
The surprise Japanese attack on the US led to tremendous upheavals – on both international and personal levels.

ed note–chock full of goodies, this one.

1. It has already been proven beyond any doubt that there was no ‘surprise’ vis a vis the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941, anymore than the 5 Israeli intelligence officers arrested on the morning of 9/11 were ‘surprised’ to see airliners crashing into the Twin Towers as they filmed it all and cheered wildly. After all, the Israel-firsters who were top-heavy in the Bush Admin and who pushed for the destruction of Iraq had called for a ‘new Pearl Harbor’ in the ‘Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force’ section of the PNAC policy paper ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’.

2. Please note what our esteemed Israeli author writes thus–

‘The Pearl Harbor attack meant that “finally, a non-Jewish reason to join the war made itself available.”

–just like the events taking place on 9/11 meant that ‘finally, a non-Jewish reason to join the war against Israel’s enemies in the Islamic world made itself available’.

and finally,

3. Someday, if all goes according to Judea’s plan, this article will be written again, almost word for word, except that the topic being discussed will be how the events of 9/11 (the ‘new Pearl Harbor’ as it was/is called by those Neocons who pulled it off) finished the job that their great, great grandfathers began in 1941 with their having engineered the ‘surprise’ attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor which only created ‘Israel’, but how the ‘new Pearl Harbor’ brought the entire project full circle in the creation of those grandiose dreams thousands of years old in their planning, Greater Israel.


The world marked the 75th anniversary this week of arguably the single most pivotal international event of the 20th century: The Japanese surprise attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941. It was this that triggered the United States’ entry into World War II, leading to the defeat of the Nazi empire in Europe and, ultimately, to the end of the Holocaust – and even the establishment of the State of Israel.

Volumes have been written about the Pearl Harbor attack, what led up to it, and what it led to. Isolationism in the United States carried the day at the time, and it is likely that the Americans would not have entered the war for at least many more months, if at all, had not the Japanese attacked.

Yisrael Medad, Director of Educational Programming and Information Resources at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, says that, from a Jewish-Israeli viewpoint, it must be emphasized that “the US policy of neutrality that was being pushed by anti-Semites (who called the European war the ‘Jewish war’) was literally killing Jews in Europe.” The Pearl Harbor attack meant that “finally, a non-Jewish reason to join the war made itself available.”

In fact, the murder of tens of thousands of Jews in Poland and elsewhere was already well underway by 1940, over a year before Pearl Harbor.

Medad also states that the dramatic surprise attack also led to increased public American support for the war, and Zionist organizations consequently assumed a larger role in American Jewish internal politics.

Thus, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ultimately had a major impact, not only on world history in general but on modern Jewish history in particular.

Another viewpoint on these events was provided by Howie Mischel, a recent immigrant to Israel from the United States whose father was seriously wounded in the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium (late 1944-early 1945).

Mischel’s interest in this period has been chiefly motivated by a series of providential coincidences that befell him. These led him not only to a deep appreciation of the rank-and-file who actually fought the war to defeat the Nazis, but also to visit Belgium to learn about the battle and see the all-but-forgotten gravesite of his father’s best friend Sid Mosner, who fell in battle there at the age of 19.

Arutz Sheva asked him what, in his view, was the most significant thing about the Pearl Harbor attack. His answer (paraphrased):

“It was the beginning of the long chain of events that led to a massive upheaval around the world, changing the lives of millions upon millions of people across the world. Personally, it deeply affected the history of my own family; my father joined the military because of it, totally changing my family’s entire history. The same thing happened for many, many families, in which people responded to the need of the hour and simply stepped up to the plate and did what they needed to do. I believe a must read-for everyone is Tom Brokaw’s book The Greatest Generation, in which he paid homage to these soldiers and how they essentially saved the world.”

A7: Would you agree that to some extent, the attack on Pearl Harbor is a day of salvation for the Jewish People, in terms of ending the Holocaust?

HM: “I don’t really look at it that way. In terms of how the Americans responded to the massive murder of Jews, it is well-documented that that the US military didn’t exactly rush to help destroy the railway tracks to the concentration camps, nor were the American immigration policies designed to help very much. It wouldn’t occur to me to think that this was the beginning of the end of the Shoah.”

A7: “In the days and weeks following Pearl Harbor, Japanese in the United States were placed in detention camps. How do you view this?”

HM: “They were perceived as an ‘enemy within,’ and this seemed to be the logical thing to do at the time. The more modern viewpoint, of course, is that it was wrong to do this, but this is a form of revisionism that uses a different lens to view past events.”

The days and weeks preceding the Pearl Harbor attack have important lessons for us today, according to thinker and publicist Yishai Fleisher, the international spokesman for the Jewish community in Hevron. He notes that the Japanese eventually regretted attacking America, because it actually brought the US into the war instead of keeping it out.

“Sometimes the darkest hours are the ones that lead to the rebirth. For the Jewish People, the Holocaust was the precursor to the rebirth of Israel; for the US, the horrible fires of Pearl Harbor was the prelude to great victory – and just like Japanese imperialism and Nazism were ideologies that had to be totally defeated, so, too, must the Jihad of today be totally vanquished.”

3 thoughts on “75 Years Later–Pearl Harbor and the Jewish Question”
  1. I really don’t know how Chosenists such as Yisrael Medad, ‘Director of Educational Programming and Information Resources at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem’, can possibly maintain the fiction that Pearl Harbor was some kinda ‘surprise attack’ when it is declassified info that “Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States.”
    And yet… ‘Medad also states that the dramatic surprise attack [sic] also led to increased public American support for the war, and Zionist organizations consequently assumed a larger role in American Jewish internal politics.’
    Zionist organizations assumed control of Yanklandian foreign policy since the time of Woody ‘Woodpecker’ Wilson… ‘In a 1940 (election-year) speech, Roosevelt stated typically: “I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.” But privately, the President planned just the opposite: to bring America into the World War as Britain’s ally, exactly as Woodrow Wilson had done in World War I.’
    Of course Woody gave The Juze not only Yanklandia’s involvement in WWI but also the Federal Reserve by which means they were able to finance the war. And enslave the ‘west’ in gargantuan debt. Yanklandia was lured into both wars by The Juze via the usual false flag contrived events. ‘Via deception we shall make war’, and all that shoa business.
    Yawn. So tedious.

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