ed note–the question that is never (honestly) asked or (honestly) answered however is WHY things such as this take place. When pressed, left-wing ‘pro-Palestinian’ individuals/groups will say it is because ‘conservative’ elements have taken over Israel, but that if more ‘progressive’ and ‘left-leaning’ interests can take the reins, things will be better.
Hogwash. Israel began as a ‘left-wing’ entity, and some of the bloodiest, violent and racist programs against the Palestinians were implemented/overseen by left-wing leaders, including Ben Gurion.
The reason that things such as this exist because whether it is ‘right-wing’ Judaism, where the attacker beats his victim to death with a crowbar or whether it is ‘left-wing’ Judaism that gives the victim pain killers ahead of time so as to ease the victim’s suffering, the bottom line is that it is JUDAISM, which is the source of the violence, a fact that is plainly spelled out in black and white lettering in ‘holy’ books such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, Joshua, Kings, etc, but a fact nevertheless that very few people are willing to discuss.
books of hate, genocide, theft, deceit.
this is the jew
No one with an iota of brains ever thought it would result in criminal charges against the soldier/criminals! As stated so often, these boys and girls who kill are just being good Jews so the Talmudic courts will never prosecute properly. Never. never have, never will.
The notion that documenting the illegal actions of the IDF if futile and thus should be halted is idiotic. I have to believe this was written by someone supporting NutenYahoo’s mliitary regime. It is only by the continued documentation and the underlying threat of discovery and accountability that it carries will the war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and Apartheid so often observed by the international community can be stopped.
To the Editor.. I have taken several chances at leaving comments on this blog over the last year or so since i found it, and i find ALL my replies have been NOT allowed to show up. Could it be because the Editor is being iniquitously malevolent and insanely disingenuous to claim things such as this over and over;
_”…the bottom line is that it is JUDAISM, which is the source of the violence, a fact that is plainly spelled out in black and white lettering in ‘holy’ books such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers, Joshua, Kings, etc, but a fact nevertheless that very few people are willing to discuss.”_…
…when everytime that i’ve left a comment correcting the editor on this proving by the wanna-be Israelites themselves that the editors claims is untenable? That they are not being “TRUTHFUL” on the alleged “Ugly Truth”? Must be really convenient isn’t it Mr. Editor to claim you give the ‘ugly truth’ but yet you can’t even allow comments on your blog posts that show you are not being fully honest about what “JUDAISM” is according to wanna-be Israelites themselves? Is this not high level vainglorious blind hypocrisy?
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that Judaism is based on the teachings of the Pharisees and not upon the Law of Moses: “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature.” – Vol. VIII, p. 474 (1942).
*”We have already seen substantial evidence that any notion of Pharisaism (or later rabbinic Judaism) as the true and direct descendants of the Old Testament is contradicted by the most fundamental assumptions of one Mishnah-tractate after another. These stand wholly separate from the Priestly Code… and generally contradict it!”* — Jacob Neusner _A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities_ (Brill Academic, 1974), p. 7. – ISBN-10: 9004038973
Some call it Marxism (Communism), I call it Judaism” – Rabbi Stephen Wise. “Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism.” (Harper’s Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, “Zionists”).
I presume my comment will be censored yet again because of course, the “Editor” who claims to give “The Ugly Truth”.. can only seem to handle the ugly truth when it’s not that ugly.. anything on the level of MEDUSA.. well.. nefarious private agenda’s are clear to make readers believe Judaism is Old Covenant faith.. when clearly it’s the enemy of Jesus. I pray to Jesus that the editor finds it in themselves to actually BE HONEST according to Jesus (God) of what Judaism actually is and to STOP claiming Judaism is “Biblical” when it’s clear the wanna-be Israelites (Jews) are taking from the Books of the Holy Bible as if they are “TRUE ISRAEL” and taking Scriptures totally out of context that was only for the Old Covenant time, in order to justify their satanic global agenda, which the Editor doesn’t seem to really know the Holy Bible all that well but in the parts that gives the editor what they require in order to twist the information just enough, to serve their own maleficent blinded agenda while claiming they are giving ‘the ugly truth’ in insane pseudo hypocrisy. PLEASE oh editor, if you really are about “TRUTH”, you will refrain from claiming Judaism is “Scriptural”.
ed note–I don’t remember you, your name, or any of your comments, but I can tell you straight away exactly why your previous comments were scrubbed, and based solely on the nonsense you have written here.
Your position–that today’s jews are ‘fake’ and that modern judaism is not ‘scriptural’ is the usual horseshit that is offered by people who are driven to make such statements not on any basis of fact or reason, but rather on emotion and personal opinion, mostly driven by an individual’s religious beliefs. Whether it is Christian Identity–who believe they are the ‘true’ Israelites of the Old Testament–or any other number of mainstream Christian denomination that believes (based upon someone else’s interpretation) that the Bible is ‘infallible’ and the ‘inerrant word of God’, you make such statements not because they conform to any semblance of reason or fact, but rather because your religion tells you its so, and you derive comfort from that.
Judaism is 100% scripturally-based, and the evidence of this–including the mass murder that was/is/and always will be the inevitable outcome of people animated by such scriptural teachings–is all the proof that a rational person needs in order to piece the 2 together. How many times must we quote the various portions of the Old Testament, whether it is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Samuel, Judges, etc, etc, etc, passages which the Jews themselves use in justifying what they do to the Palestinians and others, before people such as you will simply see it for what it is rather than letting your religious emotionalism to do your thinking for you?
Debating with individuals such as yourself on this issue is like debating pro-aborts on the issue of murdering unborn children which they embrace in a quasi-religious manner in their own right as something of a ‘sacrament’.No matter what facts, figures and reasoning the pro-life side utilizes in showing that indeed this unborn child is a living human being, pointing out the physiological functions, brainwaves, heartbeat, etc, the pro-abort will refuse to acknowledge any of this in coming to the inescapable conclusion that indeed it is a human being just as much as they are, because to see these glaring facts would jeopardize that which they have come to embrace as some form of personal salvation for themselves.
So the long and short of it is this–comments that confuse the situation, such as yours positing that Judaism today is not ‘scripturally-based’ get tossed into the can, because, as we say often here on this website, we are not into ‘freedom of speech’ but rather the truth.
always important to document crimes make formal, legal complaints