
6 thoughts on “What's sauce for the Trump goose is sauce for the Jewish gander”
  1. What is ” scary ” about the ” rise of Trump ” is the reaction from this supposed ” Democracy “, to a candidate who is winning fair and square ,and simply speaks his mind .
    The system is saying self funded candidates ,and their law abiding decent supporters need not apply .Theirs concearns and choices should not count ,and indeed should be demonized .
    All of this panic over Trump is simply because he is not controlled …although a New Yorker all of his life and storied carrier he was never invited to be a member of the Rothschild’s CFR .
    Reagan the last President not to be ( a post Jew War 2 institution ) but his Administration was full of them of course .
    Trump is simply for national sovereignty ,Anti War ,Anti NWO ,Anti Bad Trade Deals ,and opposes austerity …as in gutting social security ,Medicare etc .
    He has attacked Wall Street ,and stylistically is tough ,but kind ,genuine ,and passionate.
    Not a card board cut out !
    A personality to be reckoned with ,and not empty or programmed .
    He has revolutionized the election………corny sound bites, and other distractions or superficiality out !
    The false push button system created by the Jews Left / Right Matrix not effective this time .
    ” Its Hitttttla ,Fascists ,Nazis ” falling on mostly deaf ears !
    This is driving the pundits ,and consultants insane !
    Are they becoming obsolete ?
    Is the Jews formula breaking down ?
    He wants legal immigration ,and not open borders ,which the globalists want for every land .
    ” Neutrality between Palestinians and Israelis “. Trump …that is a no ,no big time to the International Jews !
    Trump said he will ” bring back Merry Christmas ” .
    Trump is not ” thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh ” .

  2. I’ve been subscribed to his channel for a few years now on
    Defending “white rights” to a bit of a fault at times before
    was the Ramzpaul forte.
    Certainly seems he is starting to understand the full spectrum
    of this fight now.
    I believe he is a “teacher, professor”.
    He lost my attention awhile ago with his “white” rants while
    not including the beneficiaries of this division.
    Maybe, just maybe, he is really starting to get it.
    I will have to see more of this to know for sure he is not a mole.

  3. I think his name is Randall and he is an activist in Kentucky …even tried to run for US Senate there.

  4. Peter, I have to thank you for that link. Dante, the guy lives in Oklahoma according to Metapedia. He is worth investigating… This is my first introduction to him but he looks interesting, only a few videos and some writing will indicate whether he is a suitable TUT guest.
    That video has to be one of the funniest on point commentaries ever. He truly gets cultural Marxism. He is certainly on to its destruction of the fine arts, which have been hijacked by high ranking (primarily Jewish) investors. However, truly, the Jewish people have NEVER contributed much to art, real art. Schlock is their thing and always has been; real art they pilfer from people with vision and a mindset to create beauty.
    He explains about degenerate art: “I went to college and took some liberal arts courses…and I learned that art, true art, isn’t about making things pretty or beautiful. That’s what they used to do a long time ago and it required, like, talent. But lucky the modern artist, you don’t have to have talent, you just have to know how to shock people.” “Performance art, you’ve probably seen it. That’s usually a lesbian in a university. She gets up and she smears herself with poo and she screams and that’s art.”

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