
[Ariadna: The MSM does not report it. Unconfirmed as yet, but if true then the conflict has just been ratcheted one notch, starting with Israel bombing Golan].


DAMASCUS AND QUNAYTRA: It had to happen, sooner or later. The seeming diffidence of the Syrian brass had to transform into a bolder and more pugnacious articulation of Syria’s right to self-defense. With Russia now inevitably bound to the Syrian government for reasons discussed at length on our website; and Iran, now dazzled by a new role to play in regional politics; the green light turned on, finally, with Moscow withdrawing all restrictions on the use of advanced weaponry sold to the Syrian military. If you want to know what the former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Martin Dempsey, meant when he told Congress Syria had a “robust air defense system”, the Zionists just found out for themselves.

Read more here

0 thoughts on “Syria Shoots Down Israeli F-16 and Choppers”
  1. Bravo !!! The Syrian government finally made a good move to show the F–en Jews that is not going to be easy to defeat Syria.

  2. Thank you Vladimir Putin. He knows the stakes in Syria,thus he has allowed Assad to use the weapons supplied !
    And rasberries to all who believe Kosher Conspiracy theory, that the Russian President is; not ‘for real’.
    Whatever meandering path he might take in this fight against the International Jews…and I had my concearns, the facts remain that the NWO is in defacto war ,with he ,and his allies.
    The bear has claws, and just used them !

  3. The Jews/Israel always think they can hit you ,and you won’t hit back.
    Than they scream and cry “Holohoax”.
    If the Jew mouth pieces let this out ,and it is doubtful, because they never like to show defeat,watch the wailing, alarm, and threats.
    The Jew false flaggers; vile Alex Jones, crocodile tears Glen Beck, and schizophrenia plagued Henry Makow spinning circle’s of non existent phantoms .

  4. Israel é inimigo de Deus e Deus sempre amaldiçoou Israel e seus filhos ladrões e filhas prostitutas.
    Deus é amigo dos pacíficos sírios, persistentes iranianos, esforçados iraquianos e injustiçados palestinos e de todos os sacrificados inimigos de Israel.
    Israel não é forte.
    É fraco e não passa de um escravo que mal guarnece um posto-avançado dos EUA e sua política maçônica no Oriente Médio.
    Se os EUA fracassarem Israel e a arrogância sionista acabarão.
    Aí bastará os amigos de Deus invadirem e retomarem a Palestina devolvendo-a aos seus legítimos donos e expulsando de lá, definitivamente, os invasores judeus.
    É só uma questão de tempo, pois Deus não aceitará que os judeus lutem contra Ele até o fim dos tempos.
    Deus e seus amigos vencerão o mal muito antes disso e os malditos judeus arderão no Inferno que criaram ao longo dos tempos.

  5. It would reflect very badly upon god’s self-chosen ones if god allowed a Syrian missile to bring down one of god’s self-chosen ones F-16’s. How would the Rebbes explain to the settlers waiting in vain for the new messiah? Especially when god’s self-chosen ones are fully backed by Uncle Sam. Something is not quite kosher, here.

  6. “How would the Rebbes explain to the settlers waiting in vain for the new messiah?”
    That’s easy. Something like… “G-d is angry with the Jews for straying from the Law: not keeping the Shabbat, mixed marriages, being “mosers” and reporting other Jews –even rabbis!!!– to Goyim authorities for breaking Goyische laws.”

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