The gang regularly boarded a Saturday night midnight bus that runs from the largest shopping mall in Petah Tikva to Elad. If the driver was a minority – an Ethiopian Jew or an Arab-Israeli – the teens would terrorize them, vandalize the bus and the drivers’ property, and refuse to pay for the ride. If the driver was not a minority, the teens behaved.
Charlie Hebdo: Does Fox News Terrorise Us? Russell Brand The Trews (E232)
Bonus Trews: If You’re Non-Muslim In Birmingham, Get Out! (E233)
Amazing how we only get to hear about the Muslim kids throwing stones and rarely about news like this!
Corey Gil-Shuster has an interesting channel … we get to send him questions to ask … (the most recent video in interesting too, on whether Israelis feel like Judaism is closer to Christianity or Islam):
And then there’s THIS (right here in America) !!
Finally, an old shocking one:
OCDG … the cover photo was awesome! I’m laughing every time I’m looking at it 🙂
I just remembered the expositions by David Livingstone (who accepted Islam in the late 90’s). He wrote extensively about how the Masons infiltrated both Salafi and Sufi ends. I keep and open mind, and he’s got some very convincing points.
Tableeghis should also ask themselves since when ‘secrecy’ (to mention just one thing) is not loathed by Allah.
Here’s an excerpt from a random page. The possible Judaization (and Pharisee-intimacy) and “whited sepulchre” state of of Tableegh Jamat becomes clear :
“TABLEEGHI JAMAATS ROLE IN KUFAAR COUNTRIES: The thousands of members of the Tableeghi Jamaat are utilising all their energy exclusively inwards towards other Muslims and leaves the Kaafir powers to pursue their Godless exploitation of the Muslims completely unimpeded.
This is the reason why the Tableeghi Jamaat moves freely in Kufaar countries in Europe and the rest of the world, while other Muslims are being imprisoned, tortured, and killed on a daily basis. In Israel, under Zionist control, the Jamaat is allowed free access to any part to do “Allah’s Work” while Palestinian men, women and children, who are opposing Zionist rule, are tortured and killed.”'at.htm
Of course the offending teens will be sent home shame-faced to their parents and be grounded without privileges for a month. During that time they will also happily volunteer community time assisting in Palestinian charity work. These wonderful youths will be so changed by this experience that they will become self hating Jews and …. and…
Yeah, right. The moon is made of green cheese too.
It is more likely they go home, crack open a bottle of Manishevitz and figure out how to do it dressed like Palestinians.
HM1 brother despite their many problems they are considered to be part of the ahl al sunnah they have many sincere brethren in their ranks. We are told to correct their mistakes gently and that they are our brethren we share all the important aspects. Moreover, unity is more important than pushing people out of the fold for incorrect methodologies. Reminds me of a certain group called the takfiris.
Nooralhaqiqah … Spot on. I’m totally with you on this.
My sister MJ …
If my deliberations only reminded you of ‘takfiris’ … then you’re certainly not being gentle on your poor brother over here! 🙂 … You misunderstood me. And at times like this I wonder if you forget my earlier posts on TUT. See, my memory is cumulative and consistent, particularly when it comes to ‘building on a discourse’ towards positive outcomes. … I know it’s difficult on a written forum, when you don’t ‘know’ the people on board. My way is to take the time, observe and build a picture of each person based on what they’re trying to say. … And I frequently stated how I don’t automatically hand over all my credulity to any ‘authority’ (esp. religious) just because they’re publicly acclaimed (a mistake that typifies most Muslims/ people). [We each answer for ourselves, alone, on Judgment Day; our priests/ sheikhs/ jamaat won’t answer for us.] … I frequently find conscientiousness and wisdom in individuals (e.g. and esp. here on TUT) that may be missing in entire renowned religious denominations. These individuals remind me of (and fuel my hopes on) the “clouds that will gather together” as resistance in the End Times (as prophesized), and I naturally want to see these brothers and sisters validated, fortified, appraised and victorious. … Because I just want God and the Truth to win (with or without me). And [IMHO] here at TUT, we’re all “building on something”. And any knee-jerk misperception might actually turn out counterproductive — a spanner in the works.
A correct methodology is an additive, cumulative “whole” (not just a single verse or set of verses) that ever-expands (and enables more and more sight) till death. One of the tell-tale signs of such a methodology is that it can revive and restore Divine Guidance back to the original —– by identifying and filtering out Judaic injections/ poison —– at any time in history. And ‘self-reflection’/ ‘self-critique’/ Tazkiyah is a staple part of such a methodology (for the true children of Adam, whose self-critiquing nature set him apart from Satan). … I remember one of the earlier articles MG wherein, in the comments section, OCDG shared some brilliant examples of how [the mysteriously selected Asiatic Nomad called Bukhari may well be a Scofield of Islam, and how] some Hadith are full of Judaic insertions that are actually insulting to Prophet Muhammad (saas), and even other prophets such as Solomon (a.s.). … Your misperception was that (in identifying Bukhari’s insulting narratives) OCDG was insulting a reverend scholar! … At times like this, the important thing is to reflect and realize that : Allah allows such situations to arise for us to take notes and treat those instances as continued Guidance from Him. [Remember Caliph Umar (r.a.) would frequently say: whoever corrects Umar will be rewarded!] We’re all ‘only human’, some more so than others. We don’t need to win —- God and His Truth must win, because it will, in the end, with or without us.
Let’s reflect for consistency. I know you recently said how you appreciate [and benefit from] Beloved Sheikh Imran Hosein’s (rah.a.) insight and works. Did you know that this Tableegh Jamaat (along with Freemasonic Salafi’s) wanted to shut down and malign this rare and blessed Sheikh? [You wonder if that makes ’em “Those that hold men from the Path of Allah” (as in the Qur’an) and not “Ahl Al Sunnah”?! Scary, eh? There’s more …] … I noticed you’ve recently shared links of [of my other Beloved and revered Teachers] Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson (rahimahullah). [I remember, in my very first comment to you, when I just joined TUT discussions, I began by sharing the Sheikh’s RIS speech with you.] … Now think carefully : Sheikh Hamza is one of the only scholars of Islam (other than Sheikh Imran) who has publicly denounced ISIS when they surfaced in Syria. Now, does Sheikh Hamza denouncing the ‘Takfiri ISIS’ (and stating that ISIS is, as per Hadith, “the callers of Hell”) make the Sheikh a Takfiri too (Astaghfirullah)? Not at all! Sheikh Imran himself frequently illustrates how Islamic scholarship (incl. these denominations/ jamaat) is busy eating and drinking for almost a century now! I agree. When is the last time we heard a single word from “them” against ISIS? Why?
And this is just an example of what kind of mind-games the Jews have set Muslims up for! We need to exert our critical thinking/ reflections to an excruciating maximal, esp. in these End Times. Here’s a reflection : The Jews have exhausted all efforts to remove God out of people’s lives for a WHILE now. The rituals and occasional scriptural citation (and five heartless pillars) are ALL [the shell] that’s left of Islam (another End Time prophecy materialised)! Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (rah.a.) used to call these “the mere a-b-c’s of Islam” —- like a loopy rant that never changed since 1000 years ago, almost as if Islam will never grow past these “a-b-c’s” and produce PhD’s in each and every Muslim! … … Who reduced/ stunted Islam like this? [And why, just so that the Baathists and Ataturks can come and ‘civilize’ us?] … Why did Prophet Muhammd (saas) say that in these End Times, mosques will be gorgeous looking and devoid of guidance (just like Dajjal-sponsored/ elected Ulema/ Rabbis/ Popes)? … Why are the “real” mosques [even] in the West struggling to raise funds and kept harassed by the ‘system’ with stupid issues like parking space/ tickets … while “those other mosques” have an easy, well-funded life? … Does the system only prefer “Donkey Islam” or “Masonic Islamism”? [Those words were not coined by me, if you are aware.] … [I could go on and on with these question, but I think you got the idea.] If you ever research on who really funds a lot of these denominations you will quickly be appalled with a lot of “Truths”! There is a systemic effort to create 72 misguided (or “almost guided and then not”) sects within Islam. And one of my lifelong discoveries is that it’s from/ by the same crooks who created 72 sects within Christianity. [And that’s just one of the expositions/ deliberations I bring to TUT.]
The correct methodology sees both the trees and the forest. Each of us [Believers] are differently blessed by Allah. [I’m of those who naturally sees the forest first, and I keep learning everyday on the trees.] Each of us have a (Divinely selected) role to play in ranks (As-Saffat), which a true Believer would deliver sincerely as ordained by God Himself. … …
The Big Picture suggest that: The Jews/ satans have kept us busy prioritizing this world over the Hereafter for almost 200 years, now. They ‘secularized’ the heart of man [while God still says: “How do you Judge? What’s the matter with you?!” (10:35)] and made it fashionable to say : “I don’t judge”, while we should really be judging by a central anchoring standard — God’s Word. .. In comes Satan and his Pharisees — distorting every prior Revelation so that man may never agree as to the central standard! … They keep us idolizing ‘modern/ scientific’ rhetoric, while their real preoccupation and motivations are entirely Scriptural/ Religious — down to this WW3 for the Holy Land.
And while misguiding everyone, the satans have studied all religions (and retained/ hid the original Torah and Gospel, e.g.). And now, today, they’re “testing” Christians and Muslims on true knowledge! [E.g., while Muslim sheeple are still arguing about whether the End Times are here, the entire creation of the ISIS, down to their flags, are straight from Eschatology! That’s how far the satans are ahead of these “jamaats”!] … Just look with your inner eye! Christians resemble the rotten bunch rolling about in Herod’s drunken and depraved court … and Muslims resemble the rotten bunch from the “Jahiliyah” of pre-Muhammad (saas) times! … The meaning of “Ilm” (Knowledge) is very different from “Ma’lumat” (Information). But thanks to a global village of the English language, the latter is being mistaken for the former. And there’s no longer a culture of mutual appreciation and cumulative discourse when it comes to religious discussions … because the Mullahs/ clerics (like Tableegh) only taught us how to “attack thy own” while the enemy goes unbridled! … And this “attack thy own” is the very brainwash/ mentality the monsters are going to “trigger” when they upcoming WWZ zombie breakout hits the fan!
[I hope, at this juncture, you realized that my act of “pointing towards the enemies of unity” should not be misinterpreted as an act of perpetrating disunity! It’s quite the contrary!]
No Divine Guidance ever prescribed the unity of cancer cells with healthy cells in a body! Muhammad (saas) compared the companion Abu Dharr (r.a.) with Jesus (a.s.) for a reason. Abu Dharr was “uncompromising” and stern, like Jesus. And if we are to prepare for Jesus’ return, we must become more like Abu Dharr, esp. if we are to be of any use to Jesus in this war between good and evil. [And to see through sects and denominations : Jesus had already said : “By their evil fruits shall you know them”. Logically, Muhammad (saas) would say the same regarding how to see through Tableeghs of the world.]
I’m no one to push anyone out of the fold. I’m just another Believer/ Muttaqin… not a Mufti/ Bishop. I just have some valid concerns … In a world where even a few God-fearing, conscientious Christians are waking up to extend support to persecuted Muslims (e.g., here at TUT) … it is bitterly shameful and inexcusable for the wealthy/ influential Muslims/ Saudis and fat-cat clergy/ jamaats to sit there and watch Muslims burn and die while they do nothing! [All they can say, like jaahils, is bidah-bidah, haram-haram at the helpless and ignorant!] … One is compelled to foresee how Muslims will be so persecuted soon that they’ll have no choice but to become like the real Bani-Israel slaves — hopeless and with massive victim complexes on their shoulders. And THEN the Jews will laugh and say : “see, you’re no better than us”!
The Jews continue in their wicked mischief! They knew that once they’ve managed to fool enough Christians with falsified/ distorted Texts (for a sufficient time), most Christians (due to sheer human nature) will find it impossible to admit that they’ve been fooled. The case of Muslims is no different. Just how few are willing to even admit (forget investigate and correct) that the Pharisees have distorted a lot of Beliefs (since they couldn’t distort the Qur’an) and are funding this assault through various denominations/ jamaats themselves?!
“A recent report by Tel Aviv University says Saudi Arabia is the last hope and defense line for Israel and has described the Saudis as Tel Aviv’s last chance to protect its political interests in the Arab world.”
There are some who have paid bitter prices in life for their Faith. Their knowledge, thus, is “lived”. And when they speak, they don’t need to cite Qur’anic verse too much (or past a point), because men of understanding will see what verses are behind each deliberation from the speaker. [Correct methodology ==> “if it doesn’t resonate with “the whole”, then it’s inapplicable”.] … And the evil and deceptive tentacles Freemasonry are easily visible to these ones… just as the expositions of David Livingstone are manifest to those who can see …
Remember, the Antichrist Dajjal will rule over Muslims too. And for that, the Jews had to take steps to have enough deception installed within Islam. If you believe in the Hadith regarding the “999/1000” or “the final 1200 with Jesus in the end” … it will all make sense as to what is and isn’t “Ahl Al Sunnah” or “the fold of Islam” …
[I pray that the All Merciful never allows a day before my death when I woke up and became out of the fold of Islam … and I didn’t even know it … and no one judged me or knew … yet I was still out of the fold!]
The real “Unity” (in my humble view) that we need today is one among “Believers” (instead of calling it a unity among “Muslims and Christians”, because each of these groups require self-filtration against Zionist pollution, to different extents). …
E.g., when Charlie Hebdo published the offensive cartoon depicting Jesus … wouldn’t it have been something IF Muslims went and protested that?! … WHEN is Islam going to produce THAT kind of Muslim? [Only the wise can see the endless implications of such a protest! … It would’ve put out the VERY fire that the JEws are trying to light up right now!] … Ah, I forget! Muslims produced by the likes of Tableegh are the last to understand this!
Here’s the latest contribution to Truth from our brother in the Truth Movement, Morris. He reflects on some very interesting points … and clearly proves to be a far better Thinker / Mufakkir than the Tableeghi types (and thus of more help to Islam) :
[Excerpt:] “Nasrallah recently spoke of the Evil of the Muslim Extremists in Paris!! This part I just don’t understand! … And Iran is the same on Press TV — a little bit of lip service that ‘maybe it was a false flag’, ‘may be the Americans did it’ … but it won’t go as far as to say “A HOAX”! … They may have very good reasons [for that] but I just don’t know what they are!”
[Looks like Morris has a better understanding of / insight into the mysterious implications of sectarianism than even a lot of Muslims!]
[In a world that’s THIS Judaized … it is difficult for many to separate “Nahi Anil Munkar” from “Takfir”! These are the cunning ways in which Judaism (and it’s mind games) is winning over Islam.]
By no means did I believe you are anything like the Takfiris and I agree they require nahi an al munkar. Your points are well taken by the way.
PS you do have an interesting thought process brother HM1 ….:)
My Sister in Faith, MJ … It was really nice and assuring to read your message today. 🙂 All praise be to Allah for bringing us all together here, and giving us an opportunity to discuss these things, especially at such a critical time in human history.
Thank you for the appreciation/ encouragement on my reflections. … It made my life worthwhile, though filled with extreme tribulations. If it wasn’t for the All Merciful granting me the sweetness of Faith/ Imaan, the Freemasonic Jews had shredded my life enough in ways that’d make any man end his life! … My wife, by the way, often jokingly calls me “a ticking time-bomb of Truth and insanity”! 😀 … We’ve tried our best to hold on to the Rope of Allah in ever increasing ways/ efforts/ understanding. I’m also trying and hoping that my son grows up to be able to be a Covenant-bearer of Truth against evil and oppression too, and be able to raise a brave and brilliant voice like MG’s daughter (Ma sha Allah). … Please keep us in your prayers/ Dua’, sister.
In the context of our discussion, I remember the link you shared with me (in our first ever discussion) on the Sermon by Sheikh Mohammad El-Shinawy. More than the video, I was impressed to [look up and] learn how the brother had once launched a lawsuit against the profiling and harassments of the NYPD! I’m proud to know such a brother, now.
I remember you also told me how you provide a voice of truth online, and your husband calls it a hassle. Well, we don’t know which deed might please Allah the most. And I do believe that you may well be doing “God’s Work” in much more meaningful, relevant and contemporary ways than most (not all, I’m not saying All) of those aforementioned Tableeghi types…. Please do correct me too, if I should ever miss something. In one of my earliest comments, I ascribed Truthing within Islam to only a few of our beloved Sheikhs. Thereafter, you shared some links from “Mission Islam”, and I thought to myself, yes I missed that one; it’s one of my all time respected sites.
Jazak Allah khairan brother definitely it is lonely work but I find it to be gratifying . We need as many voices to confront this thing and the more discerning the better Alhamdullilah, Btw,that is hilarious about what your wife calls you, when I was in high school way, way back they used to call me “the controversial time bomb”what a coincidence:) . MAY Allah bless your family, mg’s and mine and make or progeny of the saliheen/sincere and of the truthful. Blessings.
Ps brother Elshinawy MashAllah you must have awesome conversations!
lol my apologies I misunderstood your comment about knowing shaykh elshinawy I would love to be neighbors with such a family…..:)
Thank you for the Dua, Sister MJ. Ameen. … Yes, that coincidence is interesting! 🙂 … Yes, I never met Br. ElShinawy. But I met Sheikh Imran Hosein (rah.a.) many times.