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It is a very good idea to link the alleged holocaust conspiracy to 9/11. The ease with which the Master 9/11 conspirators managed to convince almost the entire world that the twin towers were destroyed by Osama bin Laden’s hijackers while televising live their explosive controlled demolition uniquely shows a major flaw in the human brain: the ease with which it accepts as absolute truths evidently false beliefs provided they are affirmed by just about all sources of information. Assuming the holocaust is a hoax, no wonder the same people who are incapable of drawing logical conclusions from observing the twin towers’ video record–not to mention Building 7’s–will believe and defend the official myth. Incidentally, this leads to the conspiracy theory that there is a purpose behind the lack of elementary education in psychology in public schools worldwide.
At the risk of appearing as a troublemaker on this web, I’ll humbly caution against blaming Jews/Israelis/Zionists for the 9/11 hoax and other grand instances of worldwide obfuscation. Ostensibly anti-Zionist governments, like the Iranian theocracy to take just one example, could effortlessly educate their populations on 9/11 through their schools, their TVs, their mosques, yet have failed to do so. A point could be made that if the Iranian government launched an inexpensive nationwide education program on 9/11, not only would a U.S./Israeli-led war on Iran be much more difficult–imagine the risk of exposing “our brave troops” to the task of subjugating people who sincerely confess under torture how obvious it is that 9/11 was a false flag–but the mistrust of U.S. rulers would inevitably spread throughout the world. Why the Iranian theocrats won’t touch 9/11 may be hard to find. But the fact that even these watchdogs won’t bark proves that not all Master obfuscators are Zionist…unless the Iranian rulers are Zionists in the author’s mind, but this would be another story.
Part 1 review:
USA Federal gov’t aided and abetted crime of 9/11:
–Chertoff: Holocaust denial! Birther!
Nanothermite was found by many scientists at WTC:
–Chertoff: Holocaust denial! Birther!
What is the extent of Canda’s involvement in Iraq?
–Conservatives: What about Israel! What about Israel! …
I would have to agree and disagree with the premise of this video: that the information is true and damning, but that the zionists, and those who supported the crime of 9/11 slash war of terror, overtly, covertly, or just by omission — goes way beyond the Jews, or any few nations. For example, we have the NATO and GCC nations being complicit, but tell me this, how many nations’ leaders dared to speak out about 9/11 being a false-flag event, within say, 10 years? I can think of only one, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, former Malaysian PM. It seems that many nations saw 9/11 as an opportunity, with only a handful of exceptions.
Perhaps the real problem is when the masses eat crap, like the snail, and feed on puke, like the ants, which ends up making the cattle sick to their stomachs with parasites, and then gas the critters with methane.
Part 2 review:
“A world where the living will envy the dead…” Wow… Am I the only one who sees the irony in the American gas-chamber execution expert being of German descent?
Fred Leuchter makes excellent testimony about the explosive nature of hydrogen cyanide gas, and the lack of proper ventilation and sealed chambers in the alleged gas-chambers. Add that to a giant 45′ fake brick chimney, fake vent ports, obvious modification and wall removal, and the presence of crematoria ovens in the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz, as per the David Cole investigation, and we have a real humdinger of a hoax. The different colored smoke for different volk, that smells like roast chicken lies, are the best though. Jew soap anybody?
The actual crematoria and de-lousing facilities in stage 2 of Auschwitz Birkenau were destroyed at the end of the war. Stage 3 was the industrial area, the work part of the camp.
6 million (1937 European Jew population)
-6 million (alleged holocaust)
+ ~6 million reparations claimants
= racketeering!
The Jew Beatdown… I reached an age when I realized the Jew Narrative is like a time warp. I could watch news clip from 1970’s, and see different events, but same rhetoric. They have to keep getting stupider and stupider people to sell this dialogue, on so called network news and slowly saturating alternative media. But network news is now just a panel of talk show hosts and the male newscasters are often former pro sports players. And they sell the Jew Farce with ease. Usually even having a bite to eat at the end of news broadcast, like its an office party, as well as doing comedy bits. Well, knowing your Jew Paymasters gives you plenty of perks, why not… Now shut up and grab your Jew pom poms!
Two good websites about WWII
Justice for Germans.com
Lots of evidence that it was a Jew operation.
Thank you MG. This was brilliant and comprehensive. Truther Alfred’s reverse engineering approach was very original and effective for understanding what the Jews are really up to and how to refute/ rebut them. Now we even know a very context of the Jews’ fear of the Truth Movement —- “Indestructible Weeds of Historic Truths” are just that : indestructible.
Leuchter’s observation on Canada not having the same Freedom of Speech as the US (even back in the 80’s) was very telling. I am wondering if the borderline ‘plundering’ approach of Canada’s insurance industry (e.g.) was inspired by the way the Jews robbed Germany in the name of holohoax ‘compensation’. [Now we should demand, at the ICC, for all that money to be given back to Palestine! How about that?!]
As Alfred had pointed out, Canadians generally are more aware than Americans, though the politeness of Canadians often comes with an evasive/ reticent approach to controversial issues like this. If people in Nova Scotia are highly aware and seeking, one would think that the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) would be even more so. But is it really? God bless those wonderful people who still keep alive the tradition of the famous ‘Canadian Rant’. 🙂
I’m going to remember the following apocalyptic quotes by Alfred (the second one actually reflecting the materialization of a Hadeeth) :
“Failure to stop the perpetrators of the holohoax and 9/11 guarantees future events that’ll make both events look like an afternoon picnic.”
“We need to regain control of our own destiny. A silent Jew will not be in an enviable position. If the psychopaths succeed [or even kill all the Truthers], we will have a world where the living will envy the dead!”
Thank-you for the two videos, although I have not watched the second part #2 yet.
In part #1, Cameron made some interesting quotes:
“We must ban preachers of hate…………”
“We must pursue organizations that initiate terrorism………….”
“We must work together to take down legal online materials……”
“We must stop the so called non-violent extremist from exciting hatred…………”
“Some would say this is not compatible with free speech.”
I like what Director Alan Sabrosky of the Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute and holder of the General Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research at the U.S. Army War College said:
“This is an open wound.”
Michael Chertoff when interviewers asked where did the two trillion dollars disappear to the day before 911 and he just coughed up dung by saying: “Our legal has not kept up with the challenges in todays generation for we need to deal with this legal challenge.” What does he have planned for this generation? Is he waiting for this open wound to be forgotten in the next generation?
This man is nothing more than an sorcerer that many have lifted up as a wise man that is still seen controlling others as in Daniel 2:2, 5. They are going to make this country a ‘dung hill.’ We also see the worship of ISIS that has passed down from even Egyptian and Assyrian days. This worship name may have changed but the average citizen today could not conceive life without a powerful worship of an image that they have now lifted up world wide.
“And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the soul of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?” Ezekiel 13:18
PILLOW= is James Strong Concordance Hebrew #3704/3680=means to conceal, cover self, flee to, hide, overwhelm, hollow, fill up. (Jeremiah 38:12)
These are the pillows that sell God’s children false prophesy and keep people in awe. It has secrecy, deception and delusion sewn into these pillows. They are armholes of power, dominion, service and wrong direction. Kerchiefs wrapped upon their heads are badges of liberty that will intimidate those into putting enchantments into their heads. They hunt those to bring them into their deception of wrong doctrines. God’s going to expose those type frauds and not allow his people to be hunted with lies.
People will believe a lie because they want to believe it is true. Some people are full of knowledge, facts and beliefs but most likely false beliefs. Yet, they themselves may be afraid of truth. People feel good when they have a sense of purpose and are easily led when purpose is more important than truth.
Wolves will pick up on this and can easily spread a sense of purpose even if it is a lie. Truth is hard to sell because it accepts the possible that it really may be false to begin with. When people don’t question or even think of questioning than the cause is the important thing. Killing others is the end of the cause when the truth doesn’t want to be thought of.
How many people in today’s world have lost their lives to the cause when no one has ever questioned if it is a lie or a truth being told them? These kind of people who don’t question or think are easily able to kill.
In the context of what’s coming from the psychopaths … here’s a sad news.
David Crowley (likely an ex-military), who was writing/ making a movie called Gray State … was found dead along with his wife and daughter, in his home. [I couldn’t help buy notice that the deaths happened on ‘Sun’day! Very occult?]
Clearly, this is intimidation and brainwashing from the psychopaths to associate “extreme acts of violence with anti-government rhetoric”. … Because Crowley was going to tell us about a lot of things (most likely from first hand experience). May God give his courageous soul eternal peace.
I met this exceptional young guy the other day. He told me about his recent conversations with an American professor who is being suppressed by the Jews. He is a Truther, and his advice/ solution is that “we ALL just stay home for a few days” — not go to work or anything. Makes perfect sense (and it’s indicated in End Times’ Hadith as well)! … The corporations will die within a few days, if we did that.
There is a part in the first video that exhibits naiveté.
Beginning at 13:46…
“Nine-eleven has led directly to sixty thousand Americans dead and wounded. God knows how many hundreds of thousands of people in other countries we have killed or wounded or made homeless. What Americans need to understand is that they did it. And if they do understand that, then Israel is going to disappear from this earth. I saw an American woman grieving over her dead soldier. If Americans ever realize that Israel did this, they’re going to scrub Israel off the earth. And they’re not going to care what the cost is.”
The speaker’s premise is that Jews do all this despite the nature of Americans.
I say the Jews do all this because of the nature of Americans. The USA is essentially Israel. Average Americans are essentially Judaic. When the Europeans invaded and enslaved the Americas, they regarded the natives (and African slaves) as sub-human, just as the Jews regard Palestinians as sub-human.
The USA’s own Declaration of Independence says of the British king that, “He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
All the natives that were slaughtered were “merciless savages,” just as all the Muslims slaughtered are “terrorists.”
Today, Christian Evangelicals worship Jewish atrocities by choice. Their stupidity is willful. They freely choose to ignore reality.
Consider the holo-hoax.™ The truth is all over the Internet, but most people
choose to ignore it, and to continue believing in the hoax. They
choose to attack anyone who questions the holo-hoax lies.
To think that most Americans simply do not know the truth is not only naïve; it is self-
righteous, for it is based on the false premise that average Americans are very good people who
just don’t have access to enough information.
The truth is that most Americans are Jews.
Ultimately, you can only brainwash people who want to be brainwashed.
As it stands now, the Internet in the US is a public forum for the free and open exchange of ideas.
Just wait for that to all end. Give it time.
It will become a tiered system, just like satellite or cable.
The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins was, i think, beautifully illustrated in the beginning of Pt. 1.
Posting this publication in The Radical Press is one of the charges held against Arthur Topham. Perhaps because it is admittedly true, just ask Samuel Roth.
Personally, I saw the trauma based mind control elements being put into place almost within hours of 9/11. It took very very short time to put together the pieces and see what was being done. I left the scientific squabbling to those who enjoy such time consuming things and watched. Immediately recognizable was the big boot stomp that was used for Hollowco$t questioning (aka “denial”) back again and enforced blindly by the media. Well!
It does not take more than two functioning brain cells to see the truth of everything to do with911, especially as so sweetly worded by James Corbett that people don’t get the math. TWO planes, THREE buildings. Michael Chertoff just makes it all so easy to put it together as well.
Very sweet videos. Thanks. Now on to Part 2.
PART Two should be MANDATORY viewing for all Canadians.
‘It is easier to enslave a literate people,than a illiterate one’Savitri Devi . She lived in the Rado/TV era,and was truly referring to its access. The Jews run the narrative of our lives,if not everything else. It is totaliterian,consciouse,and unconsciouse. People,with some sense are alienated,and that is the conditioning of ‘Cultural Marxism’,promoted by the Frankfurt School;all Jews who exploited the LEFT/RIGHT Jewish Matrix,to create this control. The media is the Jews Big Brother. They create the reality. The more mass media tuned one,is,the more power the Jew has over you.
”‘It is easier to enslave a literate people, than an illiterate one” ~ Savitri Devi
Yes, I have personally seen this principle in action. In Mexico, for example, people who live in rural areas have never heard of the holo-hoax.™. If you explain the holo-hoax™ to rural dwellers, and if you ask them if they believe it, they laugh. They consider it ridiculous.
I am not making this up. I even got this reaction when I talked to different people in the city of Tepic, which is the capitol of the state of Nayarit.
Even more to the point, when I try to describe exactly how US or Mexican government finances work, I have far better luck with rural dwellers in Mexico than I do with “educated” American adults. It’s so simple a child could understand it.
From this we see that public education has two main aspects.
[1] Teaching people how to read, how to add numbers, how to tell a horse from a hippopotamus, and so forth.
[2] Filling people’s heads full of lies so that they become obedient peasants. When the lies become part of their world view and their sense of personal identity, they blindly cling to the lies no matter what.
“I try to never let school get in the way of my education.”~ Mark Twain
I saw this in the morning. I was hoping to have a better comment by this evening.
But sometimes I suffer from a lack of words these days.
The only thing for me to say is that it is a great example of the world we live in and the comparison between 9/11 and the lies of the Holo Hoax is spot on. Good work Man!
If I may have the indulgence of reply,to brilliant Konrad. Every person I know,who,,exclusivley relys upon mass media,or ‘education’, are only repeating,and not thinking. The formers minds are; “AS SEEN ON TV,and the laters mere recitation. They are ‘appropriate’,and ‘fit in’. “With the program’. “A team player”. Neoconservative hero;the first wholly Jewish Puppet in the White House,Democrat Woodrow Wilson (the elite would drop his name as a secret handshake ,before Churchill got into vogue),spoke against ‘Classical Education;,as ‘uneeded’,by ‘common people’. Of course! Classical Education ,which relys on beauty,philosophy,epic myth,helps, a person to get,healthy instincts. It makes them think,and uplifts Jews hate that. They want a mass. A jumble,where the lowest,thoughts,and ideas reign. Today ,one must believe in the “Holocaust”,and “911”. “The war on terror”. They are shibbiloths. Last night I watched an obscure interview with the late Ronald Reagan ,taped in NH 1980. When asked who the greatest leaders where? “Moses,and Christ “. Than added “Churchill,and FDR” He was repeating the watch words of that time. And indeed,to the initiated he was pushing JUDEO-CHRISTIAN,and RIGHT/LEFT,Jewish Power. Today:911-Holocaust.
Excellent videos!Thank you Alfred S.
Superb.Powerful message. I will not forget Mr. Sefton Delmer’s little blurb for a long time. Relay the message and let us keep going. BDS everything that is rotten to the core with these zionist bankers and mass murderers.