1983 CIA documents reveal Deep State plan to destroy Syria

IWB – According to declassified CIA documents, the Deep State made plans to ‘utterly destroy the Syrian government’ as far back as 1983. Documents obtained via the U.S. National Archives reveal detailed plans to militarily intervene in Syria in order to secure their oil supply. CONTINUE READING

One thought on “1983 CIA Documents Reveal US Plan To ‘Obliterate Syria’”
  1. Of course, people have been artificially constrained to use petrol and other oil-based combustion engines anyway.
    When we see peoples going to war to secure oil, they are being cruelly played, as no one needs to die in any war for oil when alternative energy sources are all around us, but those monsters in power wish for the slaughters to continue, as to kill as many Gentiles as possible is the real purpose of these wars, not oil, when we could have other sources of fuel made freely available to us that have already been discovered and fully researched.
    We have had water-powered engines that have been prevented from coming to market by one means or another. It is really all about maintaining an ‘excuse’ for constant war to murder people for no good reason at all, for ‘reasons’ that only the ‘usual suspects’ know in their twisted minds.

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