3 thoughts on “"Expel Israel from the UN””
  1. This is a perfect time to put a 2×4 up side the head of Tel Aviv! ( but, it doesn’t go far enuff 🙂 Dismantle and Vaporize Israhell… in time…
    i gotta wonder if we are successful in this endeavor seems we’ve a Rogue with no ability to censure; What the hell does Israhell need the UN for?
    i suspect that this appeal to boot Israhell has a lot more detail, like a list of all the towns and villages that the Judaic Cult vaporized…
    Viva Palestine

  2. Not only kick it out of the UN but impose sanctions galore. Germany should stop all reparations to them and demand return of those that are tantamount to fraud. All Ashkenazis should be given 1 month to return to countries of origin at end of Dec,1939. Sephardim should be given a little longer to apply to return to their places of origin or a new country or if they want to become Palestinian citizens to Palestine for Citizenship but no Ashkenazim.

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