An outstanding quick article of great depth….read and contemplate it .
It’s underlying theme is the falsity of ideology.
The ” Cold War” ,has been reignited with Russia for instance. This is a Russia which is Christian, Conservative, and so ” supply side ” it has a top tax rate of only 13 % !
The original Cold War had little to do with ” fighting communists “.
It had everything to do with the fact that the Jews in the West had lost control of it !
Are the Wests ” Conservatives” ,embracing this ?
All but Donald Trump want war !
Does President Assad of Syria embrace of Christians in the country appluded by orgsnized religion in the West ?
Did Saddam having a Christian Deputy PM ,and foreign minister stop the wars against him?
Or his fight against AL Quedda ?
Noooo !
Learn to drop the Left/ Right Matrix ,and stop believing in the demonization of others ,by the media/Jews power centers and you will see far.
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An outstanding quick article of great depth….read and contemplate it .
It’s underlying theme is the falsity of ideology.
The ” Cold War” ,has been reignited with Russia for instance. This is a Russia which is Christian, Conservative, and so ” supply side ” it has a top tax rate of only 13 % !
The original Cold War had little to do with ” fighting communists “.
It had everything to do with the fact that the Jews in the West had lost control of it !
Are the Wests ” Conservatives” ,embracing this ?
All but Donald Trump want war !
Does President Assad of Syria embrace of Christians in the country appluded by orgsnized religion in the West ?
Did Saddam having a Christian Deputy PM ,and foreign minister stop the wars against him?
Or his fight against AL Quedda ?
Noooo !
Learn to drop the Left/ Right Matrix ,and stop believing in the demonization of others ,by the media/Jews power centers and you will see far.