ed note–the predictable reaction to such a story is ‘so what’?

Wrong. These people are not as few in number as some would like to believe. Rather, they represent the largest single voting block in America and are absolutely IN LOVE with the idea of going to war against 1.5 billion Muslims in order to protect Israel.

Raw Story

A Texas woman says her Christian faith gave her the power to redirect a tornado away from her home.

Sabrina Lowe, of Rowlett, said 10 family members were visiting her apartment Saturday when they heard the distinctive train noise of the approaching tornado, reported NPR.

“We actually went outside and started commanding the winds, because God had given us authority over the winds, the airways,” Lowe said. “And we just began to command this storm not to hit our area. We spoke to the storm and said, ‘Go to unpopulated places.’ It did exactly what we said to do, because God gave us the authority to do that.”

The EF4 tornado, with wind speeds up to 180 mph, was among nine confirmed tornadoesthat swept through the Dallas area, killing 11 people and destroying more than 1,000 buildings.

The tornado killed eight people and destroyed about 600 buildings in nearby Garland as the storm barreled north from Sunnyvale to Rowlett, where Lowe lives.

No one was killed in Rowlett, but the tornado damaged or destroyed about 450 buildings.

15 thoughts on “Texas Christian claims she diverted tornado to another neighborhood: ‘God had given us authority over the winds’”
  1. I have dealt with so many “born again” Christians and for the most part I find them very ignorant,delusional and stubborn people. What I also find odd is when you engage these people in any discourse about Israel/Arabs they will use the same tactics as the Zionists/jews … They refuse to discuss/accept facts, lame the other side,distract,lie and resort to character assassination/insults. For the most part they have become nothing more that a political group hiding behind the bible of which they know very little about.

  2. They should have a great time in a court trying to deny they diverted the winds to kill others and to damage others property. Or will they become over confident they will not be held accountable for their LIARS bold faced claims of wind control.

  3. Christian Zionism is the fast good of religion. No nutrition ,preperation ,presentation.
    It’s the junk in a box store,which is financed by the International Jews, and sold to the ” mass people ” as essential to life.
    It advertises on the Jew Tube, and has ” mega Churches” ,just as large as those stores.
    The theology is about material, prosperity ,and to get it…worship Israel/Jews.
    Jesus Christ might but on the Neo signs, and on the boxes, but its the Jew ” God”, Yahweh they are selling.

  4. I’d like to add…the ignition of these superficial ,grasping ignoramuses to the US political scene was wholly ignited by the Jews Left/Right Matrix.
    Its Foundations are the Puritans Scottish Rite Masonry.
    Their funding Wall Street, and Jewish Transnationals.
    They are the New Model Army of ” Judeo Christain ” Oliver Cromwell ,and the Bolshivicks Mobs of Russia.
    The ” Mass Man ” corralled for the Jews.
    They are sanctified greed,prejudice ,war, and Christianized Ann Rand.
    At one time they where often culturally Democrats.
    The Neoconservatives ,and changing political dynamics msde them now the base of the Republican Party.
    The ignition of these people into politics …the Kosher ” Right”, has made US politics a madhouse dream of the international Jews.

  5. With my bloody chicken foot,eye of newt and some bat wing, i’ve been sticking pins in a map in an area around Dallas! unfortunately it didn’t take these ‘true believers’ to another part of the map like say the Bermuda Triangle 🙂

  6. It is – occasionally – my experience that humans do influence the weather – I cannot prove it – I cannot explain it – Life is holy, and so it . is more than what I can explain…….
    So I ask the people in the US to change their ways in such a way that they have -generally – better weather ……
    If people do wrong intentionally can you ask (in the realms that are beyond our every day
    understanding that they ‘have success’) ?
    As far as I understand it all humans must be asked this – for their own well-being, well-doing….
    Best regards

  7. Just the look on their idiot faces in that photo makes me feel like we’ve still got at least another 3,000,000 years of evolution before the majority of the species is truly deserving of survival. Until then… all bets are off and if we blow ourselves up next Tuesday, it wouldn’t surprise (nor disappoint) me.

  8. I remember, years ago, when a group of coal miners were trapped. All of them, the town, were Christian. They prayed. News broke out that the men had survived. “Our God is great God!” screamed one of the men on a front porch in the footage I saw. Everyone was rejoicing. Then it came out that the news was false. They had also perished. Everyone, dead.

  9. What is instructive about beastiegals com is that the women look the women in the above photo, that is, of the dozens of degraded white women in beastiegals, there were just two Afro women to distract us from the realisation that this was part of the Jews’ war on whites. There were no Latinos or Asians, as these will be next in line.

  10. adding matzot (?) anything to stop the Army of God and the Harper Valley PTA from fucking with my Tornadoes… gotta say i split a gut when i read Todd Raine’s supernatural powers! Mother Nature doesn’t stand a chance against these ‘g-d’ fearing ‘Kosher Righties”

  11. It was you, Todd? I was the one who was trying to unleash it to punish Israel’s enemies in Willows and didn’t know what force opposed me.

  12. What to do? He can’t be allowed to go on opposing opposing forces, a mere mortal at that… seems like we need a crucial fix for that renegade ~ no one messes with the wrath of supernatural beings…off with his head.

  13. I cannot believe what is happening in this so-called civilized country… I am sure not even people in most of those 3rd world countries have this kind of mentality or knowledge about this world, nature & everything else around them…

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