Followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of both the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and “Kach” an Israeli political party, pray at his grave at the Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem on November 11, 2014, marking the 24th anniversary of his death after he was assassinated by an Arab gunman in a Manhattan hotel in November 1990.
Jerusalem – The Heichal David hall in Jerusalem hosted Tuesday evening’s ceremony marking 24 years since Rabbi Meir Kahane was murdered.
Earlier in the day hundreds prayed at his grave site at the Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem.
Israel National News reports Itamar Ben Gvir, one of Rabbi Kahane’s disciples, said that, “When we see the situation in Israel today, we see how right Rav Kahane was. I am glad that from year to year, there are more and more people, especially the younger generation, who are following in Rav Kahane’s footsteps.”
0 thoughts on “24-year Anniversary Of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Murder Commemorated In Israel”
This stuff is rubbing me the wrong way.
I mean, is it suddenly the Jewish-Daily, or what?
If we want to read all of Ha’aretz, I think we know where to find it.
Virtually all the articles posted here are from jewish sources…
I’m highlighting certain trends or stories that I think are worth noting.
Do you disapprove of my way of doing things?
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Be more precise.
I strongly agree with you Anne! We see this stuff everywhere. It has no relevance to the main thrust of this fight. Sick of these so called jew ‘leaders’ being propagated here as if this were a jewish Site. It isn’t.
You post things on occasion that leave one to wonder as your intentions, such as that recent cartoon pic with black American thugs; somehow connotated with Netanyahu. There was zero relevance and your choice of pics was in poor taste.
That’s what I mean; it is not the Jewish-Daily..
Is it?
Then let me explain my reasoning so you can see for yourself what’s going on in my head.
First the pic… are we in agreement that netanyahu represents the jewish right? He is being attacked more and more in the public sphere, such as the article that the pic was attached to. Thus, I and others have termed this an internal gang fight. The picture I chose, was of 2 gangs, both lawless and a menace to society. Netanyahu represents one side of the gang and the left, the other side. Hence, gang warfare.
The picture isn’t meant to be taken literally, as in it is representing American gangs but it is a metaphor of the gang warfare taking place vis a vis the right and left jewish interests.
Second, this article about kahane… is it not worth mentioning that there are israelis commemorating his death, worshiped as a hero? The fact that he’s a terrorist and being lionized by the jews, is that not the main thrust of TUT? To show the insanity of zionists and jews?
The top of TUT states “Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitable today”.
People memorializing a God damned murderous bastard, is not newsworthy?! Not even a blip of an article on TUT?
I will tell you one thing, I am doing this in my free time without getting anything out of it. All I’m getting from the editors on TUT is grief and aggravation. We are all supposed to be on the same side. At least you have the good taste not to use foul language and insult me. But If in the future, you would like to know my reasoning for an article or accompanying picture, please get in touch with me and try to be civil. I don’t like being abused any more than anyone else.
If you think I’m working for the “other side” , Mr Glenn is right, we’re in big trouble. Just because we may not see exactly eye to eye on every last detail does NOT mean I’m one of “them”.
Now I’ve explained my side. I will await your reply.
I see you took that silly cartoon pic down. It was trash. Either post things that relate or not and hear from us. It’s that simple. If you keep up at the rate you are we are in trouble.
This is just a side note, but Jewish singer Bob Dylan has always been a fan of Meir Kahane. After a visit to Israel in 1971, Dylan pronounced Kahane “a really sincere guy.”
Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman, Hebrew name Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham) is a strong supporter of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, which calls for the expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine.
Dylan’s song “Neighborhood Bully” praises Jewish atrocities and occupation in Palestine.
One verse goes…
Every empire that’s enslaved him is gone
Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon
He’s made a garden of paradise in the desert sand
In bed with nobody, under no one’s command
He’s the neighborhood bully
No wonder Jann Wenner, the militant Jewish founder and publisher of “Rolling Stone” magazine, calls Dylan the “Greatest lyricist of all time.”
Wenner put Dylan’s song “Like a Rolling Stone” at the top of “Rolling Stone” magazines “500 greatest songs of all time.”
Although the Swedish group ABBA has sold more records worldwide than any other group in history, they are not Jews. Hence ABBA has only one song on the “Rolling Stone” top-500 “greatest songs” list.
Just a thought.
Excuse me? Are the people criticizing you for real?
The article is EXACTLY what this site is about! It is about exposing Jewish Supremacism and the Khanists are exactly that!
Please, to the critics – why dont you F-off then? What, you like a Jew? Whining – but you never leave? Go…the door is that way and I’ll stick my boot in you’re ass on the way out.
Brendon Lee O’Connell
@annebeck58 and bigcree1 – I admit that I too “get tired of” reading all of the Jewish propaganda in Jewish news articles, and wish sometimes to see a lot more articles from people like Paul Craig Roberts, Mark Glenn, and Jonathan Azaziah. However, from the beginning of my reading of The Ugly Truth I have understood why those Jewish news articles are reprinted here. When you get the ridiculous and atrocious statements “right from the horse’s mouth”, you can’t be accused of misrepresentation and distortion, ‘cherry-picking’, etc. The actual Jewish viewpoints in their own words and in the entire context is presented.
Yes, it’s disgusting and tiring; but perhaps it still serves a good purpose. And you certainly can’t accuse ‘organizedcrimedotgov’ of being a Jewish/Zionist agent! 😀
1. I did not say he was.
2. It adds to the minutia and pushes other posts out of view, including many emails to me (having nothing to do with this site), are not in front of me. I miss emails because there are so many articles posted here.
3. And the articles are, much of the time, superfulous. They contain jewish rumor and I find reposting it furthering it.
I have not posted lately because there are so many (unnecessary, additional, superfluous) postings coming from this site every day, I don’t wish to add to it. I think this many posts (many which can be found by going to the same site), particularly with nothing else said about them, is too much. I know I am not the only person irritated by this; the sheer number/ volume is nutts.
Again Anne, your comments regarding this issue are on point. Agreed and very strongly. This is not a Site for such minutia and other ‘stuff’. We have far too much to try and achieve without loading it down with irrelevant Articles and trashy pics which reflect poorly. One should keep this in mind when given the honor & privilege as well as responsibility.
#9 — that is a good example. How to push people away and alienate friends.
@ annebeck58 and bigcree1 – I have obviously misunderstood your complaints. I read them as being aimed at the fact that so many articles were reprints of Jewish news sources, rather than at the number of them and their relevance. I do “get tired of” reading so much Jewish nonsense directly from the source, rather than reading exposes of Jewish nonsense. Nevertheless I understand the reason for it.
I don’t get e-mail notifications of new articles, so my e-mail is not affected. I had noticed that there was quite an increase in the number of articles being posted recently, and it takes a long time to get through them all. As to the relevance – well, I have always felt that there were a lot of articles which were unnecessary. So many articles about the crimes of individual Jews are to me just a distraction. People of all races, colors, and religions do criminal things – and I’m not sure that the Jews have a higher percentage of criminals than others. However, I guess there are people who take pleasure in reading about Jewish lawbreakers – just as there are folks who hate black people and take pleasure in jumping on every instance of a black person robbing a store or raping someone. Of course the same goes for haters of Muslims. (and the mainstream news seems to currently emphasize those “Muslim” crimes).
At any rate, I was mistaken about what you were complaining about; and I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you.
We all are in very serious trouble and are sitting in the same boat. How i wish we could stop bickering over something like this. This is a shame.
Thankyou Mystic444 for your understanding. We have a situation here that needs attention and I for one don’t take my contributions here lightly. None of us should. Too much at stake.
Having been tied up now for months rehab-ing a future house for MCP and then the run-up to my trip to Iran, I have been out of the loop with regards to this current cat-fight taking place here on this website.
Anne & Val, with regards to your commentary at the beginng of this thread, I, yours truly, MG, have for the 6+ years that I have run this website, pulled the daily articles from almost only Israeli and Jewish sources, in particular Haaretz, The Times of Israel, Jpost, Forward, Jewish Journal, INN, etc, and for the exact same reasons as OrgCrime said he does it–because it is coming right out of the horse’s mouth. Why is it ok that I have done it for years but suddenly when someone else does it that it becomes a problem and becomes ‘jewish propaganda’?
Again, I would ask–politely and gently for the moment–that this fight be taken elsewhere and not be splashed across the internet for all our enemies to see and to gloat over.
In answer to your question mark. This individual has made not so flattering remarks to our Co Editor ‘LaSilencia’. I have read these several times at different posts and remained silent until now. That is one problem. Second; he posts far too many Articles at once and a good portion of these are rather superfluous. A bit too much emphasis on single jewish criminals and not enough on the main players. At times it appears as though there is a pro “israel” slant. I’m am not alone in this observation. Another issue is his selection of pics. Of which leave much to be desired as well as questionable to their relation to the Topic. For me this also is a problem. Maybe not for you and others, but his most recent attempt sent yours truly to the toilet. And he just shrugs. It;s serious business and I feel very invested here as well as the movement in general. One should be more conscientious of their selection of illustrations. I have said enough here already and don’t need to write a dissertation on my grievances. Thankyou for taking the time to ask. All you do IS appreciated and that goes without saying; however it should be acknowledged. OCDG : I have not made a SINGLE SOLITARY negative comment to lasilencia, you or any other editor. Whereas lasilencia has made the most offensive and derogatory comments to me.
If you have any evidence to back up your absolutely baseless accusations, please bring it forward.
You can insult me till the cows come home but one thing I will not tolerate is a lie.
The only reason I’m commenting here in public is because you and lasilencia seem hellbent on besmirching my reputation, incredibly undeservedly. We need a private communications channel, as Mr Glenn is right, this doesn’t belong in public view.
If you want to talk more about this, let’s do it privately. No more comments on this post will be approved. Maybe, if Mr Glenn decides, he can delete this entire post.
This stuff is rubbing me the wrong way.
I mean, is it suddenly the Jewish-Daily, or what?
If we want to read all of Ha’aretz, I think we know where to find it.
Virtually all the articles posted here are from jewish sources…
I’m highlighting certain trends or stories that I think are worth noting.
Do you disapprove of my way of doing things?
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Be more precise.
I strongly agree with you Anne! We see this stuff everywhere. It has no relevance to the main thrust of this fight. Sick of these so called jew ‘leaders’ being propagated here as if this were a jewish Site. It isn’t.
You post things on occasion that leave one to wonder as your intentions, such as that recent cartoon pic with black American thugs; somehow connotated with Netanyahu. There was zero relevance and your choice of pics was in poor taste.
That’s what I mean; it is not the Jewish-Daily..
Is it?
Then let me explain my reasoning so you can see for yourself what’s going on in my head.
First the pic… are we in agreement that netanyahu represents the jewish right? He is being attacked more and more in the public sphere, such as the article that the pic was attached to. Thus, I and others have termed this an internal gang fight. The picture I chose, was of 2 gangs, both lawless and a menace to society. Netanyahu represents one side of the gang and the left, the other side. Hence, gang warfare.
The picture isn’t meant to be taken literally, as in it is representing American gangs but it is a metaphor of the gang warfare taking place vis a vis the right and left jewish interests.
Second, this article about kahane… is it not worth mentioning that there are israelis commemorating his death, worshiped as a hero? The fact that he’s a terrorist and being lionized by the jews, is that not the main thrust of TUT? To show the insanity of zionists and jews?
The top of TUT states “Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitable today”.
People memorializing a God damned murderous bastard, is not newsworthy?! Not even a blip of an article on TUT?
I will tell you one thing, I am doing this in my free time without getting anything out of it. All I’m getting from the editors on TUT is grief and aggravation. We are all supposed to be on the same side. At least you have the good taste not to use foul language and insult me. But If in the future, you would like to know my reasoning for an article or accompanying picture, please get in touch with me and try to be civil. I don’t like being abused any more than anyone else.
If you think I’m working for the “other side” , Mr Glenn is right, we’re in big trouble. Just because we may not see exactly eye to eye on every last detail does NOT mean I’m one of “them”.
Now I’ve explained my side. I will await your reply.
I see you took that silly cartoon pic down. It was trash. Either post things that relate or not and hear from us. It’s that simple. If you keep up at the rate you are we are in trouble.
This is just a side note, but Jewish singer Bob Dylan has always been a fan of Meir Kahane. After a visit to Israel in 1971, Dylan pronounced Kahane “a really sincere guy.”
Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman, Hebrew name Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham) is a strong supporter of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, which calls for the expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine.
Dylan’s song “Neighborhood Bully” praises Jewish atrocities and occupation in Palestine.
One verse goes…
Every empire that’s enslaved him is gone
Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon
He’s made a garden of paradise in the desert sand
In bed with nobody, under no one’s command
He’s the neighborhood bully
No wonder Jann Wenner, the militant Jewish founder and publisher of “Rolling Stone” magazine, calls Dylan the “Greatest lyricist of all time.”
Wenner put Dylan’s song “Like a Rolling Stone” at the top of “Rolling Stone” magazines “500 greatest songs of all time.”
Although the Swedish group ABBA has sold more records worldwide than any other group in history, they are not Jews. Hence ABBA has only one song on the “Rolling Stone” top-500 “greatest songs” list.
Just a thought.
Excuse me? Are the people criticizing you for real?
The article is EXACTLY what this site is about! It is about exposing Jewish Supremacism and the Khanists are exactly that!
Please, to the critics – why dont you F-off then? What, you like a Jew? Whining – but you never leave? Go…the door is that way and I’ll stick my boot in you’re ass on the way out.
Brendon Lee O’Connell
@annebeck58 and bigcree1 – I admit that I too “get tired of” reading all of the Jewish propaganda in Jewish news articles, and wish sometimes to see a lot more articles from people like Paul Craig Roberts, Mark Glenn, and Jonathan Azaziah. However, from the beginning of my reading of The Ugly Truth I have understood why those Jewish news articles are reprinted here. When you get the ridiculous and atrocious statements “right from the horse’s mouth”, you can’t be accused of misrepresentation and distortion, ‘cherry-picking’, etc. The actual Jewish viewpoints in their own words and in the entire context is presented.
Yes, it’s disgusting and tiring; but perhaps it still serves a good purpose. And you certainly can’t accuse ‘organizedcrimedotgov’ of being a Jewish/Zionist agent! 😀
1. I did not say he was.
2. It adds to the minutia and pushes other posts out of view, including many emails to me (having nothing to do with this site), are not in front of me. I miss emails because there are so many articles posted here.
3. And the articles are, much of the time, superfulous. They contain jewish rumor and I find reposting it furthering it.
I have not posted lately because there are so many (unnecessary, additional, superfluous) postings coming from this site every day, I don’t wish to add to it. I think this many posts (many which can be found by going to the same site), particularly with nothing else said about them, is too much. I know I am not the only person irritated by this; the sheer number/ volume is nutts.
Again Anne, your comments regarding this issue are on point. Agreed and very strongly. This is not a Site for such minutia and other ‘stuff’. We have far too much to try and achieve without loading it down with irrelevant Articles and trashy pics which reflect poorly. One should keep this in mind when given the honor & privilege as well as responsibility.
#9 — that is a good example. How to push people away and alienate friends.
@ annebeck58 and bigcree1 – I have obviously misunderstood your complaints. I read them as being aimed at the fact that so many articles were reprints of Jewish news sources, rather than at the number of them and their relevance. I do “get tired of” reading so much Jewish nonsense directly from the source, rather than reading exposes of Jewish nonsense. Nevertheless I understand the reason for it.
I don’t get e-mail notifications of new articles, so my e-mail is not affected. I had noticed that there was quite an increase in the number of articles being posted recently, and it takes a long time to get through them all. As to the relevance – well, I have always felt that there were a lot of articles which were unnecessary. So many articles about the crimes of individual Jews are to me just a distraction. People of all races, colors, and religions do criminal things – and I’m not sure that the Jews have a higher percentage of criminals than others. However, I guess there are people who take pleasure in reading about Jewish lawbreakers – just as there are folks who hate black people and take pleasure in jumping on every instance of a black person robbing a store or raping someone. Of course the same goes for haters of Muslims. (and the mainstream news seems to currently emphasize those “Muslim” crimes).
At any rate, I was mistaken about what you were complaining about; and I apologize if it seemed that I was attacking you.
We all are in very serious trouble and are sitting in the same boat. How i wish we could stop bickering over something like this. This is a shame.
Thankyou Mystic444 for your understanding. We have a situation here that needs attention and I for one don’t take my contributions here lightly. None of us should. Too much at stake.
Having been tied up now for months rehab-ing a future house for MCP and then the run-up to my trip to Iran, I have been out of the loop with regards to this current cat-fight taking place here on this website.
Anne & Val, with regards to your commentary at the beginng of this thread, I, yours truly, MG, have for the 6+ years that I have run this website, pulled the daily articles from almost only Israeli and Jewish sources, in particular Haaretz, The Times of Israel, Jpost, Forward, Jewish Journal, INN, etc, and for the exact same reasons as OrgCrime said he does it–because it is coming right out of the horse’s mouth. Why is it ok that I have done it for years but suddenly when someone else does it that it becomes a problem and becomes ‘jewish propaganda’?
Again, I would ask–politely and gently for the moment–that this fight be taken elsewhere and not be splashed across the internet for all our enemies to see and to gloat over.
In answer to your question mark. This individual has made not so flattering remarks to our Co Editor ‘LaSilencia’. I have read these several times at different posts and remained silent until now. That is one problem. Second; he posts far too many Articles at once and a good portion of these are rather superfluous. A bit too much emphasis on single jewish criminals and not enough on the main players. At times it appears as though there is a pro “israel” slant. I’m am not alone in this observation. Another issue is his selection of pics. Of which leave much to be desired as well as questionable to their relation to the Topic. For me this also is a problem. Maybe not for you and others, but his most recent attempt sent yours truly to the toilet. And he just shrugs. It;s serious business and I feel very invested here as well as the movement in general. One should be more conscientious of their selection of illustrations. I have said enough here already and don’t need to write a dissertation on my grievances. Thankyou for taking the time to ask. All you do IS appreciated and that goes without saying; however it should be acknowledged.
OCDG : I have not made a SINGLE SOLITARY negative comment to lasilencia, you or any other editor. Whereas lasilencia has made the most offensive and derogatory comments to me.
If you have any evidence to back up your absolutely baseless accusations, please bring it forward.
You can insult me till the cows come home but one thing I will not tolerate is a lie.
The only reason I’m commenting here in public is because you and lasilencia seem hellbent on besmirching my reputation, incredibly undeservedly. We need a private communications channel, as Mr Glenn is right, this doesn’t belong in public view.
If you want to talk more about this, let’s do it privately. No more comments on this post will be approved. Maybe, if Mr Glenn decides, he can delete this entire post.