SOTT – In an interview with Alternet.org, the independent investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was asked about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi Libya consulate’s operation to collect sarin from Libyan stockpiles and send it through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as it had invaded Libya.


4 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton approved sending Libya’s sarin gas to Syrian rebels”
  1. Too all of you ” Conservative ” Mrs Clinton haters ,and ” Liberal ” supporters her is your lady !

    Mrs Clinton is on the same side as the Globalist Neoconservatives in every way !

    So whatever side of the Dialectic you call see is yours !

  2. Judy Andreas shared a link. 14 mins ·

    Anonymous Message: Political Update and Who is the real Anonymous?


    Trump is the real deal

  3. This gas was already in Syria. Has been since 91′, when the Saddam convoys moved it out, right before the U.S. led invasion. There’s plenty more where this came from too!g

  4. This gas has been there since 91′ and there’s PLENTY more where this came from. Assad DID NOT use it on his ppl!

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