After Israel-bashing article prompts complaint, Uniting Church affirms ‘Jesus was Jewish, born in the Roman-occupied province of Judea’
ed note–the Jews despise Jesus, but in the interests of keeping brain-dead Christians properly corralled, make sure that the ‘Jesus was a Jew’ meme is maintained, despite the fact that Jesus’ entire life and His mission was one of constant conflict with Jews and with the evil energy known as Judaism which animated all their evil acts. Unfortunately, this meme is not something limited to the more maniacal sects of Christian Zionism, but–just like the ‘Leaven of the Pharisees’ about which Jesus spent so much time and energy warning others–has worked its way throughout the entirety of the dough known as Christianity and now–2,000 years later–it is virtually impossible to extract it, given that the bread is baked and has featured as the main meal.
Jesus wasn’t a Jew, He was half Israelite. Until one learns the difference between an Israelite and a Israeli, he cannot have an informed discussion about Christ, Christianity, Judaism, or Israel.
ed note–please, if we are going to play the semantics game here, let’s play it right–Jesus was a Galilean, not an ‘Israelite’ whose very name means ‘he who wars against God’. Galilee was considered part of those lands that was Gentile in its disposition and not Judean, ehance the old Judaic saying that appears in the Bible–‘has any prophet ever come out of Galilee?’.
“Uniting” Church…. Just how bloody New World Order-ish One World Religion does that sound? Kinda like they want it all and your gullibility as well.
As usual they just HAVE to control the dialogue and every nuance within to make their falsehoods click with whoever is gullible enough to buy into it until they have enough fools to create a movement of sorts…. then suddenly… Atheism is a force to be reckoned with… or some other such negativity…. As soon as it has “legs” composed of their useful idiots they are all ready to attack the rest of us….
And they have done so well with Jesus but they just cannot make that pesky fellow disappear no matter how hard they try. Here is an example of the cognitive dissonance I saw over Christmas.
Me. That is a beautiful creche you have in the hallway. (creche, nativity scene)
Hostess. The what? oh yes your Mother gave it to us.
Later…someone asks the room: Do you believe in Jesus?
Every single adult but me said No. Including the hostess.
One thoughtful 12 year old said, “The Romans killed him”.
The dogs barked signalling the end of that topic of conversation and it moved on.
There is no room for semantics here any longer. And people like this Jew who MUST control the dialogue and all we can do is our best to prove them to be the falsifiers we know them to have been for the past few millenia.
Notice “Jesus was a Jew” is overt with Judaic self aggrandizement……….
It places enfaces on mythical ‘Jewishness’, while downplaying (actually not even mentioning) his Deity.
When one reads the New Testament, there is one theme that sticks out like warm sun in mid July…..
Jesus came when the Jews were at their weakest, as they were garrisoned by Rome.
His only mission was to rehabilitate Jews by ending Judaism (ego-driven mindset) and the Rabbinate.
Thank you for Ed note response to comment #1.
Half Israelite? What the hell is that?
Which and what half?
Province of Judea which was a division of Palestine like Galilee and Samaria
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