Sabba – CIA project… Not really. But the OSS with William Donovan and then the CIA was a powerful instrument in its implementation. It is a British… sorry, a Yiddish Empire project built on the German model of regions with anglo-saxon, judeo-protestant principles. It was always meant to be only a stepping stone towards the jewish dream of a one world government, capital Jerusalem.
It is a stepping stone just like the French Revolution was another massive brick in the JWO wall. Interestingly enough, a German jew, Anachasis Cloots, who was in Paris in 1789 wrote a book to celebrate and to document the event: The Universal Republic.
Cloots called for a unification of Europe, a total melting pot of all European nations and, long before Marx, Moses Hess and the other jews, was advocating the total eradication of religion as it was the main obstacle towards this Universal Republic. He was of course speaking of Catholicism, not judaism, Of course!
He was sent to the guillotine in 1794.
my comment to the anonymous author
Your perspective on Russia and Vladimir Putin makes most of this some kind of weird political salad, save some ancient facts that aren’t so ancient ~ The Marshall Plan funded the French in Indo-China colonization that begets the invasion of Vietnam by the US (thanks to the US State Dept) ~ You might want to look at the current influx of refugees and migrants is payback for their EU Orientalist, come, slavers, world Dominion . Now the US is waging Full Spectrum Dominance and the EU better look out ~ again the anonymous authors perspective on Russia and V. Putin ~pfffft talking out your ___