ed note–Doubtless by now that all 7 billion people presently populating God’s green earth will recognize in an instant the significance of the following pic–


and this one–


Or any of the others that, after being put under the powerful lens of an all-seeing/all-knowing microscope, provide a better view of the pathogen–the now-infamous ‘corona virus’–credited with killing millions and for having somersaulted/cartwheeled all human activity on an economic, political, cultural, and social level in what has been an unprecedented upheaval and which shows no signs of letting up anytime in the next 100 years.


And indeed while virtually all of those aforementioned 7 billion souls recognize the pics above featuring the now-infamous ‘corona’ virus that is the cause of that aforementioned upheaval, disruption, and death, only a few understand the significance of the pic below, despite the fact that it dwarfs the murder and mayhem which ‘corona’ has inflicted and which will inflict even more in the coming months, years and decades due to its inherently apocalyptic and deadly properties–


Like the microscopic images of the coronavirus, the pic of the feral, deranged, rabid follower of Judah-ism snarling and screaming into the face of a Gentile woman like a vicious barking dog offers a glimpse into what is the plague of all plagues that has sickened humanity since its appearance on the world stage and which now–due to the amalgamation of power and influence that these feral creatures possess and wield against the rest of the Gentile world–threatens to unleash the ‘war to end all wars’, the very same ‘Armageddon’ which the followers of Judah-ism believe must take place just prior to them declaring full ownership of the world and all its resources and wealth.


Now, as far as the particulars contained in the piece below scribed by our deranged and delusional follower of Judah-ism, note the following–


‘Every time Jews settle somewhere, the local population welcomes them, they prosper there and believe that they have found their ‘new Jerusalem,’ but (eventually) their hosts turn against them, banish them or kill them…(We) have been driven out from nearly one thousand places, and if you stick a pin anywhere on a map of Earth, chances are that Jews lived there and were ousted from there…’


This has been the prototype, template and pattern of Judaic thinking now for thousands of years–Never, NEVER to analyze the long tale of Hebraic/Israeliteish/Judaic woe and suffering and arrive at the inescapable conclusion that in 11 out of 10 cases it is due ENTIRELY to what has been and continues to be the ‘fruit’ of Judaic thinking–arrogance, obnoxiousness, covetousness, greed, dishonesty–in short, bad behavior–as well as all those other unattractive human characteristics which Gentile societies have always considered repugnant and revolting but which the followers of Judah-ism believe to be redeeming and admirable.


Put another way, there are good reasons why skunks are not welcome in those areas where humans build their homes and cities, and likewise with those peculiar peoples who obstinately behave in ways that run afoul–no pun intended–of civilized, Gentile norms and morals.


Nexto, and please pay very careful attention to the following–


‘We are nearing a critical point in the history of the world, and we Jews will be at its center, as we always have been. We will be accused of everything that is wrong in the world, as we always are, and the truth is that there is a lot that is wrong with it today. There will be no distinction between Jews in Israel and Jews abroad, all of us will face the world’s indictments. Moreover, the more we stall, the more momentum and intensity the hatred of the Jews will gain…’


Just WHAT is this ‘critical point’ that is approaching and just WHY will ‘the Jews’ be blamed for it? Complete collapse of the world’s economy as a result of a laboratory-created virus that likely came out of Israel? Another Judaically-created world war that will involve nukes and result in millions or billions of deaths? 


Exactly what is it that our deranged and delusional follower of Judah-ism knows that the rest of us do not?


And, finalmente–


‘Yet, this is not an unbreakable spell. If we conduct ourselves correctly, we can lift the curse and have a bright and prosperous future. For this, we must build a canopy of unity over our divisions, which will shelter us from the stormy clouds ahead…We have every reason to be hopeful since we have the key that can solve the problem in an instant if we only place it in the lock and turn it open. Our shelter is our unity. As such, it needs no place, and we need not flee to one country or another. All we need is to find the strength within us to stop hating one another. After all, this is why we were expelled from Jerusalem in the first place…’


In other words, they were not ‘expelled’ from Jerusalem because they were delusional enough to think they could start and win a war against the Roman empire, but rather because they were not ‘unified’ in their hatred of those European Gentiles who brought civilization and order to the backwards, backwater theocracy the followers of Judah-ism had created.


Rather, what our deranged follower of Judah-ism is advocating here is a ‘redo’ of what happened 2,000 years ago, but THIS TIME, to ‘get organized’ and to punch as a closed fist rather than slap as an open hand in the approach/immediate aftermath of whatever hell it is that they have planned against the Gentile world, the same world whose destruction Judah-ism has sought ever since a deranged nomad living in Ur named Abram heard voices in his head telling him to murder his son and burn his body on a stone altar.



Michael Laitman for Times of Israel


It seems like a vicious circle: Every time Jews settle somewhere, the local population welcomes them, they prosper there and believe that they have found their ‘new Jerusalem,’ new homeland, but right when they become complacent, their hosts turn against them, banish them or kill them, and often do both. Since the Jews were exiled from Jerusalem in the first century CE, they have been driven out from nearly one thousand places. If you stick a pin anywhere on a map of Earth, chances are that Jews lived there and were ousted from there.


We thought we were safe in England until we were driven out in the 13th century. We thought we were safe in Spain until they expelled us in the 15th century. We thought we were safe in Poland until we were butchered there in the 17th century. We thought we were safe in Russia until the pogroms of the late 19th century taught us better. We thought we were safe in Germany until the Nazis came and taught us that no place and no time are safe for the Jews.


Now, many of us still think we are safe in America and in Israel. We are not, and we mustn’t mistake complacency for safety.


Yet, this is not an unbreakable spell. If we conduct ourselves correctly, we can lift the curse and have a bright and prosperous future. For this, we must build a canopy of unity over our divisions, which will shelter us from the stormy clouds ahead.


We are nearing a critical point in the history of the world, and we Jews will be at its center, as we always have been. We will be accused of everything that is wrong in the world, as we always are, and the truth is that there is a lot that is wrong with it today. There will be no distinction between Jews in Israel and Jews abroad, all of us will face the world’s indictments. Moreover, the more we stall, the more momentum and intensity the hatred of the Jews will gain.


In the past, we could run from one country to another when things got bad. But one of the most important lessons we can learn from the Holocaust is that Germany was not alone in its hatred for the Jews. The Nazis were willing to expel the Jews right up to the Final Solution, but the developed countries closed their gates without exception. They even convened in Evian, France, for a special conference in 1938, where they decided not to grant German and Austrian Jews visas, while adding denunciation of how the Nazis are treating ‘their’ Jews. Hitler took it as proof that the world tacitly agrees with his arguments against the Jews.


European Jewry had nowhere to run, and the vast majority of it was eliminated. Now we are facing a worldwide wave. If there was nowhere to go then, there is certainly nowhere to go now.


However, the ominous future does not mean that there is no hope. On the contrary, we have every reason to be hopeful since we have a key that can solve the problem in an instant if we only place it in the lock and turn it open.


Our shelter is not physical, but spiritual: It is our unity. As such, it needs no place, and we need not flee to one country or another. All we need is to find the strength within us to stop hating one another. After all, this is why we were expelled from Jerusalem in the first place.


It is beyond the span of such a short piece as this to detail their words, but our sages throughout the ages have advised us to do only one thing to avert trouble: unite. One by one, they promised that if we love each other as brothers, we will be safe from harm.


There have been too few times in history when we listened to them, and these times were so peaceful that we hardly hear of them today. It is simply that there were no wars, poverty, or division in Israel during those times; there was nothing ‘interesting’ to report. Nevertheless, this is our way out of trouble; unity is our salvation.


Our unity will not give us any military strength. It is itself the source of our power since this is what the world wants to see from us—that we unite above our divisions. At a time of great division, humanity wants the Jews to lead in resolving social rifts through cohesion and solidarity.


Unity is our shelter. If we build it, we will be safe and appreciated everywhere. The only benefit that can come from the rising wave of antisemitism is that if we turn to unity, we will save ourselves from harm and save the world from war. I hope we take the advice of our sages before the wave crests on us and breaks.

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