Iran: Zionist occupation source of regional crises
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Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
YNET Survey conducted by InterNations network shows 1.5 million expatriates who live in foreign countries think israelis are one of world's most innovative and outgoing population, with US and Brazil…
Ed-note (Sabba) – The link below will take you to a ‘book’ or rather a summary of several books by French writer Hervé Ryssen. I have read many of his…
ed note–The 2nd of 5 pre-records before the fire. download here
ed note–as P.T. Barnum said–‘there’s a sucker born every minute’. Organized Jewish interests are laughing their asses off over the ease with which they have created this anti-Islamic hysteria and…
Ed note (Trevor) ~ Dear TUT readers, all three of my Facebook pages are blocked, so I hope you don’t mind me posting my response a recent post on JVP’s…
Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan February 3, 2014. (photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) As part of the coalition agreement reached between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish…
Ed-note (Sabba) – “French” prime minister Manuel Valls was born in Barcelona of a Spanish father and a Swiss mother; Manuel Valls became ‘french’ in 1982; his family on his…
YNET A group of former IDF soldiers, incensed over an Israeli NGO claims that they abused Palestinians during last summer’s fighting in Gaza, have taken to social media to fight…
Ed-note (Sabba) – The violence that is now shaking Macedonia is closely related to the announced ‘colored revolution’ which was to kick off on 17 May 2016. On May 09,…
ed note–as we have predicted many times on this website, the latino/hispanic community in America (and beyond) is the next demographic group that organized Jewish interests have targeted for penetration/mental…
A Message From Caleb Maupin Onboard the “Iran Shahed” Rescue Ship in the Persian Gulf
ed note–The first of 5 recordings Mike did before the fire. download here
TUT readers, On the evening of May 12, a serious fire broke out in the house where MCP has been currently staying for the last month 5 months, the likely…
JTA A prominent Boston rabbi was indicted for embezzlement and larceny for stealing money from his temple to pay off a man who was blackmailing him for his affair with…
JTA Oscar Award-winning actress Natalie Portman will portray Jackie Kennedy in a movie about the first four days in the life of the former first lady after the assassination of…
JTA A Northwestern University student filed a harassment complaint over a campus demonstration that attempted to simulate Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank. As part of their “Israeli…
Wisconsin governor wraps up visit to Israel which included meeting with Netanyahu, Steinitz, but staff tight-lipped about trip
Riyadh and other Gulf capitals reportedly will insist they will have ‘whatever the Iranians have,’ as Camp David summit gets underway ed note–MAMMA MIA, WHAT A COINCIDENCE–Netanyahu ‘predicts’ a Middle…
Florida legislator seeking the Republican presidential nomination blames PA for talks deadlock