4 thoughts on “THE SIGNATURE OF THE BEAST: I.S.I.S sanctioned organ harvesting in document taken in U.S. raid”
  1. “Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families –”
    ” Israel Agrees to Return Stolen Organs of Dead Palestinians … forensic institute, Jehuda Hiss, had admitted harvesting organs from dead bodies ”
    “His office was found to contain thousands of preserved body parts; … /11/14/Israel-agrees-to-return-stolen-organs-of-dead-Palestinians”
    ” Israel is involved in organ trafficking and theft and is stealing the organs of Palestinian Martyrs ”
    Tell me again, do you really believe that ISIS is Islamic?
    Israeli Brigadiers in charge.
    Israeli hospitals for casualties.
    Israeli rescue of ISIS fighters
    Israeli targeting Iran commanders in Damascus.
    ISIS creating hatred if Islam
    ISIS using chemical weapons and blaming Assad (Israel told us where the bombs came from)
    Who benefits from ISIS?
    Total false flag from your friendly “moral army”, only democracy (except for Palestinians of course) in the Middle East, or as a French diplomat called it, “that shitty little country”.

  2. Ah this is so Israeli in mindset. It sounds as if they transferred talmudic teachings over to their crazed terrorists who are as Muslim as Shiva.
    Now I am no scholar of Islam, but this feeling of organ entitlement seems to be absolutely against everything that i do know!

  3. Hi Noor,
    There is much division over the practice. Many (most ) are against it but there is a school of thought that prohibits transplants except from dead persons under strict conditions.
    6) It is permitted to transplant an organ from a dead person to a living person when his life depends on receiving that organ, or when vital functions of his body are otherwise impaired, on the condition that permission is given either by the person before his death or by his heirs, or by the leader of the Muslims in cases where the dead person’s identity is unknown or he has no heirs.
    7) Care should be taken to ensure that in all of the above situations where transplantation is permitted, no buying or selling of organs is involved. It is not permitted to trade in human organs under any circumstance. However, the question of whether the beneficiary may spend money to obtain an organ he needs, or to show his appreciation, is a matter which is still under the research of the scholars.
    8) Anything other than the scenarios described above is still subject to scholarly debate, and requires further detailed research in the light of medical research and shariah rulings. And Allah knows best. (See: Qararat wa tawsiyat majma’ al-fiqh al-Islami, P. 59-60).
    As you can see those conditions are not met in the article, and therefore Haram.
    The respected teacher, Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani is one of those who are reluctant to voice their opinion. In a writing of his which I have (and I have also heard this from him verbally), he states:
    “After the compilation of the book ‘Islam’s ruling on organ transplantation’ (by his esteemed father, the grand Mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, in which he strongly emphasised the impermissibility of organ transplantation, and which was also endorsed by Shaykh Taqi, m), I read the various arguments in favour of organ transplantation, thus it has left me hesitant and uncertain in this matter. As such, I now abstain from issuing any verdict.”
    Therefore, one may follow any of the above two viewpoints, as they are both from great scholars of Islam. If one acts on the view of permissibility, then it would be advisable, as a precautionary measure, to seek forgiveness from Allah (istigfar) and donate something in charity.
    And Allah knows best

  4. Hi Peter, I have serious doubt about so called islamic scholars who uses judaic arguments to allow organ harvesting/transplant. We know that harvesting organs can only be done on bodies which are still alive.
    We also know Islam strictly forbids the torturing, mistreating, abuse of the body of the deceased, regardless of the faith of the deceased, and regardless of the apparent reason for doing so.
    So I am not sure how we can reconcile organ harvesting, organ transplant and these basic Islamic teaching.
    But as you said, Allah knows best.

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