JOURNAL NEO – A flood of uncontrolled war refugees from Syria, Libya, Tunisia and other Islamic countries destabilized by Washington’s ‘Arab Spring’ Color Revolutions, has created the greatest social dislocation across the EU from Germany to Sweden to Croatia since the end of World War II.
Whether I’m in South America or Berlin, Germany, and I expect most of the rest of the world, excluding Russia, Asia and perhaps a few small countries, the world seems to have a great love of things American. Although I like the older songs they play where I live a lot, I wonder if they are aware of the great music Latin America and some Spaniards produce. As for Germany, in Berlin I almost have the feeling like I’m in an American city. To Merkel and many others I guess it’s just natural to make Germany into something similar to an American city with many races. The very idea of preserving the German people is considered racist. What Merkel and others don’t know is they are carrying out a plan fathered by Jewish racists like Theodore Kaufman, Henry Kaufman and Ilya Eherenburg whose stated desire was the eradication of Germans from earth, while that effort was being made by allied armies.
Great disinfo as usual by Engdahl! It’s either NATO think tanks or oil. But never ever Israel. Never ever international Jewish finance. Never ever Judaism!
Greetings to sabba