
Ed-note (Sabba) – The destruction of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque are only necessary to build the III Temple of satan.  Even though the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is never discussed let us not forget that it remains their main goal.

As it happens, they have not done it yet precisely because the Dome of the Rock stands on the way. The Dome of the Rock and what it represents is in effect a defensive wall, the last line of defense against the judaic, demonic attack on Christ.

But let us make no mistake here: the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is their main target not because it stands on any satanic site but because it will represent the final blow to Christianity, the final nail on the Messiah’s Cross.


  1. What is it with these jews wanting to destroy this beautiful mosque and replace it wiht a megalomaic jewish temple. Look at the mess these megalomaniac jews are creating in the world. They are not the so called “chosen” people. They are evil people.

  2. if this happens you will have ww3 for sure, i blame the zionists for all this, WE MUST GET RID OF ZIONISM OF THIS PLANET OR ELSE WE ALL DIE. just think about what i just said.

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