5 thoughts on “Neocons Threaten to Start New Party if Trump Wins GOP Nomination”
  1. Here’s your true and tested Jew formula …if they cannot run something ,the Jews ruin it.
    Trump crashed the Jews ” Party ” and now their all leaving.

  2. They took over the Republican Party, which used to be the party without Jews. Beside the rise of Trump, some people believe we are beginning to see the rise of the “alt right,” anti-feminism, anti-LGBT propaganda and anti anti-white racism. Could this be the beginning of a movement that will continue to move forward even if they stop Trump?

  3. Please remember that the Jews took the political process through their rule of money.
    The Republican Party …the traditionally less Jewish of the two ,was bought out, as Gentile money power was demolished by financial decontrol ( Finance capitalism ) of the economy,ala Milton Friedman ,von Misses ,and Ann Rand.
    Until Gentiles drop the ” individualism ” ,and unite politically ,and above all financially all is lost.

  4. Dante, your concluding sentence is a strong one, and rightly so – “all is lost” unless “Gentiles” “unite”.
    For that to happen, “Gentiles” must resolve their differences.
    The Jews think that Gentiles are incapable of resolving our differences.
    We must resolves our differences because we will never be capable of uniting if we do not first resolve our differences and then earn each other’s trust.
    What must we do in order to prove the Jews wrong?

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