Manuel “Through-My Wife-I-Am-Eternally-Linked-to Israel” Valls, French Prime Minister. Image, courtesy Egalité et Reconciliation
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and WHO is paying for this ‘guarding ‘extravaganza??
851 anti-Semitic “incidents” in France in 2014 equates to 2.33 per day in a population of c. 64.6 million.
I wonder what the rates of anti-other-ethnicities incidents were in La Belle France in 2014.
In particular: anti-Muslim and even anti-French; it would not surprise me if those rates were considerably higher than 2.33 per day.
I wonder if the conscientious French scientists who collected the data also collected data regarding other ethnicities?
The scientists were French, weren’t they?
The scientists were conscientious, weren’t they?
The scientists were scientists, weren’t they?
France is French, isn’t it?
Is Alain Soral a Nazi?
An interesting overview of Alain Soral’s Egalite et Reconciliation and their views on National Socialism.
@Druid: Interesting and fair by giving space to Soral to describe his position:
“He has written in Dialogues désaccordés (a book of written exchanges with the mainstream journalist Éric Naulleau):
[T]he far-right [as a slur], at least since 1945 and more so since May ’68, is an invention of leftism, under Atlanticist sponsorship, that is of the business right (what I call the Bank) to hide the fact that National Socialism was socially left-wing.
That too is one of the keys to understanding everything that has been at stake since the Second World War.
As a French national socialist, I am irritated at being lumped with the far-right, a term which for me designates the neoconservatives, the Americano-Zionist imperialists, and the international banking power . . .
So, my answer is that I am not of the far-right, but I am a national socialist, but one can consider this to be worse!
I would add, so that I am not merely taken for a provocateur, that I am a French national socialist: With no need to refer to a racial theory for reasons of living space, which corresponded to the German situation. Ideology often stemming from geography!
I am a national socialist in the manner of Hugo Chávez, hence given the current context of domination by militaro-banking globalism, a genuine man of the left! Understand, if you will . . .[1]
In the video, after quoting these words, Soral adds: “I will let you judge the honesty of each and of the obscenity of my adversaries.” Soral has in other videos praised National Socialist economists Gottfried Feder and Hjalmar Schacht. He has also published a wartime book by the left-wing French writer Francis Delaisi defending the Third Reich’s economic policies.[2] Soral said at the time: “The solutions of tomorrow to the current crisis are in this book . . . which actually had been fully discovered by the German National Socialist economists and planners.” In short, the apology of a regulated, national capitalism rejecting usury and using protectionism where necessary.”
is is just me or does manuel valls lok like serbian tennis player novak djokovic. (seeded no1. right now at the ATP world cup)