Jeff Sessions Eviscerated on Twitter for His ‘Offensive’ Reference to ‘Jewish AIPAC’
ed note–as much as peace-and-quiet loving Gentiles are disinclined to do so, nevertheless, whenever Judea, Inc begins screeching about something we need to pay attention to it, because it is–as we have pointed out here ad nauseum–an indicator.
As we have also pointed out here, the entire Judaic paradigm can ONLY exist in an atmosphere of obscurity, confusion, consternation, etc, which is why Sessions’ use of the adjective ‘Jewish’ in describing AIPAC–which indeed it is–unnerves the tribe (as they affectionately like to refer to themselves) because they would rather that the average American dolt not understand too well the primary building materials that go into spy and blackmail operations such as AIPAC, lest they begin figuring things out as t how they are getting screwed and their country is going down the toilet.
Sorry Editor. He needed to be “Eviscerated” for ‘Offensive’ Reference to ‘Jewish AIPAC’
Dont you know that it is redundant to say “Jewish AIPAC”?
The jew.the rothchilds, the parasite of humanity. All misery comes from the jew, for 6000 years.
AIPAC, for its part, makes a tremendous effort to define itself as a “pro-Israel” lobby, describing itself with great care as a “bi-partisan pro-Israel lobby.”
But…but…but, isn’t Israel the Jewish State and the “Jewish homeland” for Jewish people?
Is this one of those time when Israel ISN’T ‘the Jewish state’?
In its mission statement, [AIPAC] says its goal is “to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel” and “educate decision makers about the bonds that unite the United States and Israel and how it is in America’s best interest to help ensure that the Jewish state is safe, strong and secure.”
And this gets to the heart of the Jewish dilemma … how to make the interests of a declaredly supremacist, self-serving, murderous, and overtly hostile entity such as Judaism seem ‘coincident’ with the interests of the despised ‘gentiles’. How do you put lipstick on a pig?
Well of course the way they do it is to actively sponsor worldwide ‘teworw’ while agitating for its opposite … the ‘war on teworw’. Projection writ large. And, with supreme hypocrisy – or as they prefer it, ‘chutzpah’ – they pretend to be the Muslim’s ‘friend’ in common cause against the aggressions of the irredeemable white Christian.
I’ll hide behind a smile
and understanding eyes
and I’ll tell you things that you already know
so you can say
I really identify with you, so much
and all the time that you’re needing me
is just the time that I’m bleeding you
don’t you get it yet?
I’ll come to you like an affliction
and I’ll leave you like an addiction
you’ll never forget me
you want to know why?
cause I’m a liar
yeah I’m a liar
I’ll rip your mind out
I’ll burn your soul
I’ll turn you into me
I’ll turn you into me
– Henry Rollins