ed note–The Caspian Sea is quite a ways away from Syria and the obvious reason for Russia deciding to do this is to demonstrate to Israel, America, and the West that her ability to project force from great distances with pinpoint accuracy has drastically improved over the years, making her a much more formidable foe to those who get on her bad side.
0 thoughts on “4 Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian Sea”
Good article shows up the real aiming of the US in comparison that always seems to hit Syrian infrastructure and kill civilians but very little ISIS/L . Not more than 3 Metres out so shouting =Russia using non-precision bombs is pure Bull !
This is thrilling. Russia’s forces are not the mass structure led often clumsily by peasants ,bring directed by Jewish Commisars during WW 2, or the rickity structure of the late Co!d War.
Russia has incredible technology today. All built with pride,and the urgency of what is at stake .
Nor does NATO/USA threaten an exhausted third world nation,but a true powerhouse.
The people of Russia are united ,and know the stakes.
Their future as a sovereign people.
This mighty missiles are just an appetizer.
Wait until they unleash the full might of their forces!
Be afraid International Jews …very afraid.
ON the first/second of October US jets came up the coast to the Russian base radar was locked onto them but they were unable to find where the radar was located this frightened them and caused a US military spokesman to say the Russians have some radar defense we dont know about ,the jets turned back .
From the Caspian Sea to a target in Syria? It must be at least 1,200 miles or more with surgical precision. Those sophisticated computer and satellite guided missiles can target any NATO (North Atlantic Terror Organization). Israel should be nervous about it. Israel’s days of crime and insolence are numbered.
Good article shows up the real aiming of the US in comparison that always seems to hit Syrian infrastructure and kill civilians but very little ISIS/L . Not more than 3 Metres out so shouting =Russia using non-precision bombs is pure Bull !
This is thrilling. Russia’s forces are not the mass structure led often clumsily by peasants ,bring directed by Jewish Commisars during WW 2, or the rickity structure of the late Co!d War.
Russia has incredible technology today. All built with pride,and the urgency of what is at stake .
Nor does NATO/USA threaten an exhausted third world nation,but a true powerhouse.
The people of Russia are united ,and know the stakes.
Their future as a sovereign people.
This mighty missiles are just an appetizer.
Wait until they unleash the full might of their forces!
Be afraid International Jews …very afraid.
ON the first/second of October US jets came up the coast to the Russian base radar was locked onto them but they were unable to find where the radar was located this frightened them and caused a US military spokesman to say the Russians have some radar defense we dont know about ,the jets turned back .
From the Caspian Sea to a target in Syria? It must be at least 1,200 miles or more with surgical precision. Those sophisticated computer and satellite guided missiles can target any NATO (North Atlantic Terror Organization). Israel should be nervous about it. Israel’s days of crime and insolence are numbered.