Israeli forces strike Syrian military targets in Golan Heights
PRESS TV – Israel says it has hit two Syrian army targets in the Golan Heights in response to what it calls stray fire from the Syrian side. An Israeli…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
PRESS TV – Israel says it has hit two Syrian army targets in the Golan Heights in response to what it calls stray fire from the Syrian side. An Israeli…
HAARETZ – There really is a major and important police investigation being conducted into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I don’t know many more details, but it’s not a continuation of…
Driver for religious school accused of sexual assaults on 13-year old female passenger.
ed note–a few things worth noting here– 1. As Yeshiva students, these men are on their way to rabbi-hood, where they will sit as Dons over their own crime families…
“..all the “humanitarian” talk about “safe zones” and other excuses for Syrian “regime change” was only the camouflage for a desire to protect Israel’s “nuclear monopoly” and the freedom to…
ed note–2 things worth noting here– A sheriff’s badge typically looks like this– –A golden, 6 pointed star where the points are blunted with globes, so the notion that Trump…
Iranian leader also vows his soldiers will never coordinate with American troops in Syria
ed note–imagine for a moment, all of us, the 7 billion Gentiles making up what we might call the Moral Majority on God’s green earth, sitting in a room full…
If Netanyahu isn’t stopped ASAP, “The entire Zionist project is in grave danger.” Ehud Barak.
Sabba – Greece, now Italy. Or, from a jewish perspective, Athens and now Rome. Surely, it is just a coincidence… IWB – Yes, Brexit is important (…) But here’s the…
Sabba – TRANSLATION – What will be criminalized is the questioning/denial of the official narrative which states that it was MUSLIMS who genocided the Christian Armenians in 1915. In other…
Livni is currently in London to attend the Haaretz Israel Conference; The summons was cancelled after diplomatic contacts between Israel and Britain.
THE GUARDIAN – Incidents of anti-Muslim abuse and attacks in public areas of the UK rose by 326% in 2015, with women disproportionately targeted by mostly teenage perpetrators, according to…
PRESS TV – Israeli warplanes have launched several airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in yet another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian coastal territory. No casualties have yet been…
Sabba – America has become a rabid dog that needs to be put down ASAP, for the sake of the American people, for the sake of Humanity, for the sake…
SOTT – The bitter irony continues. While the latest over-the-top ploy to confiscate our guns domestically has the feds sloppily staging yet another mass shooting with in Orlando – the…
HAARETZ – Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and prolific author and outspoken activist, Elie Wiesel died Saturday the age of 87. Wiesel was perhaps best known for his major…
Ed Note– Remember, this–the murder of Gentiles–is what Judah-ism demands be done on the part of its followers, and the perps responsible for doing this were just being ‘good Jews’…
“Finnish armed forces would become part of NATO’s military infrastructure, which overnight would be at the borders of the Russian Federation (…) Do you think we will keep it as…
Sabba – On May 18, we posted an article – Blood Borders: The Clash Of Civilizations And The Migrant Crisis Revisited – with a whole paragraph about “The European Union…
THE DURAN – Wilders claims that while Islam is bad, “Muslim’s can be good people”, as well as claiming that “Islam and freedom are incompatible.” Of course Geert Wilders forgets…
Sabba – On April 13, the Austrian ‘far right’ real leader went to Israel, visited all the jewish holy sites, prostrated himself 6 million times in Yad Vashem, while totally…
JTA – A Chabad-Lubavitch leader condemned a state-funded channel’s airing of Palestinian allegations that an Israeli rabbi approved the poisoning of Palestinian wells. Rabbi Alexander Boroda, president of the Federation…
WSWS – The new policy, according to a White House release, is designed to “develop a sustainable legal and policy architecture to guide our counterterrorism activities going forward,” and to…
“Admit the realities instead of useless use of force and muscle … and put an end to the occupation,” Akhundzada said on Saturday in his first message since being appointed…
Sabba – An excellent article that analyzes the apparent conflicting reactions of world jewry towards the Brexit. However, while the author seems to believe that this is a victory of…
Ed note (Trevor)~ICTS’ 60% controlling shareholder Menachem J. Atzmon is a relative of Gilad Atzmon… Continue reading