These pictures show the bravery, courage and resolve of the Palestinian people and no matter how many are killed, they will never be defeated.
1. When this kid faced a tank with a rock
2. When their Mosque was bombed, it didn’t stop them from praying
3. When this woman risked her life to help a boy caught in the attack
4. When these kids built a sea-saw out of the rubble and refused to have their childhood taken away
The Palestinians are the most couragious and resolute people on earth. Seventy years of brutal and demonic treatment by a psychotic and murderous group of crypto humans, the Khazars. While the world looks away they continue to suffer without one word from ‘The UK Conservative friends Of Israel’ & ‘The UK Labour Friends Of Israel’ who, through bribery or blackmail bury their conscience. Such evil, such cowardice !.
To resist is to exist even if it takes a thousand years. Long live FILISTEEN and long live her NATIVE RIGHTFUL PEOPLE THE PALESTINIAN/FILISTEENIAN PEOPLE!