of religions but typical Jewish intellectual thought process . I am not a Christian in the sense of the bible but I have absolute belief in A god or “Higher Being ” and have spent decades studying comparative religions as well as belonging at onre time to a well know US/UK organisation called the Theological Society but this organisation has turned from its 99 % roots and is now autocratic and snobbish and costly for a new comer to learn which goes against all my principles although I do have a Certificate/Diploma of being a “Fellow ” member (now lapsed ) no- 102 membership number (UK) I spent over 40 years studying all types of spiritual theories including =astrology- spiritualism -and many more to the extent I can teach astrology and some others this isnt all down to mental capabilities but inbuilt spiritual knowledge having been on this earth a good few times . Death isnt as you seem to think it is =one life and then judged -are you the equal of whom you think so much of -Jesus ? that one life is enough to obtain Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom ? .Even Jesus as you are so often quoted as saying many things also said to the Rabbi- unless you are born again you can in no wise enter the KIngdom of Heaven ( meaning no more shall you go out -to this life ) in reply to the Rabbi he said =unless you are REBORN in WATER (the womb ) and in Spirit/ fire (from above ) the old greek being -anathon you cannot enter . This upsets many religious bodies as it means YOU !!! control your Spiritual advance (from life to life ) NOT any church as it means they LOSE power over you and they dont want to do that do they ? I hope I dont have to keep bringing up these things as I would rather speak about the evil jews .

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