UK Premier: We’ll Close Madrassas That Teach Jewish Conspiracies
Ed-note (Sabba) – As we read this article, let us remember that story which broke out on 02SEP15 about that jewish school which teaches children that goyim are evil… That…
Jerusalem’s Christian Zionist Super Bowl
THE ALGEMEINER Black lights and sensational music. Dancing. Prayer. Charity. A march of thousands of colors from more than 80 nations — a march in solidarity with Israel. In essence,…
Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn’t stop attacking U.S. assets
Ed-note (Sabba) – “US Assets in Syria”? Which US Assets?!? Come on Brzezinski, spell it out: you know you want to! As a side note on this man, we hear…
And thru Russia, it belongs to Orthodox Christianity and her sister, Islam.
Iraq Asks For Russian Airstrikes; US Air Force “Small Help”
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US Spent a Year Bombing Syrian Desert, Not ISIL – Russian MP
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In Assad’s heartland, villagers see Russians as saviours
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Russia, Assad Forces Launch First Joint Military Operation in Syria
Russian warships carry out missile strikes; ground offensive launched with aid of Russian airstrikes; 5 Lebanese soldiers wounded in apparent spillover in fighting.
Israeli Op-ed–‘Putin is part of the problem, not the solution’
If the US continues to hesitate and fails to act with a firm hand against Russia, the Syrian crisis will intensify, the Islamic State will grow stronger and refugees will…
Carly Fiorina says her degree in medieval history has prepared her to fight ISIS
ed note–I once took a graduate course in Medieval History. We learned about burning suspected witches at the stake, the use of leeches in curing people and a whole host…
Iran’s supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States
ed note–please pay attention to a few items here from Iran’s Supreme Leader– ‘Negotiations with the United States open the gates to their economic, cultural, political and security influence. Even…
Top Ukraine official backs the idea of helping ISIS ‘take revenge’ on Russian soldiers in Syria
ed note–just in case there was any question as to just whose puppet the leadership in Ukraine really was continue reading
4 Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian Sea
ed note–The Caspian Sea is quite a ways away from Syria and the obvious reason for Russia deciding to do this is to demonstrate to Israel, America, and the West…
Using the Holocaust to justify war on Assad
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Russia Says ‘Volunteers’ Likely to Fight in Syria
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Nevada lawmaker wants study done of medications prescribed to mass shooters
ed note–Obviously, according to the catechism of the Sandy Hook cult, she is just part of the ‘cover-up’ and is only there to make it believable that the shooting actually…
Howard Stern Blasts Roger Waters Over Israel Boycott
“Israel has a tiny little country and it bugs the shit out of Roger Waters,” radio host says
Russia To The Rescue
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Germans give Hitler actor a warm welcome
“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?”
UN chief condemns recent killings of Palestinians, without mention of Israeli terror victims
Ban Ki-moon says he is “profoundly alarmed by the growing number of deadly incidents in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem.”
White House: Targeting Hospital not a war crime
ed note (Tony)…Just another reminder to be added to a long-list of historical examples, as to why Israel has chosen the US to do her dirty work for her. Link…