Russia demands Israeli explanation of air strikes in Syria
Strikes said to have hit weapons and a convoy destined for Hezbollah; Israel has neither confirmed nor denied the action.
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Strikes said to have hit weapons and a convoy destined for Hezbollah; Israel has neither confirmed nor denied the action.
JSPACENEWS.COM On November 24, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, made a statement to the United Nations General Assembly about “The Question of Palestine”. The speech was made in…
Israel is training members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Jordan along the border with Saudi Arabia in order to carry out acts of terror inside Iran…
Prime Minister had demanded Finance Minister back nation state bill, drop 0% VAT plan; Shas chair to faction heads: Set date for elections.
OCDG : All thanks to the chosenbergs. This article focuses on the Christian viewpoint but is applicable to all people. Read here
Muslims are in the front line of the conflict against ISIS and Al-Qaida, and two, that they are the overwhelming victims, in a ratio of tens of thousands to one.…