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5 thoughts on “800,000 Refugees Returning to Syria Thanks to Russia”
  1. Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog Below are two very important entries from the "Jewish Encyclopedia". Read them VERY CLOSELY. and commented:
    if only Russian forces would do this somehow in occupied areas of Palestine maybe theze people could return to their native homes as well. This would force all settlers into locations where they legally can be living creating a very overpopulated uncomfortable existence for them. ( I believe they have no legal right to anything but this is another topic) . At that point they would be in pockets that could be managed more easily or even bombed to the point that would end this entire controversy. One problem I believe would be that they would flee palestine altogether and disperse into other countries and then the entire process begins all over. This has always been the jewish question. This racist damn religion needs to be banned worldwide. This is maybe the only solution. Of course some of them will practice their racist faith in private though. Judeo christianity is a big part of this problem. They are just jews worshipping the jew tribal deity in the name of another jew they call jesus that is not the CHRIST. They just do not understand because of their jew bible meant to deceive them.

  2. He never said he was the Son of god in some writings. Mohammed said, do not make a god of me like they did Jesus. Mohammed was a lot nearer Jesus’s time to have heard about Jesus’s life first hand. my take any way.

  3. Thank you God for Putin to bring back the sanity to us all. That bombing and dividing the coutries for the oil and world dominance under the pretences of so called “DEMOCRACY “

  4. please go and see the original bible then you will understand the truth.. it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad Sal Alai will come to this world and you all should follow him and accept Allah as god And many things but Christians are not understanding it and in the bible it is mentioned that 26th verses or chapter that about god that means Allah not the Jesus there of course they can find the truth.. so please read the bible and quran then you will find that islam is the truth religion

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