Why is the West So Silent About The Yemeni War?
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
ed note–such talk of nukes is not by happenstance or accident. The BBC asked him certain questions that elicited this response (when someone of his ‘stature’ in the world undoubtedly…
ed note–jes a lil’ reality check in ‘contextualizing’ the hasbara coming out of various mouthpieces from the JMSM that Assad is ‘illegitimate’ as a leader and therefore that Israel, America…
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ed note–I realize this piece is a few days old, but again, the entire world—all 7 billion of us, CANNOT afford to ill-consider the words of a madman such as…
ed note (Tony)…This is the kind of website where today’s ‘Mehr-Cun -Pay-Triots’ get there news…… Link here
“Few of the administration’s bumbling amateur strategists likely knew that Russia claimed during the 19th century to be the rightful protector of Mideast Christians. Russia watched in dismay the destruction…
“British journalist Lindsey Hilsum argues that many Syrians hold Russian President Vladimir Putin for their friend and see Russians as saviors.”
JERUSALEM POST BEIRUT - More than 40 Syrian insurgent groups including the powerful Islamist faction Ahrar al-Sham have called on regional states to forge an alliance against Russia and Iran…
THE JEWISH CHRONICLE A formal complaint has been entered with the BBC over its coverage of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem on Saturday, according to the Israeli embassy. Two men…
THE ALGEMEINER A young man who survived January’s terrorist attack at the Hyper Cacher supermarket in Paris plans to file a complaint against the state for not doing enough to…
TIMES OF ISRAEL Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said his country will support anyone who strikes against Israel and the “Zionist regime,” and again warned the US against any…
ed note (Tony)…Where are the articles about US and Israeli jets violating Syrian airspace???????????? Link here
Ed note—sigh…another ‘hoax’, we can all assume… As we say often on this website, this is what a half century of Old Testament programming on the minds of a nation…