Israel Is a Psycho State — Ken O’Keefe
The video speaks for itself. H/T Fig Trees and Vineyards.
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
The video speaks for itself. H/T Fig Trees and Vineyards.
Ed-note (Sabba) – A reminder, from a jew, that there is no such thing as American jew, a French jew, an English jew, a German jew etc. There are only…
Racist violence has erupted following terrorist attacks in the past, but this time it seems that the Jewish mob which took to the streets was accepted by Jerusalemites with understanding,…
Reuters U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday the Middle East would be more stable if Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were still in power in Libya and…
Netanyahu convened a meeting with top security officials day after deadly terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
ed note (Tony)…”Bipartisan push” = pressure from Israel………. Link here
Nir Hasson Oct 04, 2015 1:41 AM Several violent incidents targeting Arabs were reported in Jerusalem on Saturday night in the wake of a terror attack that killed two ultra-Orthodox…
“Pesky Hillary Clinton compared Putin with Adolf Hitler and labeled him as a person without a soul. Obama called him a bully who is permanently looking for trouble. Never in…
“We will fight alongside whoever fights ISIS,” Salih Muslim, co-president of the Democratic Union Party (…) “We want Russia to provide us air support as well as weapons in our…
Ed note (Sabba) – This so called observatory whose reports and figures have been constantly used by all the western media since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, this observatory…
Ed-note (Sabba) – Mr. Starikov asks all the right questions, provides some very good answers but falls short to mention that the US, the UK who he claims are pulling…
EXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU – 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15’s fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast.The Israeli F…
ed note–quoting the great and irreplaceable Mike Piper when discussing these and other ‘problematic’ elements in this ‘movement’ whose utter stupidity makes the business of victory over our mortal enemy…
Ed-note (Sabba) – Israel was born out of terror and brute force. She feeds herself with blood and violence. She can not exist, thrive and prosper in a normal environment…