JTA – Spanish Jews condemned a left-wing party’s use of anti-Semitic imagery meant to protest President Barack Obama’s upcoming visit to the country. The Madrid branch of Izquerda Unida, or United Left, on Thursday tweeted the cartoon image, which depicts a thick-lipped Obama standing behind a wall amid explosions while hugging a Jew with side curls, a kippah emblazoned with the Star of David and a suit in the light-blue color on the Israeli flag. The Obama character is shown slipping a wad of cash in or out of the Jew’s pocket. It used the hashtag #ObamaGoHome.
Some of you may not be aware of this;
There is a new debasing name (a Jewish/zionist construct?) for those on the left that call-out Israeli atrocities and Islamic bigotry. The word is “Regressive Left”.
You know, real Liberals. Not the goofy ones. The ones that actually ‘put their money where their mouth is’….
Rachael Corey (rest her sole) is a perfect example.
If she were alive today, she would be called a “regressive leftist”…..
Tony, Greetings; Regressive or progressive, The left struggling for Palestinian rights, a noble and necessary struggle, is still not ‘left’ enough. If the left were radical (radis=root) they would not make the destinction of good vs bad jew. Both the left and right even white-nationalists in the US think that (judeo-freemason) democracy is just fine. They don’t see that it is a jewish take-over tool via privet currency lending to the State. Where is AH, A. Jackson or JFK if one needs them.
Perhaps the picture could be deemed offensive, but what it has to say is not wrong,it’s common knowledge that America is not a democracy but a oligarchy with bought and played for politicians, also many are aware of organisations like AIPAC and other high finance Jewish capitalist who. hold great sway on both Republican and Democratic parties,plus there is the Jewish intellegensia who created the neoconservative ideology, who promote war and discord ,dismantling whole societies,constantly pushing this neo Roman empire agenda to benefit a alien power ,namely Israel, if you call them out you will hammered with the meme of being a antisemite,even though its the wars and bloodshed you want to stop caused by Zionism in all its guises..
The pro-Israel Spanish government and Jewish groups in the US have slammed United-Left party for making ‘political wrong statement’.
The United-Left party has only two members in Spanish parliament. It supports BDS and campaigned for the recognition of an independent Palestinian state in 2014.
In July 2009, American Jewish Committee (AJC) condemned the Spanish newspaper El Pais for publishing an ‘anti-Jew’ cartoon, “accusing Jews of bribing western politicians for allowing Israel to violate all human and international laws.” The cartoon was drawn by cartoonist Romeu, who committed a similar ‘anti-Semitic crime’ in 2008.
Incidentally, in 2009, AJC called Iran’s president Dr. Ahmadinejad; World’s Racist-in-Chief.
By 1492, Catholic Crusaders had killed or expelled five million Arab and North African Muslims and 130,000 Spanish Jews. The rest of the Jews (Marranos meaning ‘swine or pig’ in Spanish language) converted to Christianity to save their necks as part of Spain-Portuguese inquisitions. Both Muslims and Jews were forbidden to live in Spain for the next 500 years.
In 1992, King Juan Carlos of Spain apologized to the world’s 13 million Jews for the cruel treatment of his ancestors. He didn’t bother to apologize to 1.7 billion Muslims around the world.
Last year, pro-Israel Spanish government passed a law allowing the descendant of Marranos to return to their motherland. The ban on descendants of Arab and North African Muslims who were expelled in the aftermath of the end of Muslim rule in 1492 – still remains today.
In response to all these friendly overtures, powerful Jewish lobby ADL have called Spanish people the most Jew-hating people in Europe.