ed note–a few ‘protocols’ in getting this discussion started off on the right foot here, ladies and Gentile-men…

First and foremost is the fact that the followers of Judah-ism–otherwise known as ‘Jews’, or better yet, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to fawningly refer to themselves–being only 2% of the general population nevertheless are not merely some ‘demographic  minority’ of little to no importance in all of the major ‘business’ taking place today. Their demographic over-representation–particularly in the West–in terms of the ‘bigger picture’ in which they play a leading role is like that of 2 pilots flying an airliner carrying 500 people and who by virtue of the task they perform possess an importance that far outweighs that of the rest of the plane’s population and which therefore can only be termed ‘existentially critical’.

In short, they are not the Amish, whose numbers are small and whose influence over the larger society around them keeps equal pace.

Therefore, while they–the followers of Judah-ism–may indeed be a mere 2% of the population, nevertheless in terms of real, measurable power and influence in banking, finance, media, politics, etc, their lofty position affords them the ability of wielding almost-unchallenged power over the rest of the ’98’ who don’t happen to hold membership in that exclusive club of ‘chosen-ness’. Given the ‘driver’s seat’ position which they occupy, and especially in terms of finance, banking and media, everything that takes place in modern western society, from what the ’98’ buy, sell, see, hear, watch, and discuss, therefore all the ‘politics’ that inevitably flows forth from those ‘discussions’–including war, pandemics, famines, and the social unrest that must accompany these–is to some degree managed by those who happen to be piloting that ‘ship of state’.

Indeed, if we may use a pictographic metaphor here, it is best explained thus–

–With ‘them’, the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, at the center, and the centrifugal energy they wield being transferred out through the spokes to that of the wheel’s periphery.

Having said that, it also needs to be remembered what it is that makes ‘them’ what/who they are…

Just as the wheel above and all its various parts involves a ‘science’ that makes it function in the manner it does, likewise with ‘them’, that ‘science’ of course being the psychology of their Judah-ism which forms their worldview and thus drives their behavior and actions.

Now, as far as our deranged rabbi makes clear, ‘anti-Semitism’–as ‘they’, the followers of Judah-ism refer to it–has been, is now, and always will be driven by Gentile rejection of the Torah, or the ‘Old Testament’ as Christians like to call it.

This statement is extremely important on several different levels.

First and foremost is the fact that the Jews, i.e. the followers of Judah-ism, write OpEd after OpEd after OpEd–not to mention entire books, screenplays, documentaries, etc–numbering literally in the millions on a yearly basis and wherein they debate, discuss, deliberate, disputate, and every other thing imaginable about ‘anti-Shemitism’ and how it is the ‘mystery of the ages’ with no rational source or explanation.

As these scribes describe it, it just ‘is’ and never, ever, NEVERFREAKINGEVER the inevitable byproduct of anything obnoxious, anti-social or even CRIMINAL which the followers of Judah-ism are doing or have done.

In short, ALWAYS a case of ‘persecution’ rather than of ‘prosecution’…

The ‘enslavement’ by the Egyptians…The destruction of Jerusalem–twice…The pogroms, the Inquisition, expulsions, the Hollerco$t, Islamic ‘terrorism’, Naziism, etc, etc, etc, all of it exists in a Gentile vacuum with no primary moving force behind it whatsoever…

When pressed to provide SOME microscopic amount of information/speculation as to why this ‘anti-Shemitism’ which the followers of Judah-ism refer to as ‘the world’s oldest hatred’ exists, what inevitably does arise is that it is the innate and organic ‘goodness’ of the Jews that is to blame for it.

As one deranged follower of Judah-ism, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote in his deranged autobiography ‘Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist’–

My view of history was that billions of people who lived and suffered and died were no more than extras in a Jewish drama, and that human experience was really Jewish experience…I came to believe that the anti-Semites were right, except in the reverse, that the Jews did secretly control the world, but benevolently. How else to explain the Holocaust if not as evil trying to destroy the source of all that is good?

I was ready to concede that there were decent people who weren’t Jews, but decent peoples? Only the Jews…

Having ‘tasted’ all of that, let us move on to the thesis presented by our deranged Rabbi, but before we get to the nuts and bolts of his ‘revelation’, let us set the stage for this discussion with several truisms that appear here on this humble little informational endeavor from time to time, the first being that–


Even a broken clock is right twice a day…


We post this as an exception to the general rule that also appears here on a regular basis, which is that–




In this case, our deranged rabbi is doing both. Indeed, he is departing from the usual Judaic narrative that ‘anti-Shemitism’ stems from nowhere and no-thing and correctly labels it for what it is–Gentile rejection of the institutionalized DIABOLICAL INSANITY that is the Torah, but then, reverts to the usual Judaic statis of ‘flavoring’ his piece with deception meant to confuse the reader under his spell.

The first thing to keep in mind about this same ‘Torah’ that our deranged and deceptive rabbi states (correctly) is the source of anti-Hebraic agitation and billions of years of anti-Shemitism is that this is indeed a book of necromancy and magic spells whose aim is not the betterment of the world but rather the elevation of one tiny, statistically-insignificant group of people–the followers of Judah-ism–as kings, queens, princes and princesses, lords and ladies of the manor and masters of a worldwide plantation where they–the beneficiaries of this ‘Torah’–live in the ‘big house’ with all its luxury and comfort, while the rest of the Gentiles slave and toil in the fields producing that luxury and comfort for ‘God’s chosen people’.

Lest we forget–


Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world… They will work, they will plow, they will reap, while we Jews sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created, to serve the Jews…


This statement emanated from another ‘rebbe’, in fact the Chief Rebbe of Israel for many, many years, Ovadiah Yosef.

What’s important for Gentiles to remember is that what Yosef said is not some perverted or twisted ‘interpretation’ of the ‘protocols’ of Judah-ism, despite what was the TIDAL WAVE of Judaic contra-commentary that erupted in the immediate aftermath of his making such claims.

Yosef, that ‘broken clock’ telling the correct time at that particular moment, was speaking the truth–as far as Judah-ism is concerned, the Gentiles’ only reason for being created by Yah-way, the deity which the followers of Judah-ism worship, is to serve the Jews.

Now, as far as some of the particulars of the piece itself, nota bene the following–

In his list of moral outrages that he claims Judaism forbids and which Gentile nations accept, what he deliberately fails to mention is that all these things–homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion on demand, the right of self-defense–were proscribed legally within all neighborhoods of Gentiledom for thousands of years, but that only recently, within the last 100 years specifically and due ENTIRELY to Judaic 5th column skullduggery, political maneuvering and sabotage have these moral pillars of Christian Gentile civilization been knocked over.

Furthermore, as the followers of Judah-ism write in their daily OpEds, many of these moral outrages, specifically the deliberate murder of the unborn, are NOT forbidden in Judah-ism, and as is the case with abortion, is MANDATED be done in order to improve the ‘quality of life’ for the mother.

Now, in closing our little ed note commentary, the other reason that the ‘thesis’ presented here by our deranged follower of Judah-ism is important deals not with the confusion that comes as a sine qua non in all Judaic commentary, but rather, in underscoring how much off the charts are certain individuals claiming various degrees of expert-cy in explaining what it is that makes the followers of Judah-ism the same thorn in the eye of Gentiledom that they are these days that they have been throughout human history.

As anyone who studies this subject is well-aware, these same aforementioned ‘experts’ maintain with dogged dogmatism the notion that the Torah plays no role whatsoever in fueling the historically obnoxious (and more often than not criminal) behavior against Gentiles on the part of the ‘children of Israel’.

Rather, what they maintain, is that it is the Talmud that is the source of the problem and not the ‘Old Testament’ (as it is known by Christians) a book which these same ‘experts’ claim is the holy, inerrant word of God’, when clearly it is not that at all, but rather–as we already stated–the ‘how to’ manual in subjugating Gentiles along with all their labor and resources to an existence of forced servitude and toil so that–as Ovadiah Yosef himself stated–the Jews may ‘sit and eat like effendi’.


Rabbi Menashe Sasson for Times of Israel

At the start of human history, HaShem was not happy with the Gentile nations, who had been offered and then rejected the Torah prior to it being given to the Jews.

The Gentile nations, for their part, reacted to the Torah with hatred because the Torah, the most politically-incorrect book in history, set moral standards which the Gentile nations rejected.

And thus, antisemitism was born.

As we can see in modern times, those things that the Torah commands are precisely what the Gentile nations, especially Western nations, as a whole, reject. For example, the Torah mandates self-defense, while many in the Gentile nations move toward criminalizing self-defense and increased levels of gun control. The Torah mandates capital punishment for certain crimes, while many Gentile nations have either abolished, or many in those nations seek to abolish, the death penalty. The Torah forbids homosexual relationships, while many in Gentile nations where it is still illegal, seek to legitimize homosexual marriage. The Torah forbids abortion as a means of birth control, while many in the Gentile nations seek to expand the availability of abortion on demand. The Torah forbids a man from wearing a woman’s clothes, while many in the Gentile nations promote pharmaceutical and surgical efforts to alter a person’s gender.

And then there is Medinat Yisra’el, the State of Israel.

HaShem gave Eretz Yisra’el, the Land of Israel, to the Jewish people as an inheritance. HaShem brought the Israelites out of Egypt, took them to Mt. Sinai, gave them the Torah and then prepared and commanded them to invade and militarily conquer Eretz Yisra’el.

HaShem brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders, and HaShem brought us to this place, Eretz Yisra’el, and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.

As noted above, the source of Gentile hatred of the Jewish people, that is, the source of antisemitism, is none other than the Torah, which was given at Mt. Sinai.

Antisemitism exists and, indeed is prevalent, in almost every country. Hardly a day goes by when we don’t read in the news about a crime that was committed against a Jew simply because the victim is Jewish, or a crime committed against Jewish property, such as vandalism of a Beit Knesset, i.e. a synagogue.

Sadly however, at this particular point in time, the most prevalent and most serious incidents of antisemitism, in terms of injuries and deaths, occur in none other than Medinat Yisra’el, the modern-day State of Israel.

News from Medinat Yisra’el contains what seems to be never-ending reports of attacks against Jews, whether on public transportation or on the streets of Israel, at entrances to the Old City in Jerusalem, on the roadways and towns of Judea and Samaria, and, of course, the almost constant threat of rockets fired at Israel from Gaza.

As Jews, we have little, if any, ability to control or prevent antisemitic attacks on Jews who are in Gentile lands. We do, however, have the ability to prevent antisemitic attacks on Jews in Medinat Yisra’el. All it would take is a Jewish-Israeli electorate that would, at the ballot box, insist that the Jewish State abandon its current and failed policy of pacifism and appeasement, which attempts to integrate Gentiles into the Jewish state and into Jewish society and, instead, adopt and implement the Torah as the Jewish Constitution.

Only then will we be the Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, which is intended by HaShem.

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