“We jews are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own”. Maurice Samuel.


You jews are destroyers only because you are jealous and envious of the Gentile civilization builders. You are destroyers because   you are unable to create anything, you are unable to love and cherish anything, not even planet earth, not even the world of your own that would like to have. You have always been and will always be useless to Mankind and to planet Earth.  

You are destroyers and if there were no Gentile left in this world, you  would destroy yourselves.

3 thoughts on “WATCH – Israeli planes spray chemicals on Gaza farmland”
  1. More definitive proof of terrorism and genocide, another reason for the UN to withdraw recognition of the state of Israel as an officially recognized state.

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