
Organization reminds Republican frontrunner that term is closely associated with WWII-era anti-Semitism, pro-Nazi proclivities

ed note–The ADL and all associated Judaic spy organizations are correct in that Trump did not just ‘come up’ with this phrase from out of the blue, and no, it was not because he ‘liked Hitler’ or is ‘planning another Holocaust’ as the world is warned on a daily basis.

The America First party recognized clearly the role that organized Jewish interests played in the establishment of Bolshevism and the unimaginable and unprecedented horrors that this Judaically-created/inspired monster unleashed upon the peoples of Russia. Furthermore, the AF party also understood that Judaism was a world-wide threat to all human civilization, and that America’s entry into WWII was a planned step towards creating a Judaic Imperium that threatened not just the United States, but indeed all peoples.

As we have discussed here, both on the website and in various programs, Trump (as well as those as-of-this-moment unseen forces who are supporting him) understand that we are now ‘down to the wire’ as the saying goes, and that if drastic measures are not taken soon, a threshold will be crossed towards an oblivion from which there is no turning back, if indeed this is not the case already. Trump utilizing the phrase ‘America First’ (audiogenic in much the same way as his ‘Let’s Make America Great Again’) is in effect a shot across the bow on his part, signalling to those organized Jewish interests out to bring about WW3 (that, just like its 2 predecessors, will have but one beneficiary, which are those same aforementioned Organized Jewish Interests) that a change of plans has taken place and that an American-led Armageddon has been put on indefinite hold.

This one statement alone–‘America First’–should suffice in underscoring that Trump is not ‘their man’, despite the empty-headed ‘analysis’ put forth by certain self-described ‘experts’ in this movement who don’t have enough intellectual horsepower to find their own asses, and not even when using both hands, a map and a GPS unit. Please ignore these people and their mindless mutterings and start making noise aimed at helping this counter-revolution take place.

Times of Israel

The Anti-Defamation League called on Donald Trump to abjure the term “America First,” noting its unsavory World War II-era association with anti-Semitism.

“The undercurrents of anti-Semitism and bigotry that characterized the America First movement – including the assumption that Jews who opposed the movement had their own agenda and were not acting in America’s best interest – is fortunately not a major concern today,” the ADL said in an April 28 statement.

Trump, the real estate magnate and leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, unveiled his foreign policy in a speech on April 27 in Washington and said “America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.”

He referred to a policy that would not attempt to export democracy, that would avoid foreign wars, and that would require allies to pay for America’s defense or go it alone.

The ADL statement noted the anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi proclivities of the America First movement’s leader, aviator Charles Lindbergh.

“For many Americans, the term ‘America First’ will always be associated with and tainted by this history,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in the statement. “In a political season that already has prompted a national conversation about civility and tolerance, choosing a call to action historically associated with incivility and intolerance seems ill-advised.”

The ADL has called Trump out for his campaign rhetoric, including his broadsides against Muslims.

8 thoughts on “ADL to Trump: Come up with something other than ‘America First’”
  1. The jewish author claims “for many Americans, the term ‘America First” will always be tainted; he needs be corrected, for MOST Americans, they are pleased by this, and it is only a few vociferous jews who are offended by the term – and these jews aren’t going to vote for the Donald, anyway. I hope Mr. Trump does not capitulate to these jews irrational demand

  2. Pfft! Listen to Dante Ardenz and learn more about “make America great again”…. There is a dark history behind that phrase as well.

    There is only room for ONE “FIRST NATION” on the planet and it comes at the expense of billions of people sacrifice3d for the greater Israel and whatever, how many more, Jewish and gentile alike, to make it so.

    The JWO/NWO cannot allow any competition. It is amazing they have not trademarked it as they have their other falsehoods.

  3. Thank-you Noor for your support of my Podcast here on the Ugly Truth….I intend to do one giving deep history of the America First Movement very soon …it was a spectacular movement .

    Charles Lindbergh ,Lillian Gish ,( legendary actress ) Colonel McCormick ,General Wedenmeyer ,Kennedy Brothers ,Gerald Ford, Senator Burton Wheeler D Montana , Senator Karl Mundt R North Dakota ,Adam Clayton Powell Sr, ( Black minister ) Head of Sears Roebuck , Eddie Rickenbacker WW1Air Ace, Laurence Dennis ,Black foreign service officer ,who met ,and admired Adolf Hitler ,and attended NSDAP Nuremberg rallys !!!
    Frank Lloyd Wright,famous architect.

    You see this movement united the Left/Right /Labor /Management / rich / poor/ black / white

    This broke the Left /Right Dialectic the Jews use to divide ,and conquer.

    The term ” America First ” is deeply offensive to the Jews ,as Jews are only ” patriotic ” in so far a nation / people / culture serves their interests .

    Only Israel must be first ,” A light upon the nation’s “.
    ” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.
    ” I shall bless thee who bless you ,and curse thee ,who curse you “.

    This attack on Trump for reviving ” America First ” isxnuch deeper than the Anti WW2 movement of Charles Lindbergh ,but has deep theological / esoteric / ideological offense to Judaism itself .

    This is why they are called The International Jews .

    ” At home everywhere but no where “. Adolf Hitler .

  4. The Jews aren’t half as smart as they think they are and too clever by half. Let’s hope this backfires and puts the spotlight on them and their treachery and gives Americans a perfect way around calling them out by name. I just learned about this site, mentioned in the recent Veterans Today interview, and like what I see.

  5. Hmmm

    This notion that “America First” was/is somehow connected to the Nazis and antisemitism if a flat out lie. Americans overwhelmingly (over 85% in most polls) supported an isolationist policy in the decade prior to the onset of Roosevelt tricking Americans into accepting war first with Japan and then Germany. The whole concept about “America and Americans first had nothing to do with supporting Nazi Germany. And the idea that the average American (or most people anywhere on the planet for that matter) had any idea that in a few years the “Nazis” might be doing something to the Jews simply did not exist. Most people in America at the time where, if anything, totally indifferent to what was going in Europe. After all, they had been tricked into the first world war and got absolutely nothing good out of it and were therefore reluctant to suffer the same fate again. The ADL and the Jewish lobby are trying to rewrite history and in the process control America and Americans today.
    The ADL generally represents the interests of less than 3% of the population. As such the effectiveness of their opinions and ideas in changing the course of the nation should reflect that representation; that is to say NOT MUCH!

  6. “the assumption that Jews who opposed the movement had their own agenda and were not acting in America’s best interest – is fortunately not a major concern today”

    …actually, I think that is their major concern. And it’s a safe assumption.

  7. The U.S. gives invader Israel several million dollars a day to support a Rothschild business enterprise and this guy bitches. Like a 350 pound 35 year old kid who refuses to leave home.

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