or the first time in a quarter-century, the prospect of war—real war, war between the major powers—will be on the agenda of Western leaders when they meet at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland, on July 8 and 9.
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I remember, years ago, when I though the “Nation” magazine was a real alternative news source. LOL! Quote from this article: Russian intervention in Crimea & eastern Ukraine is certainly provocative and repugnant…” That set off the Jew radar! What a sham! The “Nation” can F-O.
This is not really about the Crimean besides it changed owners a number of times. Keep an eye on 4-19-2017 on that date the 100year contract between the bolshevics and high-finance (FED) expires. Russia could then POSSIBLY nationalize the central bank and use sovereign State issued debt-free currency. With sovereign currency issue comes also the luxus of sovereign (foreign) policy. Not to mention the extra wealth gained by not needing to pay interests to usurers. Certain to throw a wrench into global enslavement plan- And a cause for war.