TUT Broadcast May 14, 2017
Tonight’s program– Donald Trump, whose presidency was opposed from day one by Judea Inc, is headed to the Middle East to begin the process of reining in the mad dog…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Tonight’s program– Donald Trump, whose presidency was opposed from day one by Judea Inc, is headed to the Middle East to begin the process of reining in the mad dog…
ed note–again, we’ll save everyone the extended commentary other than to highlight what Bennett had to say– ‘Any agreement based on dividing Jerusalem is sentenced to failure’… …As in ‘death…
HAARETZ – The party of France’s president-elect Emmanuel Macron withdrew a politician from its parliamentary elections ticket on Friday for making statements deemed anti-Semitic on Twitter.
HAARETZ – Norway’s largest trade union reaffirmed its support for boycotts of Israel in a nonbonding resolution on Friday. The assembly of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, known locally…
THE IRISH TIMES -A staggering 270 million bombs were dropped on Laos, during what became known as the secret war, because Americans were unaware of what was going on. The…
I-24 NEWS – While politicians clash, Berliners took to the streets on Friday to show that the German-Israeli bond is stronger than ever. 25 German-Israeli organizations belatedly marked Israel’s Independence…
Lame reaction of Republican lawmakers and strong support of GOP voters for FBI director’s dismissal is bad omen for Israel’s right wing ed note–I/we will spare the reader with the…
The passion with which Trump talks about a peace deal and his personal involvement shows he’s no less ‘obsessive and messianic’ than John Kerry. At this rate, Netanyahu will have…
While some countries recognize the State of Palestine, the United States does not ed note–this was not a ‘glitch’, a ‘faux pas’ or a ‘snafu’. As Trump has demonstrated from…
As Trump prepares to renew peace push, Jewish Home leader urges renouncement of two-state support and a new vision for Mideast ed note–if ever there were a 1:1 ratio comparison…
ed note–underscoring yet again how integral to understanding the present situation the entire Rome/Judea paradigm is.
Times of Israel US President Donald Trump is assessing whether moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would help or hurt prospects for clinching an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, Secretary…
www.washingtonpost.com Laurence H. Tribe is Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School. The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation…
The Israeli coalition dreamed of regional agreements, fast-expanding settlements, and a White House cold-shoulder to the PA. Instead, the US president is on his way to Bethlehem to see his…
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster says the US president will demonstrate his hopes for ‘a just and lasting peace’ ed note–‘Palestinian self-determination’ is a fancy way of saying ‘Palestinian State’,…
Mondoweiss Three days ago in New York, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas said that the Jewish Diaspora serves as a global intelligence asset to Israel. Max Blumenthal described the remarks…
SPUTNIK – Europa, in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus and carried off to Crete. In time, Europe was meant to designate the western extreme of Eurasia.…
“I’m a very strong believer that peace should be tried as an option. We should try every option of peace before we have to resort to other forces, but the…
ed note–as we say here often, anyone who thinks that Judaism from the Torah plays no part in this quaint little thing we call Armageddon is either a fool, a…
Shmuel Rosner, Jewish Journal I don’t know why James Comey was fired, nor do you. I have my suspicions. I hear speculations and follow rumors. But all I know as…
Trump planning to launch new round of talks during his upcoming visit
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia will give its “full support” for Trump’s efforts to restart Israel-PA negotiations
ed note–Again, there is no overstating the significance of the fact that Trump will be the first US president to give a speech at this historical place. Masada was the…
ed note–a sad but nonetheless accurate assessment of where we all are these days continue reading
The US president reportedly made the u-turn on his promise during the last few days
Attitudes toward Trump have shifted: Leftist leaders are now cautiously optimistic about president’s overtures to Palestinians, while some right-wingers are getting worried
Israel shouldn’t get into confrontations with Trump on peace initiative, David Friedman tells senior Israeli officials ed note–I’ll save everyone the typical extended commentary and just reduce it a simple…
The U.S. president’s envoy, Jason Greenblatt, is suddenly getting chummy with peacenik Tzipi Livni, Bibi’s archrival
ed note–please note what did not make the ‘Top 5’ List– …An assassination attempt–successful or otherwise–on the US President …An act of terrorism during Trump’s visit that would show Netanyahu…
ed note–yes, there are a few names on the list of the non-Hebraic variety, but a quick scan reveals that they are somewhere in the 1%. What this obviously means…