The likely nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican Party candidate in the upcoming US presidential election has sparked deep concern among American Jews.

Mr Trump, who has taken a substantial lead in the 12-state primary vote on ‘Super Tuesday’, came under heavy criticism this week after he failed to disavow the support of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke during a CNN interview on Sunday. The billionaire businessman has made racist remarks about Muslims and Mexicans during his campaign.

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism chief executive Rabbi Steven Wernick said that “any candidate who… cannot bring himself to condemn a racist group is a danger to our democracy”, adding that he could not “remain silent”.

Duke has praised Mr Trump for – among other things – breaking up “Jewish-dominated lobbies” and, on Sunday, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan backed the Republican candidate for supposedly turning down money from Jews.

On Monday, the Anti-Defamation League sent a list of “racist individuals and extremist groups who have inserted themselves in the presidential campaign by supporting candidates” to all party campaign groups. The first name on the list was Duke; Farrakhan appeared lower down.

ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt said: “We are providing information to all of the campaigns to ensure that they steer clear of these extremists and others who promote antisemitism, racism and white supremacy.

“It is incumbent upon all candidates for office to reject and disavow any of these groups should they endorse of express support for their campaigns.”

During the CNN interview, Mr Trump had claimed he “did not know anything” about Duke, and afterwards said he had not heard the question properly because his earpiece was not working. He later disavowed the support of Duke.

Jewish historian and leading neoconservative Robert Kagan wrote in the Washington Post that he had left his party as a result of Mr Trump’s rise to popularity.

Calling the potential nominee the Republican Party’s “Frankenstein’s monster” and a “plague”, Mr Kagan told readers that for him and “perhaps for others, the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton. The party cannot be saved, but the country still can be.”

There was also confusion over Mr Trump’s position on Israel.

In a recent interview with Fox News presenter Sean Hannity last week, Mr Trump described himself as a “great friend of Israel”, and that he would “100 per cent” come to Israel’s defence if the country was ever under attack.

However, at a town hall meeting screened on MSNBC on February 17, he told the crowd he was “a neutral guy” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Answering a question from an audience member, he said: “I don’t want to get into it for a different reason, because if I do win, there has to be a certain amount of surprise, unpredictability. Let me be sort of a neutral guy. I don’t want to say whose fault is it, I don’t think it helps.”

During the February 25 Republican debate, Mr Trump tried to defend his stand, saying he was “totally pro-Israel” and said he wanted to make sure none of the sides saw him as biased against them.

However, one Jewish Republican remarked to the Forward about the debate: “He can’t just paper over these comments by saying he’s pro-Israel. Donald Trump failed that test last night. His words were very troubling.”

The Emergency Committee for Israel, a pro-Israel organisation led by prominent neoconservative William Kristol, released a video online on Sunday entitled “Trump loves dictators”.

The 30-second video shows Mr Trump agreeing that the world would be “100 per cent” better with former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and ex-Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi in power, then praising Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Mr Kristol wrote in a statement: “If you’re pro-Israel, you shouldn’t be pro-Trump. Apologists for dictators aren’t reliable friends of the Jewish state.”

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, one of the main donors to the Republican campaign, has yet to make his preferences clear.

Although he has met most of the Republican candidates numerous times, the casino mogul, who has said his main consideration is which candidate will be best for Israel, is waiting before he plunges into the fray.

He is known to be leaning towards Marco Rubio, but he may be hesitant due to the accusations that in 2012 he damaged the Romney campaign by initially funding his GOP challenger, Newt Gingrich.

Also, Mr Adelson’s wife, Miri, is said to be more in favour of Ted Cruz. Like many other Republican mega-donors and supporters of Israel, both Adelsons will appear to have a major dilemma on their hands if Mr Trump emerges as the candidate.

12 thoughts on “American Jews voice DEEP FEARS as Donald Trump surges”
  1. Yes, I heard some Jews are thinking of leaving the USA and fleeing to Israel. They’re saying it’s starting to feel like the 1930’s again. They are particularly bothered that Trump has promised to bring the expression “Merry Christmas” back. What will be next? Ending the annual Menorah Ceremony held at the White House every year to celebrate Hanukah for the Jewish 2% that rules the country?

  2. Ha ha!!!
    The wailing, screeching, moaning, belly aching, sniveling, sobbing, whimpering, howling, weeping, bawling, ……………………………….have I missed any?

  3. Rabbi Steven Wernick said that “any candidate who… cannot bring himself to condemn a racist group is a danger to our democracy”, adding that he could not “remain silent “,

  4. Hmmm
    Talk about desperation and manipulation. Donald Trump disavowed the endorsement of David Duke almost immediately. This entire incident was a tempest in tea cup that the media seized upon and proceeded to blow up to ridiculous proportions just in time for Super Tuesday. Good Grief! Could the all out media attack on Trump be any more obvious.
    One has only to step back to quickly see one candidate that has not been systematically attacked and harassed by the media, Bernie Sanders. Despite the overwhelming support and protection from the media, they were never able to fool the public. And unlike Trump who is battling multiple candidates and his own party leaders, Sanders still can’t come close to overtaking Hillary, even though he is the only other candidate in his race. The fact that Sanders is a phony as a 2 dollar bill has I am sure, lot to do with his lukewarm reception by the voters.

  5. It’s interesting that Trump (or any white) has to disavow David Duke (someone that has always been opposed to violence, but supports separation of the races – that is why he is controversial), but Bernie Sanders (a Jew) does not have to disavow Israel and in fact two Cubans running for president appear to put Israel ahead of the country they want to lead. It’s all very hypocritical, like so many things when it comes to Jews. When you have power, you can use it to get what you want.

  6. Fuck Israel! Why all the hype over that pariah entity?! You’d think these candidates were running for the president of Israel! Enough already.

  7. What the public is hopefully learning is that jews have their own set of interests which is totally unrelated to the common good. People are digging deeper from here and figuring out that Judaism is a bum religion, based entirely upon jewish supremacism. If you took away all the supremacist notions of Judaism, the pages would all be blank.
    What I hear a lot is that it’s not “all jews,” but there is no way that they haven’t noticed that their own religion is racist insanity, all the way to the core. Only the outermost part, which is concerned only with public relations, pretends to oppose racism and bigotry. Really it is just obscuring and defending jewish bigotry.
    I have never seen anything so rotten and worthless as Judaism and “secular” jewish racism that is also based entirely on it.
    I am so ready for the world to be free of Judaism, it is a terrible cancer that afflicts everything. DO people even realize yet that Judaic usury is nothing less than outright slavery of all who live with it? We are an exploited planet, until we deny power to these demon vampire jewish supremacists.
    A Christian needs to avenge the crucifixion. The problem can only be solved by achieving justice for Jesus.

  8. Well, well, well…the ruling fascist Zio-Cons are starting to feel some heat…pretty clear who the REAL terrorists are…the most racist, malicious, and genocidal scourge to ever afflict the Earth. May they be utterly defeated and humiliated.

  9. It is nearly impossible to read or listen to the pronouncements of the leadership of these people without encountering the psychological phenomenon of “Jewish projection.” For example, in the above article the CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greensplat speaks of the ADL (Arab Defamation League) warning all American political campaigns to “steer clear of these extremists [referring to Dr. David Duke] and others who promote antisemitism, racism and white supremacy.” And here’s the “projection” – the majority of world Jewry are descendants of non-Semitic WHITE EUROPEANS. They are very white and delusionally believe themselves to be some kind of “master race” with the right to enslave all of Humanity, thus making them the most extreme white supremacists and slavers that one can possibly encounter, yet at the same time they hate “white people.” The majority of world Jewry are also non-Semitic, yet they hate with all the blackness of their hollow hearts the schwarzes (Yiddish for niggaz), as well as the Semitic people of the Middle East, and seek their complete genocide. As far as extremism goes, the Talmud and the Old Testament, or as John Lennon used to call it, the Old Testicle, are the most primitive, violent, racist, and extreme pieces of literature masquerading as “scripture” that the human mind has ever produced. Thus, turning the mirror back towards them, my advice to all political campaigns is to steer clear of Jews, who are all a bunch of snotty arrogant Racist, White Supremacist, Anti-Semitic Extremists.
    Then chiming in with his own two cents on the current political situation, we have one of the 9/11 conspirators, Robert Kagen, a putrid little man who should be captured and brought to justice (i.e. firing squad) for his participation in the planning of the 9/11 attacks on America. His plan to save the country is to vote into the presidency the psychopath Hillary Clinton, a woman with a felonious rap sheet several miles long, which includes multiple murders, financial crimes, and espionage on behalf of foreign nations. She should not be sent to the White House, but rather to the Big House (as in Leavenworth Federal Prison), along with her treasonous serial rapist husband.
    Then we have the Jew billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who made his ill-gotten fortune on the sicknesses of gambling and prostitution, and who looks like an old rodent, openly declaring that he funds American candidates only if they are “good for Israel.” On the other hand, the American people need to wake up and only support candidates who promise to dismantle all aspects Jewish power in America (especially their ownership and control over all media) and militarily dismantle the entire illegitimate state of Israhell for the good of the future of this planet. Just for 9/11 alone, the next president should land 20,000 U.S. Marines on the shores of Israhell and just waste the place, leaving nothing alive that breatheth.
    Peter commented above that Jews are thinking of leaving the USA and fleeing to Israel because it’s starting to feel like the 1930s again. Oh Yeah! So leave already! However, in the 1930s all they had to worry about was the Nazis, while now they have to worry about all of Humanity fully waking up and crushing them on a global basis – nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
    As a final comment, I wanted to send out some big praise for Mark’s incredible and impressively written article on Mr. Trump in the Netanyahu crosshairs. Your writing, commentary, and analysis, Mr. Glenn was just so spot-on and also tastefully spiced with very funny satirical bits as well. The Juhadis. LMAO. That is exactly what they are – fighting Satan’s jihad against Humanity. That term should enter the common vocabulary on this subject. Your writing skills are absolutely fantastic and thought-provoking. Thanks again for the GREAT write-up, Mark.

    ed note–wow. Well, what more can I say except ‘thank you.’ Glad to know that there are at least a few who ‘get it’ amidst an ocean of those who don’t.
    But please, basta with this ‘Mr. Glenn’ Biz, as I am on a 1st name basis with all true warriors in this battle.

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