OTTO VON BISMARCK: “Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong: it is a geographical expression.”
MARGARET THATCHER: “Europe is not based on a common language, culture and values… Europe is the result of plans. It is in fact, a classic utopian project, a monument to the vanity of intellectuals, a programme whose inevitable destiny is failure; only the scale of the final damage done is in doubt.”
Sabba – In greek mythology, Europa is the daughter of Phoenician King Agenor. Zeus fell in love with her, took the shape of a magnificent bull & abducted her to Crete. Once in Crete, he revealed his identity, the 2 became lovers and had 3 sons together: Minos (the first king of Crete, associated with the Minautor), Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon, while the bull of the story was then transformed into the Constellation of Taurus.
Phoenicia was located in modern day coastal Syria, Lebanon and northern israel.