ed note–wow, talk about a statement ‘pregnant’ with implications…

Ok first a few ‘protocols’ that need to be plugged into this before we begin the process of ‘unboxing’ it all, as they say these days.

1. All have at some point run into the Amish, mostly farmers of good Gentile German stock living in Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc. Besides being easy to spot in their modest, unflattering clothing, the menfolk sport very distinct beards and the womenfolk cover their heads. They live something of an austere lifestyle by modern standards, eschewing cars, electronics, etc, choosing to live in a manner best described as ‘divorced’ from the rest of the world which they (rightly) view as dangerous to mind, body and soul.

Certain segments of Jewry, namely the ‘orthodox’ are easy to spot as well. They wear modest, unflattering clothing, have very distinct beards and the womenfolk cover their heads. Like the Amish, they live in a manner best described as ‘divorced’ from the rest of the world, but unlike the Amish, are very particular in their viewing the world as dangerous only to the JEWISH mind, body and soul, but NOT dangerous to Gentiles, which they–according to the ‘protocols’ of their Judaic religion–believe are animals created in human form so as best to serve the Jews who were/are the ‘chosen people’ of the creator.

This is a very important distinction, one that–even though appearing minor in scope, nevertheless–contains within it the seeds of Armageddon that all are watching unfold right now in real time.

Now, there are indeed other segments of Jewry who do not dress in the same kind of ‘austere’ manner as the Orthodox but who nevertheless embrace most of the same ‘protocols’–particularly their ‘chosenness’–including even the non-religious and even outright atheists. And while the various ‘neighborhoods’ within Jewry may differ on some points, the one thing they ALL have in common with each other is their visceral and volcanic dislike/distaste for all things Gentile.

As much as it may seem an unnecessary statement, the Jews are not the Amish. Whereas the Amish are a relatively small, marginalized, unpretentious and quiet group of people without any ‘big plans’ other than having large families and large farms, they aren’t out to take over the world with their ideas or the lifestyle that those ideas create.

Do they believe they have ‘the truth’? Yes, but are they on a cosmic mission to force the entire world to accept that ‘truth’?


The Jews, meaning the followers of Judaism, ARE however quite pretentious, ambitious, aggressive and are indeed on a ‘cosmic mission’ to force the entire world to accept their ‘truth’, and it is for this reason (and NOT because of the ‘intellectual superiority’ about which they are constantly bragging) that they have over the course of the last 2,000 years accumulated/arrogated unto themselves the lion’s share of global wealth, political power, control over the media, control over governments, etc. And despite the theatrics and ‘jrama’ in which organized Jewish groups such as ADL et al engage whenever someone of the non-Hebraic persuasion makes note of this fact, all that anyone need do in validating this for themselves is to consider the direct role that the organized forces of anti-Gentilism, OFAG–wielded in kicking off both world wars, the rise of communism, the cycles of economic boom and bust, and finally, the ‘war on terror’ that has had one–AND ONLY ONE–beneficiary, which is the state of Israel, otherwise known here by its historical name, Judea.

Now, as we point out here regularly on this humble little informational endeavor, the fate of humanity hinges on what is for all intents and purposes the MANY mental imbalances plaguing this tiny, statistically insignificant group of people who have, as stated before, accumulated/arrogated unto themselves the lion’s share of global wealth and global influence. Like a mentally unstable pilot flying a commercial airliner carrying hundreds of passengers and who hears voices in his head telling him to nose-dive that plane straight into the ground as a ‘sacrifice’ to the higher power that guides the universe, likewise, this one group of people, with all their power and sitting in the captain’s seat of this giant commercial airliner known as humanity has decided that what is needed in the world right now is the equivalent of that fiery ‘sacrifice’ in order to usher in that long-predicted era of ‘redemption’ wherein they will rule the world from Jew-roo-salem in accordance with what their ‘prophets’ have predicted and promised, to wit–

‘The Gentiles and their kings shall come to your light and to the brightness of your ascension…

You shall drink their milk and draw milk from the breasts of their kings…

Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,

And the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and vinedressers…

As you devour the riches of the Gentiles they shall boast of your greatness and surrender unto you all their gold and incense, and the children of those who persecuted you shall come bowing down to you, while all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…

The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night, so that the wealth of the Gentiles may be placed at your feet while their kings are led in humble procession before you…

For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…
–Book of Isaiah


Now, onto the mad scribblings printed below–

Please pay close attention to those sections in red, and–besides the sections dealing with the ‘chosenness’ of our deranged essayist and his Hebraic fellow travelers, the complete disconnect with reality that pervades throughout, and particularly the following–

‘How do we shed light on a world filled with violence, corruption, distorted values, theft, rape, drugs, and other horrific things?’

Those ‘horrible things’ he has listed, the ‘violence, corruption, distorted values, theft, rape, drugs’, etc are the direct result of what has been the uncontested control over the media and other culture-influencing mechanisms that he and his co-religionists have exercised for over a century.

Yet, does he list Hollywood, the JMSM, and all the other tentacles of the Judaic octopus responsible for all of these ‘horrible things’ as the causative agents?

Yahweh forbid, for that is the plan–to sicken Gentile culture to the point of death so that it has no other option other than to surrender itself to Judaic demands/Judaic control.

Also note, that according to our deranged Hebraic author that this ‘light’ can only be achieved when the Jews finally get their claws completely around that piece of real estate specifically outlined within their ‘holy’ book, the Old Testament, to wit–

The source of our strength is the combination of 3 things; Torah, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, in order for us to accomplish our job and fulfill our mission we need all of those things working in unison. The Jewish people–Am Yisrael,  must live in the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael,  and must direct its movements, principles and ideology by the Torah. The values leading the State of Israel must be Torah values and not Western ones. We need an army that fights like Joshua and King David did.

Nota bene as well that the true face of Judaism is one that completely rejects ‘Western’ values and instead must be led by warlords such as Joshua and David, who were commanded as follows according to the ‘protocols’ of Judaism–


And finally in bringing this little exposition to a close, keep in mind that when our deranged Hebraic writer talks about the Jews being a ‘light’ unto the world, what he is talking about, whether he realizes it or not, is best described/depicted in the image of the nuclear explosion appearing at the top of this page.


By Shmuel Sackett for the Jewish Press

Every now and then, something just hits me like ‘a ton of bricks’ (ouch!) and shakes me to the core. Well, it happened this past Shabbat celebrating the bris of our newest grandson. During the shalom zachar, a friend gave a d’var Torah and asked a simple question; ‘What were the first words spoken in the world?’ For some reason, I couldn’t think of them. Did Adam talk to Eve? Was it the discussion between Cain and Abel? My mind went blank… and then he gave the answer.

It’s in the 3rd passuk in the Torah, where G-d said, ‘Let there be light’.

The meaning is clear. There was darkness and HaShem wanted light.

My mind started to race. Was this a one-time wish by HaShem for light to overcome the darkness or was this an eternal command – for every Jew on the planet, every minute of the day – to brighten a dark world? I quickly concluded that it was ‘choice B’… that HaShem wants us, His chosen nation, to be the ones who light up the world.

And now for the follow-up question. How do we do it? Where’s the light switch of the world? How can the Jewish people accomplish the task set before them? How do we shed light on a world filled with violence, corruption, distorted values, theft, rape, drugs, and other horrific things? Do we just send in the ‘repair guy’ to change the world’s light bulb?

Here’s what I think–there’s no easy way out. Lighting up this dark world is going to take a lot of hard work… but definitely possible! Remember the #1 rule; HaShem does not give you a task you cannot fulfill! Therefore, if He wants the Jewish nation to bring light, then we will bring that light, and here’s how.

The source of our strength is the combination of 3 things; Torah, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, in order for us to accomplish our job and fulfill our mission we need all of those things working in unison. The Jewish people–Am Yisrael,  must live in the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael,  and direct its movements, principles and ideology by the Torah. The values leading the State of Israel must be Torah values and not Western ones. We need an army that fights like Joshua and King David did. We need to make sure our children are educated the way Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai taught their kids and we need our leaders to stand tall and proud; radiating trust and complete faith in the One above.

Let’s be honest. Whether we like it or not, the eyes of the world are on tiny little Israel. The NY times and CNN report about Israel as if we are the size of Russia and China combined! Everything we say and do – both good and bad – is talked about (and usually condemned) by the entire world. Most of my friends get upset by this, but I love it! It proves that we Jews are the center of the world. I love how the world judges us by a different standard… it’s because we truly are different, and that difference is exactly what is needed in bringing light to the world. Think about it. They are looking at everything we do. They are watching, recording and ultimately reporting… so let’s make the most of it!

The world is begging for direction and that direction can only come from the Jewish nation in the Jewish land living by the Jewish Torah. When that happens – and only when that happens – there will be so much light in the world, you’ll need to walk around wearing sunglasses!

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