Jesus Christianity Jews

Sabba – Yes they are the ones who sent him to the Cross (PBUH). The New Testament is very clear about it, the Quran is very clear about it and their own talmudic scriptures are very clear about it too.

And not only did they send him to the Cross, but they even boast and make fun about it to this very day ( LINKLINKLINKLINK).

And not only do they boast about it but they have never stopped waging war against him, his Blessed Mother (PBUT), his legacy, his name – to this day. Everything we witness in our world can be summed up as a war between the synagogue and Jesus (i.e. his followers, those who believed in his ‘messiahship’), a war the synagogue has declared 2000 years ago and which the jews are still waging – to this day.

They sent him to the Cross and did it the same they operate nowadays, the same way they have always operated: by way of deception, using others to do their dirty and bloody work for them. They got the Romans to nail their enemy to the Cross the same they are getting the West (the descendants of those same Romans) to do their wars for them in the Middle East and throughout the globe. 

Keeping in mind that their ONLY goal for the past 2000 years has been and is to erase from this earth anything and anyone even remotely linked to Christ, what they are doing is getting the only 2 groups of people on God’s earth who believe in the messiahship of Jesus to kill each other off.




2 thoughts on “‘You killed Jesus’ – Fans cheering for Catholic basketball team shout to opposing players”
  1. It’s been on the news two days running here. Have you heard of “making a mountain out of a molehill?” The first report I heard claimed Newton started by chanting “Where are the girls?” Force contriteness by everyone connected to Catholic Memorial High School. Newton is a wealthy city filled with jews immediately west of Boston. Newton North HS is new, massive, and expensive.

  2. Jesus is the living God, so please leave islamic teaching out of your report. “PBUH” refers chiefly to the dead murderer, rapist & warlord mohammed.
    A: So sad to see people like you lurking around and sadder to know you are rather thick on the ground, especially in ignorant, death-sowing America, people who say “Jesus is the living God” and then proceed to urinate on his teachings, who have no notion that they are actually doing as much harm to the Christiaan world as its worst enemies — and by enemies I mean those who decimated the Christian community in Palestine and plan to destroy it worldwide.

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