ed note–as we like to say here, ‘required reading’ for those who truly want to understand the truth concerning the danger that all life on earth faces today.
Ok, first, the most obvious, meaning the title–
‘Why Jews avoid studying and reading Torah on Christmas Eve’…
There it is, that word again–
…not Talmud, but
We are forced to point this out due to the distressingly and depressingly high percentage of people out there today, some of them wearing the crowns, royal robes and regalia as ‘experts’ in the field of Jude-ology who claim with dogmatic confidence and certainty that the Torah plays no role whatsoever in modern-day Judah-ism–its beliefs and behaviors–and that instead, it is the Talmud that is the ‘stinker’ in the otherwise sweet-smelling flower bed known as our world today.
And again, our position here at this humble little informational endeavor–based not upon what our own personal prejudices/preferences whisper to us, but rather on what the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just LOVE to refer to themselves, write and say on this topic–can be summed up in one single compound word–
The entire ‘Talmud not Torah’ position is a SUBJECTIVELY-based argument entertained by those with a vested EMOTIONAL interest in maintaining the Torah as a ‘revered’ book, and not as a result of where the facts and figures take them.
Whether this emotional interest happens to be–
1. Christian Identity types who believe by virtue of their ‘white DNA’ that they themselves are the modern-day descendants of the Old Testament Hebrews,
2. Protestants of virtually all sects who seem to be drawn to the god of the Hebrews in the same way that Star Wars fans are drawn to the character of Darth Vader,
3. Catholics/Orthodox Christians who know they face the charge of ‘heresy’ and/or ex-communication for going down the path known as ‘Marcionism’…
–the results are all the same, in that the NECESSARY critical examination of exactly what encompasses and characterizes the ‘god’ of the Hebrews as found in the Old Testament (Torah) never receives the kind of intelligent study required for understanding and answering this age-old question dealing with the ‘JP’, i.e. the Jewish problem.
Having said all of that, let us now delve a little into the ‘DNA’ of this very interesting essay on the part of our Hebraic author–
1. The depiction of Jesus in Judaic belief as an apostate who taught things to the Jews of His day that were ‘not in the Torah’–
So much for the assertions put forth by Christian defenders of the Torah who say that Jesus was a ‘Torah true Jew’ and followed all the 613 laws handed down by Moses, despite the fact that the Gospels themselves make KRISTOL CLEAR that Jesus did not, whether it was paying the temple tax, doing the ceremonial washing before eating, healing on the sabbath or consorting with ‘sinners’, all forbidden acts according to the laws of Moses as clearly written down in the Torah.
Next, the absolutely scurrilous depiction of Jesus and the punishment which Jews believe He endures to this very day for having taught a doctrine that was not ‘Torah compliant’. By comparison, if Christians entertained beliefs about Caiphas–the High Priest who engineered the Judaic mafia hit against Jesus–that were couched in similar themes as the Jews entertain about Jesus, the ensuing screeching campaign would be enough to wake the dead and launch a zombie Apocalypse.
But probably the most important takeaway from this piece lies in understanding that the Jews as a people–despite the very sophisticated schmoozing campaign that exists today on the part of pro-Israel interests out to capture the money, votes, and affections of Christians around the world in supporting that doomed Apocalyptic experiment in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East–have never been, are not, and never will be anything other than utterly and completely antithetical to Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the legacy which He brought to human history known as Western Civilization.
Whether it is Sarah Silverman who makes her hatred of Jesus (and indeed of all Christian morals) plain for all to see, or whether it is Sarah Netanyahu who as wife of the present Israeli PM puts on her ‘happy face’ in saying nice things about Christians in order to rob them of their geld and their good graces, the fact is that Judah-ism was, is, and always will be the anti-Christ ‘beast’ cryptically depicted in the final book of the New Testament whose reign on earth will–as predicted by Jesus Himself–be such a bloodbath that were this reign not cut short, ‘no flesh would survive’.
The Jewish Daily Forward
It is a common practice among religious Jews to abstain from studying Torah on Christmas Eve. This tradition is remarkable, since, for one thing, religious Jews do not usually have customs associated with Christian holidays. For another, studying of Torah is considered one of the most important things Jews must do, and they otherwise only abstain on solemn days, such as Tisha B’Av.
Why then would they eschew this sacred duty on ‘Nittel Nacht’, the night before Christmas?
The Yiddish name for Christmas is Nittel. It derives from the medieval Latin name of the holiday, Ntlis Dis Domin, ‘the Lord’s birthday’, which also gave French and Italian their names for the holiday, Noël and Natale respectively.
Despite Nittel’s clear derivation from Latin, medieval Jews commonly believed that the word was derived from the Hebrew word nitleh – ‘hanged one,’ which was a common name for Jesus among Jews at the time due to his association with crucifixion.
While we find references to Nittel in rabbinic literature throughout the Middle Ages, the first mention of abstaining from Torah study on Christmas Eve appears only in the second half of the 17th century.
According to Prof. Marc Shapiro of the University of Scranton, who conducted the most thorough study of the subject to date, the first known reference to the practice in rabbinic writings is a single line in Rabbi Yair Bacharach’s book Kitzur Halakhot. What Bacharach, one of the most important rabbis in 17 century Germany, actually wrote about the practice was lost, but the reference to it in his index has survived: ‘And the practice of canceling Torah study on Christmas.’
Although that earliest reference to the practice in Jewish texts dates to the 1600s, it could well have existed earlier. It is possible and indeed likely that Jews would have refrained from mentioning this practice in writing for fear that Christians would read about the custom and punish them for it.
The crime of apostasy
According to Jewish belief, for his crime of apostasy – teaching laws to the Jews that were not in the Torah – Jesus is confined to a pool of sewage in Hell for eternity. A common theme is that on Christmas Eve specifically, Jesus is forced to wander in all pits of excrement and latrines throughout the world.
As for the practice of abstaining from Torah study in relation to Christianity, the earliest mention isn’t even about Christmas. The writings of Johann Adrian, a Jew who converted to Christianity in the 1600s, indicate that it is actually Ascension day, not Christmas, on which Jews do not study Torah, based on the Jewish belief that Jesus spends the night crawling through sewage, and that if he hears the Torah being studied in a house, he gets a respite from this dreadful punishment. Thus, by abstaining from Torah study, pious Jews deprive him of that respite and make his suffering worse.
Adrian also mentions that Jewish parents tell their children ‘See to it that the hanged one does not pull you in,’ meaning into the toilet.
The same applies to another apostate, Julius Conrad Otto, who published an anti-Jewish polemic in 1613 in which he claims that Jews curse Jesus on Christmas Eve, but he says nothing about abstaining from Torah study.
The specific prohibition on studying Torah on Christmas eve first appears in writing in 1614, in the writings of the apostate Samuel Friedrich Brenz who repeats the assertions of Adrian, that by abstaining from Torah study on Ascension Day, pious Jews deprive Jesus from respite in his punishment of crawling through excrement. Brenz also claims that Jews consume a lot of garlic on this day, no doubt out of the belief that this will ward off the feared Jesus, as it is believed by Jews that garlic wards off demons.
Two years later, in 1616, another apostate named Dietrich Schwab repeated the charge that Jews believed that Jesus roamed the world’s toilets on Christmas Eve, mentioning that they ‘instill in their children and other members of their house great fear and horror… they do not desire to go into the latrine on this night unless they are in the most extreme need and are forced to do so.’
Schwab also mentions the custom of abstaining from Torah study on this day in order to give Jesus ‘no rest or respite from his terrible anguish.‘
Based on these references, it appears that the tradition of not studying Torah on Christmas Eve appeared, or at least became widespread, in the early 17th century, and that it was based on the notion that by doing so, Jews made Jesus’ divine punishment – crawling through excrement – worse.
The tradition caught on in subsequent generations, markedly in Eastern Europe, which had a large population of Jews.
By the 19th century, or perhaps earlier, the original reasoning behind the practice was forgotten. But Jews continued behaving in the way learned from their rabbis, and today some Jews continue the tradition of abstaining from Torah study on Christmas Eve just as their rabbis did over the generations.
Hi Mark – about time you confronted them again as you did the Torah-True-Jews at the TBR conference so many years ago, which wasn’t understood by many at the time.
To you and family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019.
Interesting read,I think one of the problems modern Jews face is they do Not know who they are,or they claim to be white for convenience, they deny any kinship with local Semitic tribes,namely the “Arabs/Palestinian”, if they accepted kinship or brotherhood this would mean empathy and accepting some core truths,one would mean they are Not of the white race,the tribes of the white race are Germanics,Celtics, Romantics,and Slavics,those Not of these tribes can Not claim to be white,though the ancient Trojans or pre Islamic Persia may indeed perhaps were of the white race…The pre Christian Talmud/Torah is a book that is undeniably racist and full of aggression, it would be good to remind people that Judaism started out as a poly mythic religion, and that Yahweh was a Zeus like figure amongst many Gods..
P.S.It was the Pharoe Akhenaten ,and then the Persians that first believed in the “One God “,Not the Jews, they began as polymaths..