Conspiracy Club (CC) — heavy on ‘Illuminati revelations’ and “Hitler died in 1960” breaking news — says that Putin shared his new year resolutions with a group of Kremlin tourists:

“In 2016 I will stop the Illuminati from starting world war three. And quit smoking…I will do this…with my bare hands.”

According to Kremlin sources, the tour group burst into spontaneous applause. Opaque to Putin’s sarcasm, and blathering on about Putin’s pets and his “pitiless stare,” CC nevertheless manages to squeeze in a valid comment about Putin, “he is two steps ahead of Obama, ISIS and Turkey.”

(Is this his “pitiless stare”? Or his “I’m putting you on, but you shouldn’t make it so easy” stare?)

If CC’s report of Putin’s note in his high school yearbook is accurate, Putin has had a fine sense of humor and irony from his early youth.

For what it is worth, read more here.

While you’re there, you may not want to miss “The Woman Who Ate Nothing But Bananas for 12 Days” and “Jesus Was Never Crucified.”

4 thoughts on “Putin's New Year Resolutions”
  1. Please Ariad ,you are not worthy of this ?
    TUT is not Jew Henry Makow ,Jim the Jew Hat Marrs ,or the ultimate Judas Goat …the Tea Party !
    I doubt Putin wrote anything like that in a Soviet era ” year book “.
    Did they even have things like that ?
    Nor has ” Putin betrayed the NWO “. That implys he was part of it !
    Nor are ” 1.5 million Chrchyans his pets “.
    This is pure Judiac disinformation joking for the dumb Goyim of the ” patriotic ” category ,who just cannot get it ,that they and the USA are ,or where ever wrong.
    You know why these fools are into the ” Hitler survived ” insanity ?
    It fulfills their idiocy that an ” a powerful underground 4 th Reich exists ” .
    That ,along with Muslims ,Arhiests ,Satanists ,Liberals ,are the all powerful nefarious enemy !
    It’s never the Jews,NEVER …maybe ” false Jews ” , or ” Zionazis ” but the ” Chosen People ” gassed by Hitttttkerrr ” are just ” poooor victims ” …” Ahhhhhhh ,they’d never hurt a fly “

  2. The only thing I am inclined to believe of this is that Putin made some sort of crack if asked about his new year resolutions. I think “To avert WWIII and quit smoking” is pretty funny. Especially since he doesn;t smoke. I hope he said it. It would be in line with his other reply to some paparazzo masquerading as a reporter who asked him about his private life claiming “people want to know,” to whom he replied, “Please assure them that I love and I am loved.”
    This is the same outlet that put together those photos of people resembling Putin under the title “Is Putin a Time Traveler?”

  3. Thank you, Dante. I am sure you are right… 🙂 just as I am sure that I am not as sharp as, nor do I have the span and depth of encyclopedic knowledge of American history (and more) of some I could name. We each keep bringing our little grain of sand here to build up a dam to stave off the noxious Judaic onslaught on the collective consciousness.
    Back to Putin. The TUT readers know and the new visitors must understand that there is no other world leader today that has both Putin’s QUALITY and his STATURE and for that he is the hope of mankind at this moment to save it from disaster. He is truly the man of his time, come to lead his nation (and by example others) at this
    “very witching time of night,
    When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
    Contagion to this world,” as the Bard said.

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